public void invokeWithCallName(String callName, ServiceCommand[] serviceCommands) throws TestApplicationException {
log.infof("[AT SERVICE] web method invoke(%s) with eventLog %s", callName, eventLog);
UserTransaction userTransaction;
try {
userTransaction = UserTransactionFactory.userTransaction();
String transactionId = userTransaction.transactionIdentifier();
log.debug("RestaurantServiceAT transaction id =" + transactionId);
// Enlist the Durable Participant for this service
TransactionManager transactionManager = TransactionManagerFactory.transactionManager();
ATDurableParticipant durableParticipant = new ATDurableParticipant(serviceCommands, callName, eventLog, transactionId);
log.info("[SERVICE] Enlisting a Durable2PC participant into the AT");
transactionManager.enlistForDurableTwoPhase(durableParticipant, "ATServiceDurable:" + new Uid().toString());
// Enlist the Volatile Participant for this service
ATVolatileParticipant volatileParticipant = new ATVolatileParticipant(serviceCommands, callName, eventLog, transactionId);
log.info("[SERVICE] Enlisting a VolatilePC participant into the AT");
transactionManager.enlistForVolatileTwoPhase(volatileParticipant, "ATServiceVolatile:" + new Uid().toString());
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new RuntimeException("Error when enlisting participants", e);
if (ServiceCommand.isPresent(APPLICATION_EXCEPTION, serviceCommands)) {
throw new TestApplicationException("Intentionally thrown Application Exception - service command was set to: " + APPLICATION_EXCEPTION);
if (ServiceCommand.isPresent(ROLLBACK_ONLY, serviceCommands)) {
log.info("Intentionally the service settings transaction to rollback only - service command was set to: " + ROLLBACK_ONLY);
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new RuntimeException("The rollback is not possible", e);