.fetch("customer", "name", new FetchConfig().query(10))
.fetch("customer.contacts", "firstName, lastName, mobile")
.fetch("customer.shippingAddress", "line1, city").order().asc("id").findList();
Order o0 = l0.get(0);
Customer c0 = o0.getCustomer();
List<Contact> contacts = c0.getContacts();
Assert.assertTrue(contacts.size() > 0);
// query 1) find order (status, shipDate)
// query 2) find orderDetail (quantity, price) join product (sku, name)
// where order.id in (?,? ...)
// query 3) find customer (name) join contacts (*) join shippingAddress (*)
// where id in (?,?,?,?,?)
List<Order> orders = Ebean.find(Order.class)
// .select("status")
.fetch("customer", new FetchConfig().query(3).lazy(10)).order().asc("id").findList();
// .join("customer.contacts");
// List<Order> list = query.findList();
Order order = orders.get(0);
Customer customer = order.getCustomer();
// this invokes lazy loading on a property that is
// not one of the selected ones (name, status) ... and
// therefore the lazy load query selects all properties
// in the customer (not just name and status)
Address billingAddress = customer.getBillingAddress();
List<Order> list = Ebean.find(Order.class).fetch("customer", "name", new FetchConfig().lazy(5))
.fetch("customer.contacts", "contactName, phone, email").fetch("customer.shippingAddress")
.where().eq("status", Order.Status.NEW).order().asc("id").findList();
Order order2 = list.get(0);
Customer customer2 = order2.getCustomer();
// customer2.getStatus();
String name = customer2.getName();
String q = "find order join customer (+query(1) +lazy(10) name, status) join customer.contacts ";
Query<Order> query = Ebean.createQuery(Order.class, q);