
Examples of

                throw new SecurityException(
                    "Lowering the protection of encryption material is not allowed");
            securityCheck(origCCM, wrapped);
            // Re-ecnrypt the CEK in a new content crypto material
            final EncryptionMaterials newKEK = req.getEncryptionMaterials();
            final ContentCryptoMaterial newCCM;
            if (newKEK == null) {
                newCCM = origCCM.recreate(req.getMaterialsDescription(),
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        // Generate a one-time use symmetric key and initialize a cipher to encrypt object data
        SecretKey envelopeSymmetricKey = generateOneTimeUseSymmetricKey();
        CipherFactory cipherFactory = new CipherFactory(envelopeSymmetricKey, Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, null, cryptoProvider);

        // Encrypt the envelope symmetric key
        EncryptionMaterials materials = materialsProvider.getEncryptionMaterials();
        byte[] encryptedEnvelopeSymmetricKey = getEncryptedSymmetricKey(envelopeSymmetricKey, materials, cryptoProvider);

        // Return a new instruction with the appropriate fields.
        return new EncryptionInstruction(materials.getMaterialsDescription(), encryptedEnvelopeSymmetricKey, envelopeSymmetricKey, cipherFactory);
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                throw new AmazonClientException(
                        String.format("Necessary encryption info not found in the instruction file '%s' in bucket '%s'",
                                      instructionFile.getKey(), instructionFile.getBucketName()));

            EncryptionMaterials materials = retrieveOriginalMaterials(materialsDescription, materialsProvider);
            // If we're unable to retrieve the original encryption materials, we can't decrypt the object, so
            // throw an exception.
            if (materials == null) {
                throw new AmazonClientException(
                        String.format("Unable to retrieve the encryption materials that originally " +
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            throw new AmazonClientException(
                    String.format("Necessary encryption info not found in the headers of file '%s' in bucket '%s'",
                                  object.getKey(), object.getBucketName()));

        EncryptionMaterials materials = retrieveOriginalMaterials(materialsDescription, materialsProvider);
        // If we're unable to retrieve the original encryption materials, we can't decrypt the object, so
        // throw an exception.
        if (materials == null) {
            throw new AmazonClientException(
                    String.format("Unable to retrieve the encryption materials that originally " +
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            throw new AmazonClientException("Content encrypting key or IV not found.");
        // Material description
        String matdescStr = userMeta.get(Headers.MATERIALS_DESCRIPTION);
        Map<String, String> matdesc = matdescFromJson(matdescStr);
        EncryptionMaterials materials = kekMaterialAccessor == null
            ? null
            : kekMaterialAccessor.getEncryptionMaterials(matdesc)
        if (materials == null) {
            throw new AmazonClientException(
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                            + map);
        // Material description
        String matdescStr = map.get(Headers.MATERIALS_DESCRIPTION);
        Map<String, String> matdesc = matdescFromJson(matdescStr);
        EncryptionMaterials materials = kekMaterialAccessor == null
            ? null
            : kekMaterialAccessor.getEncryptionMaterials(matdesc)
        if (materials == null) {
            throw new AmazonClientException(
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            Cipher symmetricCipher = createSymmetricCipher(
                    Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, cryptoConfig.getCryptoProvider(),

            EncryptionMaterials encryptionMaterials = kekMaterialsProvider.getEncryptionMaterials();

            // Encrypt the envelope symmetric key
            byte[] encryptedEnvelopeSymmetricKey = getEncryptedSymmetricKey(encryptedUploadContext.getEnvelopeEncryptionKey(), encryptionMaterials, cryptoConfig.getCryptoProvider());
            EncryptionInstruction instruction = new EncryptionInstruction(encryptionMaterials.getMaterialsDescription(), encryptedEnvelopeSymmetricKey, encryptedUploadContext.getEnvelopeEncryptionKey(), symmetricCipher);

            // Put the instruction file into S3
            s3.putObject(EncryptionUtils.createInstructionPutRequest(encryptedUploadContext.getBucketName(), encryptedUploadContext.getKey(), instruction));
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        // Generate a one-time use symmetric key and initialize a cipher to encrypt object data
        SecretKey envelopeSymmetricKey = generateOneTimeUseSymmetricKey();
        Cipher symmetricCipher = createSymmetricCipher(envelopeSymmetricKey, Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, cryptoConfig.getCryptoProvider(), null);

        if (cryptoConfig.getStorageMode() == CryptoStorageMode.ObjectMetadata) {
      EncryptionMaterials encryptionMaterials = kekMaterialsProvider.getEncryptionMaterials();
            // Encrypt the envelope symmetric key
            byte[] encryptedEnvelopeSymmetricKey = getEncryptedSymmetricKey(envelopeSymmetricKey, encryptionMaterials, cryptoConfig.getCryptoProvider());

            // Store encryption info in metadata
            ObjectMetadata metadata = EncryptionUtils.updateMetadataWithEncryptionInfo(initiateMultipartUploadRequest, encryptedEnvelopeSymmetricKey, symmetricCipher, encryptionMaterials.getMaterialsDescription());

            // Update the request's metadata to the updated metadata
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        // Generate a one-time use symmetric key and initialize a cipher to encrypt object data
        SecretKey envelopeSymmetricKey = generateOneTimeUseSymmetricKey();
        CipherFactory cipherFactory = new CipherFactory(envelopeSymmetricKey, Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, null, cryptoProvider);

        // Encrypt the envelope symmetric key
        EncryptionMaterials materials = materialsProvider.getEncryptionMaterials();
        byte[] encryptedEnvelopeSymmetricKey = getEncryptedSymmetricKey(envelopeSymmetricKey, materials, cryptoProvider);

        // Return a new instruction with the appropriate fields.
        return new EncryptionInstruction(materials.getMaterialsDescription(), encryptedEnvelopeSymmetricKey, envelopeSymmetricKey, cipherFactory);
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                throw new AmazonClientException(
                        String.format("Necessary encryption info not found in the instruction file '%s' in bucket '%s'",
                                      instructionFile.getKey(), instructionFile.getBucketName()));

            EncryptionMaterials materials = retrieveOriginalMaterials(materialsDescription, materialsProvider);
            // If we're unable to retrieve the original encryption materials, we can't decrypt the object, so
            // throw an exception.
            if (materials == null) {
                throw new AmazonClientException(
                        String.format("Unable to retrieve the encryption materials that originally " +
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