log.debug("superclass with @NoSqlEntity="+theSuperclass);
if(theSuperclass == null)
throw new RuntimeException("type="+field.getType()+" has a NoSqlDiscriminatorColumn but as we go " +
"up the superclass tree, none of the classes are annotated with NoSqlEntity, please add that annotation");
NoSqlInheritance anno = theSuperclass.getAnnotation(NoSqlInheritance.class);
if(anno == null)
throw new RuntimeException("type="+field.getType()+" has a NoSqlDiscriminatorColumn but as we go " +
"up the superclass tree, none of the classes are annotated with NoSqlInheritance");
else if(!classExistsInList(anno, field.getType()))
throw new RuntimeException("type="+field.getType()+" has a NoSqlDiscriminatorColumn and has a super class with NoSqlEntity and NoSqlInheritance but is not listed" +