Package codechicken.nei

Examples of codechicken.nei.PositionedStack


        public void setResult(ItemStack output) {
            result = new PositionedStack(output, 119, 24);
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         * @return A list of positioned ingredient items.
        public List<PositionedStack> getIngredients() {
            ArrayList<PositionedStack> stacks = new ArrayList<PositionedStack>();
            PositionedStack stack = getIngredient();
            if (stack != null)
            return stacks;
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         * @return A list of positioned items.
        public List<PositionedStack> getOtherStacks() {
            ArrayList<PositionedStack> stacks = new ArrayList<PositionedStack>();
            PositionedStack stack = getOtherStack();
            if (stack != null)
            return stacks;
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        Slot[][] recipeSlotList = new Slot[ingredients.size()][];
        for(int i = 0; i < ingredients.size(); i++)//identify slots
            LinkedList<Slot> recipeSlots = new LinkedList<Slot>();
            PositionedStack pstack = ingredients.get(i);
            for(Slot slot : (List<Slot>)gui.inventorySlots.inventorySlots)
                if(slot.xDisplayPosition == pstack.relx+offsetx && slot.yDisplayPosition == pstack.rely+offsety)
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        return NEIGalacticraftConfig.refineryRecipes.entrySet();

    public void registerRecipes()
        this.registerRefineryRecipe(new PositionedStack(new ItemStack(GCItems.oilCanister, 1, 1), 2, 3), new PositionedStack(new ItemStack(GCItems.fuelCanister, 1, 1), 148, 3));

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    private void addBuggyRecipes()
        HashMap<Integer, PositionedStack> input1 = new HashMap<Integer, PositionedStack>();

        input1 = new HashMap<Integer, PositionedStack>();
        input1.put(0, new PositionedStack(new ItemStack(GCItems.partBuggy, 1, 0), 18, 37));
        input1.put(1, new PositionedStack(new ItemStack(GCItems.partBuggy, 1, 0), 18, 91));
        input1.put(2, new PositionedStack(new ItemStack(GCItems.partBuggy, 1, 0), 90, 37));
        input1.put(3, new PositionedStack(new ItemStack(GCItems.partBuggy, 1, 0), 90, 91));
        for (int x = 0; x < 3; x++)
            for (int y = 0; y < 4; y++)
                if (x == 1 && y == 1)
                    input1.put(y * 3 + x + 4, new PositionedStack(new ItemStack(GCItems.partBuggy, 1, 1), 36 + x * 18, 37 + y * 18));
                    input1.put(y * 3 + x + 4, new PositionedStack(new ItemStack(GCItems.heavyPlatingTier1), 36 + x * 18, 37 + y * 18));
        this.registerBuggyBenchRecipe(input1, new PositionedStack(new ItemStack(GCItems.buggy, 1, 0), 139, 101));

        HashMap<Integer, PositionedStack> input2 = new HashMap<Integer, PositionedStack>(input1);
        input2.put(16, new PositionedStack(new ItemStack(GCItems.partBuggy, 1, 2), 90, 8));
        this.registerBuggyBenchRecipe(input2, new PositionedStack(new ItemStack(GCItems.buggy, 1, 1), 139, 101));

        input2 = new HashMap<Integer, PositionedStack>(input1);
        input2.put(17, new PositionedStack(new ItemStack(GCItems.partBuggy, 1, 2), 116, 8));
        this.registerBuggyBenchRecipe(input2, new PositionedStack(new ItemStack(GCItems.buggy, 1, 1), 139, 101));

        input2 = new HashMap<Integer, PositionedStack>(input1);
        input2.put(18, new PositionedStack(new ItemStack(GCItems.partBuggy, 1, 2), 142, 8));
        this.registerBuggyBenchRecipe(input2, new PositionedStack(new ItemStack(GCItems.buggy, 1, 1), 139, 101));

