publishSyncError(eControlArea, errors);
// Get two configured BasicPerson objects from AppConfig.
BasicPerson currentBasicPerson = null;
BasicPerson newBasicPerson = null;
try {
currentBasicPerson = (BasicPerson)getAppConfig().getObject("BasicPerson");
newBasicPerson = (BasicPerson)getAppConfig().getObject("BasicPerson");
catch (EnterpriseConfigurationObjectException ecoe) {
// An error occurred getting an object from AppConfig. Log it and
// publish a sync error message.
publishError ("application", "OpenEAI-3001", "An error occurred getting an object from " +
"AppConfig. the exception is: " + ecoe.getMessage(), "[" + getServiceName() + ".execute] ", ecoe);
// Handle a BasicPerson.Update-Sync
if (messageAction.equalsIgnoreCase("Update")) {
// Get the baseline state of the BasicPerson and build a BasicPerson
// object.
Element eBaselinePerson = inDoc.getRootElement().getChild("DataArea")
try {
catch (EnterpriseLayoutException ele) {
// An error occurred building the BasicPerson object from the
// BasicPerson element contained in the BaselineData element of the
// message. Log it and publish a sync error message.
publishError ("system", "DirectoryServiceGateway-1001", "An error occurred building the BasicPerson "
+ "object from the BasicPerson element contained in the " +
"BaselineData element of the message. The exception is: " +
ele.getMessage(), "[" + getServiceName() + ".execute] ", ele);
String institutionalID = currentBasicPerson.getInstitutionalId();
// Find out of the person exists in the directory. Update can only
// work on existing persons
if (!personExists ("employeeNumber", institutionalID))
publishError ("system", "DirectoryServiceGateway-1008", "Person with InstitutionalID \"" +
institutionalID + "\" does not exist in the directory. Update only possible with " +
"existing persons.", "[" + getServiceName() + ".execute] ");
// Get the new state of the BasicPerson and build a BasicPerson
// object.
Element eNewPerson = inDoc.getRootElement().getChild("DataArea").getChild("NewData").getChild("BasicPerson");
try {
catch (EnterpriseLayoutException ele) {
// An error occurred building the BasicPerson object from thw
// BasicPerson element contained in the NewData element of
// the message. Log it and publish a sync error message.
publishError ("system", "DirectoryServiceGateway-1002", "An error occurred building the " +
"BasicPerson object from the BasicPerson element contained in " +
"the NewData element of the message. The exception is: " +
ele.getMessage(), "[" + getServiceName() + ".execute] ", ele);
// Determine whether the user exists is the directory server.
String userName = "";
if (currentBasicPerson.getName() != null)
userName = currentBasicPerson.getName().getFirstName() + " " + currentBasicPerson.getName().getLastName();
logger.debug("[" + getServiceName() + ".execute] Querying the directory to "
+ "see if this person already exists in the directory.");
// Specify the search filter for the directory service query using
// the uniqueMember and the uniquePermission built above.
String filter = "employeeNumber=" + institutionalID;
logger.debug("[" + getServiceName() + ".execute] Search filter is: " + filter);
// Specify the providerUrl.
String providerUrl = getUserDirectoryTreeBase();
logger.debug("[" + getServiceName() + ".execute] providerUrl is: " + providerUrl);
// Specify search controls that set the scope of the search.
SearchControls cons = new SearchControls();
String[] attrs = new String[7];
attrs[0] = "uid";
attrs[1] = "cn";
attrs[2] = "telephoneNumber";
attrs[3] = "mail";
attrs[4] = "homePhone";
attrs[5] = "mobile";
attrs[6] = "displayName";
// Search for user entries that match the employeeNumber, retrieving
// the uid.
try {
logger.debug("[" + getServiceName() + ".execute] Querying the directory "
+ "server.");
NamingEnumeration results = getDirContext().search(providerUrl, filter,
// If there are no matching entries and the
// publishErrorsForMissingEntries property is true, publish a error
// message indicating that the user does not exist. Otherwise, log the
// fact that the user does not exist and return.
