public void interactiveUseCase() throws CannotTransformValueException {
final IssueRestClient issueClient = client.getIssueClient();
// get project list with fields expanded
final Iterable<CimProject> metadataProjects = issueClient.getCreateIssueMetadata(
new GetCreateIssueMetadataOptionsBuilder().withExpandedIssueTypesFields().build()).claim();
log.log("Available projects: ");
for (CimProject p : metadataProjects) {
log.log(MessageFormat.format("\t* [{0}] {1}", p.getKey(), p.getName()));
assertTrue("There is no project to select!", metadataProjects.iterator().hasNext());
// select project
final CimProject project = metadataProjects.iterator().next();
log.log(MessageFormat.format("Selected project: [{0}] {1}\n", project.getKey(), project.getName()));
// select issue type
log.log("Available issue types for selected project:");
for (CimIssueType t : project.getIssueTypes()) {
log.log(MessageFormat.format("\t* [{0}] {1}", t.getId(), t.getName()));
final CimIssueType issueType = project.getIssueTypes().iterator().next();
log.log(MessageFormat.format("Selected issue type: [{0}] {1}\n", issueType.getId(), issueType.getName()));
final IssueInputBuilder builder = new IssueInputBuilder(project.getKey(), issueType.getId());
// fill fields
log.log("Filling fields:");
for (Map.Entry<String, CimFieldInfo> entry : issueType.getFields().entrySet()) {
final CimFieldInfo fieldInfo = entry.getValue();
final String fieldCustomType = fieldInfo.getSchema().getCustom();
final String fieldType = fieldInfo.getSchema().getType();
final String fieldId = fieldInfo.getId();
if ("project".equals(fieldId) || "issuetype".equals(fieldId)) {
// this field was already set by IssueInputBuilder constructor - skip it
log.log(MessageFormat.format("\t* [{0}] {1}\n\t\t| schema: {2}\n\t\t| required: {3}", fieldId, fieldInfo
.getName(), fieldInfo.getSchema(), fieldInfo.isRequired()));
// choose value for this field
Object value = null;
final Iterable<Object> allowedValues = fieldInfo.getAllowedValues();
if (allowedValues != null) {
log.log("\t\t| field only accepts those values:");
for (Object val : allowedValues) {
log.log("\t\t\t* " + val);
if (allowedValues.iterator().hasNext()) {
final boolean expectedArray = "array".equals(fieldType);
Object singleValue = allowedValues.iterator().next();
if ("com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.customfieldtypes:cascadingselect".equals(fieldCustomType)) {
// select option with children - if any
final Iterable<Object> optionsWithChildren = Iterables.filter(allowedValues, new Predicate<Object>() {
public boolean apply(Object input) {
return ((CustomFieldOption) input).getChildren().iterator().hasNext();
if (optionsWithChildren.iterator().hasNext()) {
// there is option with children - set it
final CustomFieldOption option = (CustomFieldOption) optionsWithChildren.iterator().next();
value = new CustomFieldOption(option.getId(), option.getSelf(), option.getValue(),
Collections.<CustomFieldOption>emptyList(), option.getChildren().iterator().next());
else {
// no sub-values available, set only top level value
value = allowedValues.iterator().next();
else {
value = expectedArray ? Collections.singletonList(singleValue) : singleValue;
log.log("\t\t| selecting value: " + value);
} else {
log.log("\t\t| there is no allowed value - leaving field blank");
} else {
if ("com.atlassian.jirafisheyeplugin:jobcheckbox".equals(fieldCustomType)) {
value = "false";
else if ("com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.customfieldtypes:url".equals(fieldCustomType)) {
value = "http://www.atlassian.com/";
else if ("string".equals(fieldType)) {
value = "This is simple string value for field " + fieldId + " named " + fieldInfo.getName() + ".";
} else if ("number".equals(fieldType)) {
value = 124;
} else if ("user".equals(fieldType)) {
value = IntegrationTestUtil.USER_ADMIN;
} else if ("array".equals(fieldType) && "user".equals(fieldInfo.getSchema().getItems())) {
value = ImmutableList.of(IntegrationTestUtil.USER_ADMIN);
} else if ("group".equals(fieldType)) {
// TODO change to group object when implemented
value = ComplexIssueInputFieldValue.with("name", IntegrationTestUtil.GROUP_JIRA_ADMINISTRATORS);
} else if ("array".equals(fieldType) && "group".equals(fieldInfo.getSchema().getItems())) {
// TODO change to group object when implemented
value = ImmutableList.of(ComplexIssueInputFieldValue.with("name", IntegrationTestUtil.GROUP_JIRA_ADMINISTRATORS));
} else if ("date".equals(fieldType)) {
value = JsonParseUtil.formatDate(new DateTime());
} else if ("datetime".equals(fieldType)) {
value = JsonParseUtil.formatDateTime(new DateTime());
} else if ("array".equals(fieldType) && "string".equals(fieldInfo.getSchema().getItems())) {
value = ImmutableList.of("one", "two", "three");
} else if ("timetracking".equals(fieldType)) {
value = new TimeTracking(60, 40, null); // time spent is not allowed
} else {
if (fieldInfo.isRequired()) {
fail("I don't know how to fill that required field, sorry.");
} else {
log.log("\t\t| field value is not required, leaving blank");
if (value == null) {
log.log("\t\t| value is null, skipping filed");
} else {
log.log(MessageFormat.format("\t\t| setting value => {0}", value));
builder.setFieldValue(fieldId, value);
// all required data is provided, let's create issue
final IssueInput issueInput = builder.build();
final BasicIssue basicCreatedIssue = issueClient.createIssue(issueInput).claim();
final Issue createdIssue = issueClient.getIssue(basicCreatedIssue.getKey()).claim();
log.log("Created new issue successfully, key: " + basicCreatedIssue.getKey());
// assert few fields