
Examples of$MyInputStream

            int length, ParseObserver observer) {
        if (length < 2) {
            return throwSeverelyTruncated();

        ByteArray bytes = cf.getBytes();
        int count = bytes.getUnsignedShort(offset);

        if (observer != null) {
            observer.parsed(bytes, offset, 2,
                    "local_variable_table_length: " + Hex.u2(count));

        LocalVariableList list = parseLocalVariables(
                bytes.slice(offset + 2, offset + length), cf.getConstantPool(),
                observer, count, false);
        return new AttLocalVariableTable(list);
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            int length, ParseObserver observer) {
        if (length < 2) {
            return throwSeverelyTruncated();

        ByteArray bytes = cf.getBytes();
        int count = bytes.getUnsignedShort(offset);

        if (observer != null) {
            observer.parsed(bytes, offset, 2,
                    "local_variable_type_table_length: " + Hex.u2(count));

        LocalVariableList list = parseLocalVariables(
                bytes.slice(offset + 2, offset + length), cf.getConstantPool(),
                observer, count, true);
        return new AttLocalVariableTypeTable(list);
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            ParseObserver observer) {
        if (length != 2) {

        ByteArray bytes = cf.getBytes();
        ConstantPool pool = cf.getConstantPool();
        int idx = bytes.getUnsignedShort(offset);
        CstUtf8 cst = (CstUtf8) pool.get(idx);
        Attribute result = new AttSignature(cst);

        if (observer != null) {
            observer.parsed(bytes, offset, 2, "signature: " + cst);
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            ParseObserver observer) {
        if (length != 2) {

        ByteArray bytes = cf.getBytes();
        ConstantPool pool = cf.getConstantPool();
        int idx = bytes.getUnsignedShort(offset);
        CstUtf8 cst = (CstUtf8) pool.get(idx);
        Attribute result = new AttSourceFile(cst);

        if (observer != null) {
            observer.parsed(bytes, offset, 2, "source: " + cst);
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     * Gets the count of elements in the list.
     * @return the count
    protected final int getCount() {
        ByteArray bytes = cf.getBytes();
        return bytes.getUnsignedShort(offset);
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    private void parse() {
        int attributeContext = getAttributeContext();
        int count = getCount();
        int at = offset + 2; // Skip the count.

        ByteArray bytes = cf.getBytes();
        ConstantPool pool = cf.getConstantPool();

        if (observer != null) {
            observer.parsed(bytes, offset, 2,
                            humanName() + "s_count: " + Hex.u2(count));

        for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
            try {
                int accessFlags = bytes.getUnsignedShort(at);
                int nameIdx = bytes.getUnsignedShort(at + 2);
                int descIdx = bytes.getUnsignedShort(at + 4);
                CstUtf8 name = (CstUtf8) pool.get(nameIdx);
                CstUtf8 desc = (CstUtf8) pool.get(descIdx);

                if (observer != null) {
                    observer.startParsingMember(bytes, at, name.getString(),
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     * for purposes of verification (such as magic number matching and
     * path-package consistency checking)
    public DirectClassFile(byte[] bytes, String filePath,
                           boolean strictParse) {
        this(new ByteArray(bytes), filePath, strictParse);
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                public boolean processFileBytes(String name, byte[] bytes) {
                    if (!name.endsWith(".class")) {
                        return true;

                    ByteArray ba = new ByteArray(bytes);
                    DirectClassFile cf
                        = new DirectClassFile(ba, name, true);

                    AttributeList attributes = cf.getAttributes();
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     * Does the dumping.
    public void dump() {
        byte[] bytes = getBytes();
        ByteArray ba = new ByteArray(bytes);

         * First, parse the file completely, so we can safely refer to
         * attributes, etc.
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     * @param meth {@code non-null;} method data to dump
    private void regularDump(ConcreteMethod meth) {
        BytecodeArray code = meth.getCode();
        ByteArray bytes = code.getBytes();
        ByteBlockList list = BasicBlocker.identifyBlocks(meth);
        int sz = list.size();
        CodeObserver codeObserver = new CodeObserver(bytes, BlockDumper.this);

        // Reset the dump cursor to the start of the bytecode
        setAt(bytes, 0);

        suppressDump = false;

        int byteAt = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < sz; i++) {
            ByteBlock bb = list.get(i);
            int start = bb.getStart();
            int end = bb.getEnd();

            if (byteAt < start) {
                parsed(bytes, byteAt, start - byteAt,
                       "dead code " + Hex.u2(byteAt) + ".." + Hex.u2(start));

            parsed(bytes, start, 0,
                   "block " + Hex.u2(bb.getLabel()) + ": " +
                   Hex.u2(start) + ".." + Hex.u2(end));

            int len;
            for (int j = start; j < end; j += len) {
                len = code.parseInstruction(j, codeObserver);

            IntList successors = bb.getSuccessors();
            int ssz = successors.size();
            if (ssz == 0) {
                parsed(bytes, end, 0, "returns");
            } else {
                for (int j = 0; j < ssz; j++) {
                    int succ = successors.get(j);
                    parsed(bytes, end, 0, "next " + Hex.u2(succ));

            ByteCatchList catches = bb.getCatches();
            int csz = catches.size();
            for (int j = 0; j < csz; j++) {
                ByteCatchList.Item one = catches.get(j);
                CstType exceptionClass = one.getExceptionClass();
                parsed(bytes, end, 0,
                       "catch " +
                       ((exceptionClass == CstType.OBJECT) ? "<any>" :
                        exceptionClass.toHuman()) + " -> " +

            byteAt = end;

        int end = bytes.size();
        if (byteAt < end) {
            parsed(bytes, byteAt, end - byteAt,
                   "dead code " + Hex.u2(byteAt) + ".." + Hex.u2(end));

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Related Classes of$MyInputStream

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