Package com.adobe.dp.otf

Examples of com.adobe.dp.otf.OpenTypeFont$Range

      log.error( "getRange(): GridCoordSystem vertical axis does not contain min/max points." );
      throw new IllegalArgumentException( "GridCoordSystem vertical axis does not contain min/max points." );

    if ( this.coordAxis.getPositive().equalsIgnoreCase( ucar.nc2.constants.CF.POSITIVE_DOWN ) )
      return new Range( maxIndex, minIndex, stride );
      return new Range( minIndex, maxIndex, stride );
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      log.error( "genRequestVertSubset(): " + message + " - " + e.getMessage() );
      throw new WcsException( WcsException.Code.InvalidParameterValue, "BBOX", message );

    AxisSubset axisSubset = new AxisSubset( vertAxis, minz, maxz, 1 );
    Range range = null;
      range = axisSubset.getRange();
    catch ( InvalidRangeException e )
      String message = "BBOX results in invalid array index range [" + bboxSplit.toString() + "].";
      log.error( "genRequestVertSubset(): " + message + " - " + e.getMessage() );
      throw new WcsException( WcsException.Code.InvalidParameterValue, "BBOX", message );
    if ( range.length() == 1 )
      // Check whether vertical range results in a single level.
      this.isSingleVerticalRequest = true;
      return null;
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    sb.append(v.isMemberOfStructure() ? NetcdfFile.escapeNameSectionSpec(v.getShortName()) : NetcdfFile.makeFullNameEscapedSectionSpec(v));

    if (!v.isVariableLength() && !v.isScalar()) { // sequences cant be sectioned
      for (int count=0; count<v.getRank(); count++) {
        Range r = ranges.get(count);
        if (r == null)
          r = new Range( 0, v.getDimension(count).getLength());
        if (count>0) sb.append(", ");

    return (orgRanges == null) ? null : ranges.subList(v.getRank(), ranges.size());
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    long startDate, endDate;
    // Read all data in variable oriented manner.
    TrajectoryObsDatatype trajDt = me.getTrajectory( "1Hz data" );

    Range range = trajDt.getFullRange();
    startDate = System.currentTimeMillis();
    for ( Iterator it = trajDt.getDataVariables().iterator(); it.hasNext(); )
      VariableSimpleIF var = (VariableSimpleIF);
      Array a = trajDt.getData( range, var.getShortName() );
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      if ( minIndex == -1 || maxIndex == -1 )
        return null;

        return new Range( minIndex, maxIndex);
      catch ( InvalidRangeException e )
        return null;
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  public File writeCoverageDataToFile( Request.Format format, LatLonRect bboxLatLonRect, VerticalRange verticalRange, DateRange timeRange)
          throws WcsException
    // Get the height range.
    Range zRange = null;
      zRange = verticalRange != null ? verticalRange.getRange( this.coordSys ) : null;
    catch ( InvalidRangeException e )
      log.error( "writeCoverageDataToFile(): Failed to subset coverage <" + this.coverage.getFullName() + "> along vertical range <" + verticalRange + ">: " + e.getMessage() );
      throw new WcsException( WcsException.Code.CoverageNotDefined, "Vertical", "Failed to subset coverage [" + this.coverage.getFullName() + "] along vertical range." );

    // Get the time range.
    Range tRange = null;
    if ( timeRange != null )
      CoordinateAxis1DTime timeAxis = this.coordSys.getTimeAxis1D();
      DateType requestStartTime = timeRange.getStart();
      DateType requestEndTime = timeRange.getEnd();
      int startIndex = timeAxis.findTimeIndexFromDate( requestStartTime.getDate() );
      int endIndex = timeAxis.findTimeIndexFromDate( requestEndTime.getDate() );
      if ( startIndex < 0 || startIndex > timeAxis.getSize() -1
           || endIndex < 0 || endIndex > timeAxis.getSize() - 1 )
        String availStart = timeAxis.getDateRange().getStart().toDateTimeStringISO();
        String availEnd = timeAxis.getDateRange().getEnd().toDateTimeStringISO();
        String msg = "Requested temporal range [" + requestStartTime.toDateTimeStringISO()
                     + " - " + requestEndTime.toDateTimeStringISO()
                     + "] not in available range [" + availStart + " - " + availEnd + "].";
        log.debug( "writeCoverageDataToFile(): " + msg );
        throw new WcsException( WcsException.Code.CoverageNotDefined, "Time", msg );
        tRange = new Range( startIndex, endIndex );
      catch ( InvalidRangeException e )
        log.error( "writeCoverageDataToFile(): Failed to subset coverage [" + this.coverage.getFullName() + "] along time axis [" + timeRange + "]: " + e.getMessage() );
        throw new WcsException( WcsException.Code.CoverageNotDefined, "Time", "Failed to subset coverage [" + this.coverage.getFullName() + "] along time axis [" + timeRange + "]." );
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        log.error( "getRange(): GridCoordSystem vertical axis does not contain min/max points." );
        throw new IllegalArgumentException( "GridCoordSystem vertical axis does not contain min/max points." );

      if ( vertAxis.getPositive().equalsIgnoreCase( ucar.nc2.constants.CF.POSITIVE_DOWN ) )
        return new Range( maxIndex, minIndex, stride );
        return new Range( minIndex, maxIndex, stride );
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    int rank = v.getRank();
    ArrayList ranges = new ArrayList();
    for (int i = 1; i < rank; i++) {
      ranges.add(new Range(0, 1));

    VariableDS v_section = (VariableDS) v.section(ranges);
    assert (v_section.findAttribute("_FillValue") != null);
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            // T
            int first = slice2DIndex.getTIndex();
            int length = 1;
            int stride = 1;
            if (first != -1){
                ranges.add(new Range(first, first + length - 1, stride));
            // Z
            first = slice2DIndex.getZIndex();
            if (first != -1){
                ranges.add(new Range(first, first + length - 1, stride));
            // Y
            first = srcRegion.y;
            length = srcRegion.height;
            stride = strideY;
            ranges.add(new Range(first, first + length - 1, stride));
            // X
            first = srcRegion.x;
            length = srcRegion.width;
            stride = strideX;
            ranges.add(new Range(first, first + length - 1, stride));
        } catch (InvalidRangeException e) {
            throw netcdfFailure(e);
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                final String name = var.getName();
                for( int j = 0; j < numImages; j++ ) {
                    // Checking if the actual dataset is a product.
                    if (!checkProducts || name.equals(productList[j])) {
                        // Updating the subDatasetsMap map
                        indexMap.put(new Range(j, j + 1), new TerascanDatasetWrapper(var));
        } catch (InvalidRangeException e) {
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Related Classes of com.adobe.dp.otf.OpenTypeFont$Range

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