* @return UGraphic[] graphic list or null if error
protected UGraphic[] getSpecGraphics(Projection p) {
CProjection cproj;
LLPoint ll1, ll2;
StringHolder dynamicArgsHolder;
Server spec = getSpecialist();
if (Debug.debugging("cspec")) {
+ "|BufferedCSpecLayer.getSpecGraphics()");
// If we have graphics, return them
if (graphics != null) {
System.out.println("Returning cached graphics");
return graphics;
cproj = new CProjection((short) (p.getProjectionType()), new LLPoint(p.getCenter()
.getLatitude(), p.getCenter().getLongitude()), (short) p.getHeight(), (short) p.getWidth(), (int) p.getScale());
// lat-lon "box", (depends on the projection)
LatLonPoint ul = p.getUpperLeft();
LatLonPoint lr = p.getLowerRight();
// ll1 = new LLPoint(ul.getLatitude(), ul.getLongitude());
// ll2 = new LLPoint(lr.getLatitude(), lr.getLongitude());
// Adjust lat/lon for total global area
ll1 = new LLPoint(90.0f, -180.0f);
ll2 = new LLPoint(-90.0f, 180.0f);
// check for cancellation
if (isCancelled()) {
dirtybits |= PREMATURE_FINISH;
if (Debug.debugging("cspec"))