Provides options for copying an Amazon S3 object from a source location to a new destination.
All CopyObjectRequests must specify a source bucket and key, along with a destination bucket and key. Beyond that, requests also specify:
* @see, java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.lang.String) */ public CopyObjectResult copyObject(String sourceBucketName, String sourceKey, String destinationBucketName, String destinationKey) throws AmazonClientException, AmazonServiceException { return copyObject(new CopyObjectRequest(sourceBucketName, sourceKey, destinationBucketName, destinationKey)); }
getClass().getClassLoader()); objectMetaData = s3service.getObjectMetadata(bucket, key); if (objectMetaData != null) { retVal = true; if (touch) { CopyObjectRequest copReq = new CopyObjectRequest(bucket, key, bucket, key); copReq.setNewObjectMetadata(objectMetaData); s3service.copyObject(copReq); if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("[ " + identifier.toString() + "] touched took [" + (System.currentTimeMillis() - start) + "] ms");
} if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug(key + " exists, lastmodified =" + objectMetaData.getLastModified().getTime()); } CopyObjectRequest copReq = new CopyObjectRequest(bucket, key, bucket, key); copReq.setNewObjectMetadata(objectMetaData); s3service.copyObject(copReq); if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("lastModified of " + identifier.toString() + " updated successfully"); }
ClassLoader contextClassLoader = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader(); try { Thread.currentThread().setContextClassLoader( getClass().getClassLoader()); String newS3Key = convertKey(oldKey); CopyObjectRequest copReq = new CopyObjectRequest(bucket, oldKey, bucket, newS3Key); s3service.copyObject(copReq); if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug(oldKey + " renamed to " + newS3Key); }
*/ public Copy copy(String sourceBucketName, String sourceKey, String destinationBucketName, String destinationKey) throws AmazonServiceException, AmazonClientException { return copy(new CopyObjectRequest(sourceBucketName, sourceKey, destinationBucketName, destinationKey)); }
assertParameterNotNull(key, "The key parameter must be specified when changing an object's storage class"); assertParameterNotNull(newStorageClass, "The newStorageClass parameter must be specified when changing an object's storage class"); copyObject(new CopyObjectRequest(bucketName, key, bucketName, key) .withStorageClass(newStorageClass.toString())); }
assertParameterNotNull(key, "The key parameter must be specified when changing an object's storage class"); assertParameterNotNull(newRedirectLocation, "The newStorageClass parameter must be specified when changing an object's storage class"); copyObject(new CopyObjectRequest(bucketName, key, bucketName, key) .withRedirectLocation(newRedirectLocation)); }
@Override public CopyObjectResult copyObject(String sourceBucketName, String sourceKey, String destinationBucketName, String destinationKey) throws AmazonClientException, AmazonServiceException { return copyObject(new CopyObjectRequest(sourceBucketName, sourceKey, destinationBucketName, destinationKey)); }
if (req instanceof SSECustomerKeyProvider) { SSECustomerKeyProvider p = (SSECustomerKeyProvider) req; if (p.getSSECustomerKey() != null) assertHttps(); } else if (req instanceof CopyObjectRequest) { CopyObjectRequest cor = (CopyObjectRequest) req; if (cor.getSourceSSECustomerKey() != null || cor.getDestinationSSECustomerKey() != null) { assertHttps(); } } else if (req instanceof CopyPartRequest) { CopyPartRequest cpr = (CopyPartRequest) req; if (cpr.getSourceSSECustomerKey() != null