StorageManager storageManager = SandeshaUtil.getSandeshaStorageManager(context, context.getAxisConfiguration());
// If the inbound CreateSequence includes a SecurityTokenReference then
// ask the security manager to resolve that to a token for us. We also
// check that the Create was secured using the token.
SecurityManager secManager = SandeshaUtil.getSecurityManager(context);
OMElement theSTR = createSeqPart.getSecurityTokenReference();
SecurityToken token = null;
if(theSTR != null) {
MessageContext msgcontext = createSeqRMMsg.getMessageContext();
token = secManager.getSecurityToken(theSTR, msgcontext);
// The create must be the body part of this message, so we check the
// security of that element.
OMElement body = msgcontext.getEnvelope().getBody();
secManager.checkProofOfPossession(token, body, msgcontext);
//if toAddress is RMAnon we may need to terminate the request side sequence here.
EndpointReference toEPR = createSeqMsg.getTo();
if (toEPR.hasAnonymousAddress()) {