* datafiles "dcwpo-browse.shp" and "dcwpo-browse.ssx" are
* in a path specified in the CLASSPATH variable. These
* files are distributed with OpenMap and reside in the
* toplevel "share" subdirectory.
ShapeLayer shapeLayer = new ShapeLayer();
// Since this Properties object is being used just for
// this layer, the properties do not have to be scoped
// with marker name, like the layer properties in the
// ../hello/HelloWorld.properties file.
Properties shapeLayerProps = new Properties();
shapeLayerProps.put("prettyName", "Political Solid");
shapeLayerProps.put("lineColor", "000000");
shapeLayerProps.put("fillColor", "BDDE83");
shapeLayerProps.put("shapeFile", "data/shape/dcwpo-browse.shp");
shapeLayerProps.put("spatialIndex", "data/shape/dcwpo-browse.ssx");
// Last on top.
mapHandler.add(new GraticuleLayer());