Package com.atlassian.maven.plugins.jgitflow.exception

Examples of com.atlassian.maven.plugins.jgitflow.exception.JGitFlowReleaseException

            projectHelper.commitAllChanges(flow.git(), "updating poms for " + featureVersion + " version");
        catch (GitAPIException e)
            throw new JGitFlowReleaseException("Error finishing feature: " + e.getMessage(), e);
        catch (ReactorReloadException e)
            throw new JGitFlowReleaseException("Error finishing feature: " + e.getMessage(), e);
        catch (IOException e)
            throw new JGitFlowReleaseException("Error finishing feature: " + e.getMessage(), e);
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            projectHelper.commitAllPoms(flow.git(), reactorProjects, "updating poms for " + featureName + " branch");
        catch (GitAPIException e)
            throw new JGitFlowReleaseException("Error starting feature: " + e.getMessage(), e);
        catch (JGitFlowException e)
            throw new JGitFlowReleaseException("Error starting feature: " + e.getMessage(), e);
            if (null != flow)
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                    mavenExecutionHelper.execute(rootProject, ctx, currentSession);
                catch (MavenExecutorException e)
                    throw new JGitFlowReleaseException("Error building: " + e.getMessage(), e);

            getLogger().info("running jgitflow feature finish...");

            //make sure we're on develop

        catch (JGitFlowException e)
            throw new JGitFlowReleaseException("Error finish feature: " + e.getMessage(), e);
        catch (GitAPIException e)
            throw new JGitFlowReleaseException("Error finish feature: " + e.getMessage(), e);
        catch (ReactorReloadException e)
            throw new JGitFlowReleaseException("Error finish feature: " + e.getMessage(), e);
        catch (IOException e)
            throw new JGitFlowReleaseException("Error finish feature: " + e.getMessage(), e);
            if (null != flow)
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                        mavenExecutionHelper.execute(rootProject, ctx, featureSession, goal);
                catch (MavenExecutorException e)
                    throw new JGitFlowReleaseException("Error building: " + e.getMessage(), e);

            //revert our local changes

        catch (JGitFlowException e)
            throw new JGitFlowReleaseException("Error finish feature: " + e.getMessage(), e);
        catch (GitAPIException e)
            throw new JGitFlowReleaseException("Error finish feature: " + e.getMessage(), e);
        catch (ReactorReloadException e)
            throw new JGitFlowReleaseException("Error finish feature: " + e.getMessage(), e);
        catch (IOException e)
            throw new JGitFlowReleaseException("Error finish feature: " + e.getMessage(), e);
            if (null != flow)
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            projectHelper.commitAllPoms(flow.git(), featureProjects, "updating poms for " + featureVersion + " version");
        catch (GitAPIException e)
            throw new JGitFlowReleaseException("Error starting feature: " + e.getMessage(), e);
        catch (ReactorReloadException e)
            throw new JGitFlowReleaseException("Error starting feature: " + e.getMessage(), e);
        catch (IOException e)
            throw new JGitFlowReleaseException("Error starting feature: " + e.getMessage(), e);
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            projectHelper.commitAllPoms(flow.git(), featureProjects, "updating poms for " + featureVersion + " version");
        catch (GitAPIException e)
            throw new JGitFlowReleaseException("Error finishing feature: " + e.getMessage(), e);
        catch (ReactorReloadException e)
            throw new JGitFlowReleaseException("Error finishing feature: " + e.getMessage(), e);
        catch (IOException e)
            throw new JGitFlowReleaseException("Error finishing feature: " + e.getMessage(), e);
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            catch (ProjectRewriteException e)
                throw new JGitFlowReleaseException("Error updating poms with feature versions", e);
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            //get the release branch
            List<Ref> releaseBranches = GitHelper.listBranchesWithPrefix(flow.git(), flow.getReleaseBranchPrefix());

            if (releaseBranches.isEmpty())
                throw new JGitFlowReleaseException("Could not find release branch!");

