spineItems.put(si.getIdref(), si);
for (int i = 0; i < epubPackage.getManifest().itemsLength(); i++)
ManifestItem mi = epubPackage.getManifest().getItem(i);
if (vtsd.isValidMediaType(mi.getMediaType()))
XMLContentDocParser parser = new XMLContentDocParser(epubPackage.getZip(), report);
HTMLTagsAnalyseHandler sh = new HTMLTagsAnalyseHandler();
SpineItem si = spineItems.get(mi.getId());
boolean itemIsFixedFormat = isGlobalFixed;
if (si != null)
String properties = si.getProperties();
if (properties != null)
if (properties != null && !properties.equals(""))
properties = properties.replaceAll("[\\s]+", " ");
String propertyArray[] = properties.split(" ");
for (String prop : propertyArray)
if (prop.equals("rendition:layout-pre-paginated"))
itemIsFixedFormat = true;
else if (prop.equals("rendition:layout-reflowable"))
itemIsFixedFormat = false;
String fileToParse = epubPackage.getManifestItemFileName(mi);
ZipEntry entry = zip.getEntry(fileToParse);
if (entry == null)
String fileName = new File(zip.getName()).getName();
report.message(MessageId.RSC_001, new MessageLocation(fileName, -1, -1), fileToParse);
//parser.parseDoc(fileToParse, sh);
String fileExtension = mi.getHref().substring(mi.getHref().lastIndexOf('.') + 1, mi.getHref().length());
if (epubPackage.getVersion() == EPUBVersion.VERSION_2
&& !(fileExtension.compareToIgnoreCase("html") == 0
|| fileExtension.compareToIgnoreCase("htm") == 0
|| fileExtension.compareToIgnoreCase("xhtml") == 0))
// Note: extension is already checked in OPFChecker30 for EPUB 3
report.message(MessageId.HTM_014, new MessageLocation(mi.getHref(), -1, -1));
int docTypeMatches = findMatchingDocumentTypePatterns(fileToParse);
if ((0 != (docTypeMatches & hasHTML4)) && (epubPackage.getVersion() == EPUBVersion.VERSION_3))
report.message(MessageId.HTM_015, new MessageLocation(mi.getHref(), -1, -1));
else if ((0 != (docTypeMatches & hasHTML5)) && ((hasXhtml != (docTypeMatches & hasXhtml))) && (epubPackage.getVersion() == EPUBVersion.VERSION_2))
report.message(MessageId.HTM_016, new MessageLocation(mi.getHref(), -1, -1));
parser.parseDoc(fileToParse, sh);
if (sh.getHtml5SpecTagsCounter() > 0)
report.info(fileToParse, FeatureEnum.HAS_HTML5, "true");
if (epubPackage.isSpineItem(mi.getId()))
// Report that there is HTML5 for the entire publication only if it is in a spine item.
// This is used for the 'is backward compatible' check.
// This is so the HTML5 (nav tag) in a toc document will be ignored for backwards compatibility testing.
report.info(null, FeatureEnum.HAS_HTML5, "true");