        input2 = new HashMap<Integer, PositionedStack>(input1);
        input2.put(16, new PositionedStack(new ItemStack(GCItems.partBuggy, 1, 2), 90, 8));
        input2.put(17, new PositionedStack(new ItemStack(GCItems.partBuggy, 1, 2), 116, 8));
        this.registerBuggyBenchRecipe(input2, new PositionedStack(new ItemStack(GCItems.buggy, 1, 2), 139, 101));

        input2 = new HashMap<Integer, PositionedStack>(input1);
        input2.put(17, new PositionedStack(new ItemStack(GCItems.partBuggy, 1, 2), 116, 8));
        input2.put(18, new PositionedStack(new ItemStack(GCItems.partBuggy, 1, 2), 142, 8));
        this.registerBuggyBenchRecipe(input2, new PositionedStack(new ItemStack(GCItems.buggy, 1, 2), 139, 101));

        input2 = new HashMap<Integer, PositionedStack>(input1);
        input2.put(16, new PositionedStack(new ItemStack(GCItems.partBuggy, 1, 2), 90, 8));
        input2.put(18, new PositionedStack(new ItemStack(GCItems.partBuggy, 1, 2), 142, 8));
        this.registerBuggyBenchRecipe(input2, new PositionedStack(new ItemStack(GCItems.buggy, 1, 2), 139, 101));

        input2 = new HashMap<Integer, PositionedStack>(input1);
        input2.put(16, new PositionedStack(new ItemStack(GCItems.partBuggy, 1, 2), 90, 8));
        input2.put(17, new PositionedStack(new ItemStack(GCItems.partBuggy, 1, 2), 116, 8));
        input2.put(18, new PositionedStack(new ItemStack(GCItems.partBuggy, 1, 2), 142, 8));
        this.registerBuggyBenchRecipe(input2, new PositionedStack(new ItemStack(GCItems.buggy, 1, 3), 139, 101));
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    private void addRocketRecipes()
        HashMap<Integer, PositionedStack> input1 = new HashMap<Integer, PositionedStack>();
        input1.put(0, new PositionedStack(new ItemStack(GCItems.partNoseCone), 45, 15));
        input1.put(1, new PositionedStack(new ItemStack(GCItems.heavyPlatingTier1), 36, 33));
        input1.put(2, new PositionedStack(new ItemStack(GCItems.heavyPlatingTier1), 36, 51));
        input1.put(3, new PositionedStack(new ItemStack(GCItems.heavyPlatingTier1), 36, 69));
        input1.put(4, new PositionedStack(new ItemStack(GCItems.heavyPlatingTier1), 36, 87));
        input1.put(5, new PositionedStack(new ItemStack(GCItems.heavyPlatingTier1), 54, 33));
        input1.put(6, new PositionedStack(new ItemStack(GCItems.heavyPlatingTier1), 54, 51));
        input1.put(7, new PositionedStack(new ItemStack(GCItems.heavyPlatingTier1), 54, 69));
        input1.put(8, new PositionedStack(new ItemStack(GCItems.heavyPlatingTier1), 54, 87));
        input1.put(9, new PositionedStack(new ItemStack(GCItems.rocketEngine), 45, 105));
        input1.put(10, new PositionedStack(new ItemStack(GCItems.partFins), 18, 87));
        input1.put(11, new PositionedStack(new ItemStack(GCItems.partFins), 18, 105));
        input1.put(12, new PositionedStack(new ItemStack(GCItems.partFins), 72, 87));
        input1.put(13, new PositionedStack(new ItemStack(GCItems.partFins), 72, 105));
        this.registerRocketBenchRecipe(input1, new PositionedStack(new ItemStack(GCItems.rocketTier1, 1, 0), 139, 92));

