* nature, then the error is transient.
protected Object send () throws PropagationException
Participant part = getParticipant ();
HeuristicMessage[] msgs = null;
try {
msgs = part.commit ( onephase_ );
return msgs;
} catch ( RollbackException rb ) {
throw new PropagationException ( rb, false );
} catch ( HeurMixedException heurm ) {
throw new PropagationException ( heurm, false );
} catch ( HeurRollbackException heurr ) {
throw new PropagationException ( heurr, false );
} catch ( Exception e ) {
// heuristic hazard or not, participant might be indoubt.
// fill in exact heuristic messages by using buffer effect
// of participant proxies.
String msg = "Unexpected error in commit";
LOGGER.logWarning ( msg, e );
HeurHazardException heurh = new HeurHazardException ( part.getHeuristicMessages () );
throw new PropagationException ( heurh, true );