Represents an Amazon S3 bucket.
Every object stored in Amazon S3 is contained within a bucket. Buckets partition the namespace of objects stored in Amazon S3 at the top level. Within a bucket, any name can be used for objects. However, bucket names must be unique across all of Amazon S3.
Bucket ownership is similar to the ownership of Internet domain names. Within Amazon S3, only a single user owns each bucket. Once a uniquely named bucket is created in Amazon S3, organize and name the objects within the bucket in any way. Ownership of the bucket is retained as long as the owner has an Amazon S3 account.
To conform with DNS requirements, the following constraints apply:
- Bucket names should not contain underscores
- Bucket names should be between 3 and 63 characters long
- Bucket names should not end with a dash
- Bucket names cannot contain adjacent periods
- Bucket names cannot contain dashes next to periods (e.g., "" and "my.-bucket" are invalid)
- Bucket names cannot contain uppercase characters
There are no limits to the number of objects that can be stored in a bucket. Performance does not vary based on the number of buckets used. Store all objects within a single bucket or organize them across several buckets.