// create subordinate AT transaction
// this is surplus to requirements since we should really be running against a service which uses
// the subordinate interposition JaxWS handler to install a subordinate transaction before
// entering the service method. we ought to test that handler rather than hand crank the
// interposition in the service
TxContext currentTx;
TxContext newTx;
try {
currentTx = TransactionManager.getTransactionManager().currentTransaction();
} catch (SystemException e) {
throw new WebServiceException("subtransaction currentTransaction() failed with exception " + e);
try {
UserTransaction userTransaction = UserTransactionFactory.userSubordinateTransaction();
newTx = TransactionManager.getTransactionManager().currentTransaction();
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new WebServiceException("subtransaction begin() failed with exception " + e);
String id = transactionId("at");
subordinateTransactionMap.put(id, newTx);
} else if (command.equals("subactivity")) {
// create subordinate BA transaction
// this is surplus ot requirements since we should really be running against a service which uses
// the subordinate interposition JaxWS handler to install a subordinate activity before
// entering the service method. we ought to test that handler rather than hand crank the
// interposition in the service
TxContext currentTx;
TxContext newTx;
try {
currentTx = BusinessActivityManagerFactory.businessActivityManager().currentTransaction();
} catch (SystemException e) {
throw new WebServiceException("subtransaction currentTransaction() failed with exception " + e);
try {
UserBusinessActivity userBusinessActivity = UserBusinessActivityFactory.userBusinessActivity();
// this is nto implemented yet!!!
// userBusinessActivity.beginSubordinate();
// and this will fail with a WrongStateException
newTx = BusinessActivityManager.getBusinessActivityManager().currentTransaction();
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new WebServiceException("subtransaction begin() failed with exception " + e);
String id = transactionId("ba");
subordinateActivityMap.put(id, newTx);
} else if (command.equals("subtransactionserve")) {
// dispatch commands in a subordinate transaction or activity
// we should find the id of a subordinate transaction, a web service URL
// and a list of commands to dispatch to that transaction
// the txid and url must be resolved if supplied as bindings
String txId = bindCommand(commandList.remove(idx), bindings, true);
String url = bindCommand(commandList.remove(idx), bindings, true);
TxContext newTx = subordinateTransactionMap.get(txId);
if (newTx != null) {
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new WebServiceException("subtransactioncommands resume() failed with exception " + e);
} else {
throw new WebServiceException("subtransactioncommands unknown subordinate transaction id " + txId);
// ok, now we install the relevant transaction and then just pass the commands on to
// the web service
// we allow unresolved variable references in the rest of the command list as
// they may be satisfied by embedded bind commands
bindCommands(commandList, bindings, false);
CommandsType newCommands = new CommandsType();
List<String> newCommandList = newCommands.getCommandList();
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
ResultsType subResults = serveSubordinate(url, newCommands);
List<String> subResultsList = subResults.getResultList();
size = subResultsList.size();
for (idx = 0; idx < size; idx++) {
} else if (command.equals("subactivityserve")) {
// dispatch commands in a subordinate transaction or activity
// we should find the id of a subordinate transaction, a web service URL
// and a list of commands to dispatch to that transaction
// the txid and url must be resolved if supplied as bindings
String txId = bindCommand(commandList.remove(idx), bindings, true);
String url = bindCommand(commandList.remove(idx), bindings, true);
TxContext newTx = subordinateActivityMap.get(txId);
if (newTx != null) {
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new WebServiceException("subactivitycommands resume() failed with exception " + e);