static String precachedTypeSummaryQuery = "SELECT TypeGuesses.fid, Types.typelabel, SchemaGuesses.schemaid, Files.crawlid, Files.fname, Files.owner, Files.groupowner, Files.permissions, Files.size, Files.modified, Files.path FROM SchemaGuesses, TypeGuesses, Files, Types WHERE TypeGuesses.fid = SchemaGuesses.fid AND TypeGuesses.fid = Files.fid AND TypeGuesses.typeid = Types.typeid AND TypeGuesses.typeId = ?";
public TypeSummary getPrecachedTypeSummary(final long typeid) {
return dbQueue.execute(new SQLiteJob<TypeSummary>() {
protected TypeSummary job(SQLiteConnection db) throws SQLiteException {
SQLiteStatement stmt = db.prepare(precachedTypeSummaryQuery);
stmt.bind(1, typeid);
TypeSummary ts = null;
try {
List<TypeGuessSummary> tgslist = null;
while (stmt.step()) {
int i = 0;
long fid = stmt.columnLong(i++);
String typelabel = stmt.columnString(i++);
long schemaid = stmt.columnLong(i++);
long crawlid = stmt.columnLong(i++);
String fname = stmt.columnString(i++);
String owner = stmt.columnString(i++);
String groupowner = stmt.columnString(i++);
String permissions = stmt.columnString(i++);
long size = stmt.columnLong(i++);
String modified = stmt.columnString(i++);
String path = stmt.columnString(i++);
if (ts == null) {
ts = new TypeSummary(FSAnalyzer.this, typeid);
ts.addCachedData(new TypeSummaryData(typeid, typelabel));
tgslist = new ArrayList<TypeGuessSummary>();
TypeGuessSummary tg = new TypeGuessSummary(FSAnalyzer.this, fid, typeid, schemaid);
FileSummary fs = new FileSummary(FSAnalyzer.this, fid);
FileSummaryData fsd = new FileSummaryData(FSAnalyzer.this, true, fid, crawlid, fname, owner, groupowner, permissions, size, modified, path);
} catch (SQLiteException sle) {
} finally {
return ts;