* if the supplied {@link Converter} throws trying to convert
* the retrieved value.
public T execute() throws UnresolvedConflictException, RiakRetryFailedException, ConversionException {
// fetch, resolve
final FetchMeta fetchMeta = builder.build();
Callable<RiakResponse> command = new Callable<RiakResponse>() {
public RiakResponse call() throws Exception {
return client.fetch(bucket, key, fetchMeta);
rawResponse = retrier.attempt(command);
final Collection<T> siblings = new ArrayList<T>(rawResponse.numberOfValues());
// When talking about tombstones, our two protocols have
// different behaviors.
// When using Protocol Buffers Riak will not return a deleted vclock
// object unless explicitly told to do so in the request. If only
// HTTP has no such request header/parameter and will always return
// the vclock of a deleted item or sibling.
// Unfortunately due to how the orig. HTTP client is designed it would
// take significant effot to rewrite it not to return the vclock from a 404
// back up to here based on the request meta,
// so we simply explicitly check it here now that we have an object(s)
for (IRiakObject o : rawResponse) {
if (o.isDeleted() && (fetchMeta.getReturnDeletedVClock() == null ||
!fetchMeta.getReturnDeletedVClock()) ) {