if (results == null || results.hasMore() == false) {
if (getPublishErrorsForMissingEntries() == true) {
// --- Publish the sync error.
publishError ("application", "DirectoryServiceGateway-1003", "No user " + userName + "(" +
currentBasicPerson.getInstitutionalId() + ") exists in the " +
"directory. Cannot modify attributes for this user.", "[" + getServiceName() + ".execute] ");
else {
// --- Just log it."[" + getServiceName() + ".execute] No user " + userName +
"(" + currentBasicPerson.getInstitutionalId() + ") exists in " +
"the directory. Cannot modify attributes for this user.");
// Otherwise, the user already exists in the directory.
else {
// Get the uid and cn for the user.
SearchResult sr = (SearchResult);
String uid = (String)sr.getAttributes().get("uid").get();
String currentName = (String)sr.getAttributes().get("cn").get();
Attribute dispName = sr.getAttributes().get("displayName");
String currentDisplayName = "";
if (dispName != null)
currentDisplayName = (String)dispName.get();
// Determine whether the user's name has changed.
boolean isNameChanged = false;
String newName = newBasicPerson.getName().getLastName();
String newDisplayName = newName;
if (newBasicPerson.getName().getFirstName() != null)
newName = newBasicPerson.getName().getFirstName() + " " + newName;
String newMiddleName = newBasicPerson.getName().getMiddleName();
if (newMiddleName != null && newMiddleName.length() > 0)
newDisplayName = newBasicPerson.getName().getFirstName() + " " + newBasicPerson.getName().getMiddleName().charAt(0) + ". " + newBasicPerson.getName().getLastName();
newDisplayName = newName;
if (currentName.equals(newName) == false || currentDisplayName.equals(newDisplayName) == false)
isNameChanged = true;
// If the name has changed, update the given name, surname, and
// common name in the user's directory entry. Otherwise, log the
// fact that the names are the same and no change is required and
// return.
if (isNameChanged == true) {"[" + getServiceName() + ".execute] The current name " +
"of the user ('" + currentName + "') and the new name ('" + newName +
"') are not the same.");
updateName (uid, newBasicPerson.getName().getFirstName(), newBasicPerson.getName().getLastName(), newBasicPerson.getName().getMiddleName());
// (As mentioned above...otherwise, log the fact that the names are
// the same and no change is required and return.)
else {"[" + getServiceName() + ".execute] The current name " +
"of the user ('" + currentName + "') and the new name ('" +
newName + "') are the same, so no update of the name in the " +
"directory is required.");
// Determine whether any of the user's phone numbers have changed.
// boolean isPhoneChanged = false;
boolean hasHome = false;
boolean isHomeChanged = false;
boolean hasOffice = false;
boolean isOfficeChanged = false;
boolean hasMobile = false;
boolean isMobileChanged = false;
String currentPhone = null;
String newPhone = null;
String type = null;
//check to see if data area contains a phone number
//else delete all phone numbers from directory if none found
if(newBasicPerson.getPhone().isEmpty() == false){
//Determine what phone types are present in newBasicPerson
for (int i =0; i < newBasicPerson.getPhone().size(); i++){
newPhone = newBasicPerson.getPhone(i).getPhoneNumber();
newPhone = newBasicPerson.getPhone(i).getPhoneArea() + "-" + newPhone;
hasHome = true;
hasOffice = true;
hasMobile = true;
//Check each phone type for changes
for (int i =0; i < newBasicPerson.getPhone().size(); i++){
currentPhone = null;
// isPhoneChanged = false;
newPhone = newBasicPerson.getPhone(i).getPhoneNumber();
newPhone = newBasicPerson.getPhone(i).getPhoneArea() + "-" + newPhone;
if(hasHome == true && newBasicPerson.getPhone(i).getType().equalsIgnoreCase("home")){
type = "homePhone";
if(sr.getAttributes().get(type) != null)
currentPhone = (String) sr.getAttributes().get(type).get();
if(newPhone.equals(currentPhone) == false){
isHomeChanged = true;
updatePhone(uid, newPhone, type);
else {
type = "homePhone";
