The DbfHandler manages OMGraphics based on DBF file settings. It uses Rules to evaluate DBF record information for each OMGraphic that is given to it, and can set rendering settings, labels, visibility and information text based on those rules. If rules aren't defined, then the dbf file won't be read for each entry and any evaluation attempt will just return the OMGraphic as it was provided.
Properties as an example used within the ShapeLayer:
neroads.class=com.bbn.openmap.layer.shape.ShapeLayer neroads.prettyName=Roads neroads.shapeFile=roads.shp neroads.mouseModes=Gestures # Rule marker names specified in space-separated list neroads.rules=rule0 rule1 # global scale settings can be used so work is only performed within scale range of minScale/maxScale neroads.maxScale=1000000f # rule0 definition: # CLASS_RTE is a DBF column name neroads.rule0.key=CLASS_RTE # operation, if key value is less than 2 neroads.rule0.op=lt neroads.rule0.val=2 # If rule is met, then actions can be performed: # Column names can be added together in a label by specifying them in a space-separated list neroads.rule0.label=PREFIX PRETYPE NAME TYPE SUFFIX # Labels can have scale limits imposed, so they don't appear if map scale is # greater than maxScale or less than minScale neroads.rule0.label.maxScale=1000000 # Visibility can be controlled with respect to scale as well neroads.rule0.render=true neroads.rule0.render.maxScale=1000000 # Rendering attributes can be specified. neroads.rule0.lineColor=FFFA73 neroads.rule0.lineWidth=4 neroads.rule0.mattingColor=55AAAAAA # rule1 definition: neroads.rule1.key=CLASS_RTE neroads.rule1.op=all neroads.rule1.label=PREFIX PRETYPE NAME TYPE SUFFIX neroads.rule1.label.maxScale=200000 neroads.rule1.render=true neroads.rule1.render.maxScale=500000 neroads.rule1.lineColor=FFFFFF neroads.rule1.lineWidth=3 neroads.rule1.mattingColor=55AAAAAA
@author dietrick