            //there can be only one
            String rheadPrefix = Constants.R_HEADS + flow.getReleaseBranchPrefix();
            Ref releaseBranch = releaseBranches.get(0);
            releaseLabel = releaseBranch.getName().substring(releaseBranch.getName().indexOf(rheadPrefix) + rheadPrefix.length());
            //make sure we're on the release branch
            flow.git().checkout().setName(flow.getReleaseBranchPrefix() + releaseLabel).call();

            //get the reactor projects for release
            MavenSession releaseSession = getSessionForBranch(flow, flow.getReleaseBranchPrefix() + releaseLabel, originalProjects, session);
            List<MavenProject> releaseProjects = releaseSession.getSortedProjects();

            projectHelper.commitAllChanges(flow.git(), "updating poms for " + releaseLabel + " release");

            //reload the reactor projects for release
            releaseSession = getSessionForBranch(flow, flow.getReleaseBranchPrefix() + releaseLabel, originalProjects, session);
            releaseProjects = releaseSession.getSortedProjects();

                List<String> snapshots = projectHelper.checkForNonReactorSnapshots("release", releaseProjects);
                    String details = Joiner.on(ls).join(snapshots);
                    throw new UnresolvedSnapshotsException("Cannot finish a release due to snapshot dependencies:" + ls + details);

            MavenProject rootProject = ReleaseUtil.getRootProject(releaseProjects);

                    mavenExecutionHelper.execute(rootProject, ctx, releaseSession);
                catch (MavenExecutorException e)
                    throw new JGitFlowReleaseException("Error building: " + e.getMessage(), e);

            Map<String, String> originalVersions = projectHelper.getOriginalVersions("release", releaseProjects);

            if(ctx.isPush() || !ctx.isNoTag())
                projectHelper.ensureOrigin(releaseProjects, flow);

            getLogger().info("running jgitflow release finish...");
                .setMessage(ReleaseUtil.interpolate(ctx.getTagMessage(), rootProject.getModel()))

            //make sure we're on develop

            //reload the reactor projects for develop
            MavenSession developSession = getSessionForBranch(flow, flow.getDevelopBranchName(), originalProjects, session);
            List<MavenProject> developProjects = developSession.getSortedProjects();

            String developLabel = getDevelopmentLabel("develop", ctx, developProjects);
            updatePomsWithDevelopmentVersion("develop", ctx, developProjects);

            projectHelper.commitAllChanges(flow.git(), "updating poms for " + developLabel + " development");

                RefSpec developSpec = new RefSpec(ctx.getFlowInitContext().getDevelop());

            configManager.saveConfiguration(config, flow.git());
        catch (JGitFlowException e)
            throw new JGitFlowReleaseException("Error releasing: " + e.getMessage(), e);
        catch (GitAPIException e)
            throw new JGitFlowReleaseException("Error releasing: " + e.getMessage(), e);
        catch (ReleaseExecutionException e)
            throw new JGitFlowReleaseException("Error releasing: " + e.getMessage(), e);
        catch (ReactorReloadException e)
            throw new JGitFlowReleaseException("Error releasing: " + e.getMessage(), e);
        catch (IOException e)
            throw new JGitFlowReleaseException("Error releasing: " + e.getMessage(), e);
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            projectHelper.commitAllChanges(flow.git(), "updating poms for " + releaseLabel + " release");
        catch (GitAPIException e)
            throw new JGitFlowReleaseException("Error starting release: " + e.getMessage(), e);
        catch (ReactorReloadException e)
            throw new JGitFlowReleaseException("Error starting release: " + e.getMessage(), e);
        catch (IOException e)
            throw new JGitFlowReleaseException("Error starting release: " + e.getMessage(), e);
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            projectHelper.commitAllChanges(flow.git(), "updating poms for " + releaseLabel + " release");
        catch (GitAPIException e)
            throw new JGitFlowReleaseException("Error starting release: " + e.getMessage(), e);
        catch (ReactorReloadException e)
            throw new JGitFlowReleaseException("Error starting release: " + e.getMessage(), e);
        catch (IOException e)
            throw new JGitFlowReleaseException("Error starting release: " + e.getMessage(), e);
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Related Classes of com.atlassian.maven.plugins.jgitflow.exception.JGitFlowReleaseException

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