The VPC you specified is not currently associated with the hosted zone.
// marshaller understands. String errorCode = parseErrorCode(node); if (errorCode == null || !errorCode.equals("NoSuchChange")) return null; NoSuchChangeException e = (NoSuchChangeException)super.unmarshall(node); return e; }
// marshaller understands. String errorCode = parseErrorCode(node); if (errorCode == null || !errorCode.equals("NoSuchDelegationSet")) return null; NoSuchDelegationSetException e = (NoSuchDelegationSetException)super.unmarshall(node); return e; }
// marshaller understands. String errorCode = parseErrorCode(node); if (errorCode == null || !errorCode.equals("NoSuchGeoLocation")) return null; NoSuchGeoLocationException e = (NoSuchGeoLocationException)super.unmarshall(node); return e; }
// marshaller understands. String errorCode = parseErrorCode(node); if (errorCode == null || !errorCode.equals("NoSuchHealthCheck")) return null; NoSuchHealthCheckException e = (NoSuchHealthCheckException)super.unmarshall(node); return e; }
// marshaller understands. String errorCode = parseErrorCode(node); if (errorCode == null || !errorCode.equals("NoSuchHostedZone")) return null; NoSuchHostedZoneException e = (NoSuchHostedZoneException)super.unmarshall(node); return e; }
// marshaller understands. String errorCode = parseErrorCode(node); if (errorCode == null || !errorCode.equals("PriorRequestNotComplete")) return null; PriorRequestNotCompleteException e = (PriorRequestNotCompleteException)super.unmarshall(node); return e; }
log.debug("Skipping duplicate value: {}", value); continue; } values.add(value); ResourceRecord rr = new ResourceRecord(); rr.setValue(record.value); resourceRecords.add(rr); } rrs.setResourceRecords(resourceRecords); ret.add(rrs);