if(hasHome == false && (sr.getAttributes().get(type) != null) && isHomeChanged != true){
deletePhone(uid, type);
isHomeChanged = true;
if(hasOffice == true && newBasicPerson.getPhone(i).getType().equalsIgnoreCase("office")){
//compare newPhone to currentPhone
type = "telephoneNumber";
if(sr.getAttributes().get(type) != null)
currentPhone = (String) sr.getAttributes().get(type).get();
if(newPhone.equals(currentPhone) == false){
isOfficeChanged = true;
updatePhone(uid, newPhone, type);
else {
type = "telephoneNumber";
if(hasOffice == false && (sr.getAttributes().get(type) != null) && isOfficeChanged != true){
deletePhone(uid, type);
isOfficeChanged = true;
if(hasMobile == true && newBasicPerson.getPhone(i).getType().equalsIgnoreCase("mobile")){
//compare newPhone to currentPhone
type = "mobile";
if(sr.getAttributes().get(type) != null)
currentPhone = (String) sr.getAttributes().get(type).get();
if(newPhone.equals(currentPhone) == false){
isMobileChanged = true;
updatePhone(uid, newPhone, type);
else {
type = "mobile";
if(hasMobile == false && (sr.getAttributes().get(type) != null) && isMobileChanged != true){
deletePhone(uid, type);
isMobileChanged = true;
// create an info message stating which phone number have not changed.
String outputType = " ";
if(newBasicPerson.getPhone(i).getType().equalsIgnoreCase("office") && isOfficeChanged == false){
outputType = "office";"[" + getServiceName() + ".execute] The current " + outputType + " phone " +
"has not changed, so no update of the " + outputType + " phone in the directory is required.");
if(newBasicPerson.getPhone(i).getType().equalsIgnoreCase("home") && isHomeChanged == false){
outputType = "home";"[" + getServiceName() + ".execute] The current " + outputType + " phone " +
"has not changed, so no update of the " + outputType + " phone in the directory is required.");
if(newBasicPerson.getPhone(i).getType().equalsIgnoreCase("mobile") && isMobileChanged == false){
outputType = "mobile";"[" + getServiceName() + ".execute] The current " + outputType + " phone " +
"has not changed, so no update of the " + outputType + " phone in the directory is required.");
// newBasicPerson has no phone numbers
// if search returns any phone numbers,
// delete phone number in DSG repository.
// Assume user intends to delete phone numbers
String[] checkType = { "homePhone", "telephoneNumber", "mobile" };
for (int i = 0; i < checkType.length; i++){
if (sr.getAttributes().get(checkType[i]) != null){
deletePhone(uid, checkType[i]);
// Determine whether any of the user's email addresses have changed.
boolean isPerferred = false;
String currentEmail = null;
String newEmail = null;
//check to see if data area contains an email address
//else delete email address from directory if found
if(newBasicPerson.getEmail().isEmpty() == false){
//Determine if any of the emails is a perferred email to use to check if update is required
//directory should store the preferred email if available
for (int i =0; i < newBasicPerson.getEmail().size(); i++){
isPerferred = true;
newEmail = newBasicPerson.getEmail(i).getEmailAddress();
if(isPerferred == true){
//get currentEmail and compare to perferred newEmail
//if not the same perform updateEmail()
if(sr.getAttributes().get("mail") != null) currentEmail = (String) sr.getAttributes().get("mail").get();
if(newEmail.equals(currentEmail) == false) updateEmail(uid, newEmail);
else {"[" + getServiceName() + ".execute] The current email address " +
"of the user ('" + currentEmail + "') and the new email address ('" + newEmail +
"') are the same, so no update of the email in the directory is required.");
if(isPerferred == false){
newEmail = newBasicPerson.getEmail(0).getEmailAddress();
if (sr.getAttributes().get("mail") != null) currentEmail = (String)sr.getAttributes().get("mail").get();
if(newEmail.equals(currentEmail) == false) updateEmail(uid, newEmail);
else {"[" + getServiceName() + ".execute] The current email address " +
"of the user ('" + currentEmail + "') and the new email address ('" + newEmail +