// every supervisor.heartbeat.frequency.secs, write SupervisorInfo to ZK
// sync hearbeat to nimbus
Heartbeat hb = new Heartbeat(conf, stormClusterState, supervisorId,
AsyncLoopThread heartbeat = new AsyncLoopThread(hb, false, null,
Thread.MIN_PRIORITY, true);
// Sync heartbeat to Apsara Container
AsyncLoopThread syncContainerHbThread = SyncContainerHb.mkSupervisorInstance(conf);
if (syncContainerHbThread != null) {
// Step 6 create and start sync Supervisor thread
// every supervisor.monitor.frequency.secs second run SyncSupervisor
EventManager processEventManager = new EventManagerImp(false);
ConcurrentHashMap<String, String> workerThreadPids = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, String>();
SyncProcessEvent syncProcessEvent = new SyncProcessEvent(supervisorId,
conf, localState, workerThreadPids, sharedContext);
EventManager syncSupEventManager = new EventManagerImp(false);
SyncSupervisorEvent syncSupervisorEvent = new SyncSupervisorEvent(
supervisorId, conf, processEventManager, syncSupEventManager,
stormClusterState, localState, syncProcessEvent);
int syncFrequence = JStormUtils.parseInt(conf
EventManagerPusher syncSupervisorPusher = new EventManagerPusher(
syncSupEventManager, syncSupervisorEvent, active, syncFrequence);
AsyncLoopThread syncSupervisorThread = new AsyncLoopThread(
// Step 7 start sync process thread
// every supervisor.monitor.frequency.secs run SyncProcesses
// skip thread to do syncProcess, due to nimbus will check whether
// worker is dead or not, if dead, it will reassign a new worker
// int syncProcessFrequence = syncFrequence/2;
// EventManagerPusher syncProcessPusher = new EventManagerPusher(
// processEventManager, syncProcessEvent, active,
// syncProcessFrequence);
// AsyncLoopThread syncProcessThread = new
// AsyncLoopThread(syncProcessPusher);
// threads.add(syncProcessThread);
//Step 7 start httpserver
int port = ConfigExtension.getSupervisorDeamonHttpserverPort(conf);
Httpserver httpserver = new Httpserver(port, conf);
//Step 8 start uploading every 60 secs
MetricSendClient client;
if (ConfigExtension.isAlimonitorMetricsPost(conf)) {
client = new AlimonitorClient(AlimonitorClient.DEFAUT_ADDR,
AlimonitorClient.DEFAULT_PORT, true);
} else {
client = new MetricSendClient();
UploadSupervMetric uploadMetric = new UploadSupervMetric(conf, stormClusterState,
supervisorId, active, 60, client);
AsyncLoopThread uploadMetricThread = new AsyncLoopThread(uploadMetric);
// SupervisorManger which can shutdown all supervisor and workers
return new SupervisorManger(conf, supervisorId, active, threads,
syncSupEventManager, processEventManager, httpserver,