/* This is the hook for adding additional progress listeners */
ProgressListenerChain additionalProgressListenerChain = new ProgressListenerChain();
TransferProgressImpl transferProgress = new TransferProgressImpl();
* Bind additional progress listeners to this
* MultipleFileTransferProgressUpdatingListener to receive
* ByteTransferred events from each single-file upload implementation.
ProgressListener multipleFileTransferProgressListener = new MultipleFileTransferProgressUpdatingListener(
transferProgress, additionalProgressListenerChain);
List<UploadImpl> uploads = new LinkedList<UploadImpl>();
MultipleFileUploadImpl multipleFileUpload = new MultipleFileUploadImpl("Uploading etc", transferProgress, additionalProgressListenerChain, virtualDirectoryKeyPrefix, bucketName, uploads);
multipleFileUpload.setMonitor(new MultipleFileTransferMonitor(multipleFileUpload, uploads));
final AllDownloadsQueuedLock allTransfersQueuedLock = new AllDownloadsQueuedLock();
MultipleFileTransferStateChangeListener multipleFileTransferStateChangeListener = new MultipleFileTransferStateChangeListener(
allTransfersQueuedLock, multipleFileUpload);
if ( files == null || files.isEmpty()) {
* If the absolute path for the common/base directory does NOT end in a
* separator (which is the case for anything but root directories), then
* we know there's still a separator between the base directory and the
* rest of the file's path, so we increment the starting position by one.
int startingPosition = directory.getAbsolutePath().length();
if (!(directory.getAbsolutePath().endsWith(File.separator))) startingPosition++;
long totalSize = 0;
for (File f : files) {
//Check, if file, since only files can be uploaded.
if (f.isFile()) {
totalSize += f.length();
String key = f.getAbsolutePath().substring(startingPosition).replaceAll("\\\\", "/");
ObjectMetadata metadata=new ObjectMetadata();
// Invoke the callback if it's present.
// The callback allows the user to customize the metadata for each file being uploaded.
if (metadataProvider != null) {
metadataProvider.provideObjectMetadata(f, metadata);
// All the single-file uploads share the same
// MultipleFileTransferProgressUpdatingListener and
// MultipleFileTransferStateChangeListener
uploads.add((UploadImpl) doUpload(
new PutObjectRequest(bucketName,
virtualDirectoryKeyPrefix + key, f)
multipleFileTransferStateChangeListener, null, null));
// Notify all state changes waiting for the uploads to all be queued
// to wake up and continue
synchronized (allTransfersQueuedLock) {
allTransfersQueuedLock.allQueued = true;