        HashMap<Integer, PositionedStack> input2 = new HashMap<Integer, PositionedStack>(input1);
        input2.put(14, new PositionedStack(new ItemStack(Blocks.chest), 90, 8));
        this.registerRocketBenchRecipe(input2, new PositionedStack(new ItemStack(GCItems.rocketTier1, 1, 1), 139, 92));

        input2 = new HashMap<Integer, PositionedStack>(input1);
        input2.put(15, new PositionedStack(new ItemStack(Blocks.chest), 116, 8));
        this.registerRocketBenchRecipe(input2, new PositionedStack(new ItemStack(GCItems.rocketTier1, 1, 1), 139, 92));

        input2 = new HashMap<Integer, PositionedStack>(input1);
        input2.put(16, new PositionedStack(new ItemStack(Blocks.chest), 142, 8));
        this.registerRocketBenchRecipe(input2, new PositionedStack(new ItemStack(GCItems.rocketTier1, 1, 1), 139, 92));

        input2 = new HashMap<Integer, PositionedStack>(input1);
        input2.put(14, new PositionedStack(new ItemStack(Blocks.chest), 90, 8));
        input2.put(15, new PositionedStack(new ItemStack(Blocks.chest), 116, 8));
        this.registerRocketBenchRecipe(input2, new PositionedStack(new ItemStack(GCItems.rocketTier1, 1, 2), 139, 92));

        input2 = new HashMap<Integer, PositionedStack>(input1);
        input2.put(15, new PositionedStack(new ItemStack(Blocks.chest), 116, 8));
        input2.put(16, new PositionedStack(new ItemStack(Blocks.chest), 142, 8));
        this.registerRocketBenchRecipe(input2, new PositionedStack(new ItemStack(GCItems.rocketTier1, 1, 2), 139, 92));

        input2 = new HashMap<Integer, PositionedStack>(input1);
        input2.put(14, new PositionedStack(new ItemStack(Blocks.chest), 90, 8));
        input2.put(16, new PositionedStack(new ItemStack(Blocks.chest), 142, 8));
        this.registerRocketBenchRecipe(input2, new PositionedStack(new ItemStack(GCItems.rocketTier1, 1, 2), 139, 92));

        input2 = new HashMap<Integer, PositionedStack>(input1);
        input2.put(14, new PositionedStack(new ItemStack(Blocks.chest), 90, 8));
        input2.put(15, new PositionedStack(new ItemStack(Blocks.chest), 116, 8));
        input2.put(16, new PositionedStack(new ItemStack(Blocks.chest), 142, 8));
        this.registerRocketBenchRecipe(input2, new PositionedStack(new ItemStack(GCItems.rocketTier1, 1, 3), 139, 92));
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    private void addCircuitFabricatorRecipes()
        HashMap<Integer, PositionedStack> input1 = new HashMap<Integer, PositionedStack>();
        input1.put(0, new PositionedStack(new ItemStack(Items.diamond), 10, 22));
        input1.put(1, new PositionedStack(new ItemStack(GCItems.basicItem, 1, 2), 69, 51));
        input1.put(2, new PositionedStack(new ItemStack(GCItems.basicItem, 1, 2), 69, 69));
        input1.put(3, new PositionedStack(new ItemStack(, 117, 51));
        input1.put(4, new PositionedStack(new ItemStack(Blocks.redstone_torch), 140, 25));
        this.registerCircuitFabricatorRecipe(input1, new PositionedStack(new ItemStack(GCItems.basicItem, 3, 13), 147, 91));

        HashMap<Integer, PositionedStack> input2 = new HashMap<Integer, PositionedStack>(input1);
        input2.put(4, new PositionedStack(new ItemStack(Items.dye, 1, 4), 140, 25));
        this.registerCircuitFabricatorRecipe(input2, new PositionedStack(new ItemStack(GCItems.basicItem, 9, 12), 147, 91));

        input2 = new HashMap<Integer, PositionedStack>(input1);
        input2.put(4, new PositionedStack(new ItemStack(Items.repeater), 140, 25));
        this.registerCircuitFabricatorRecipe(input2, new PositionedStack(new ItemStack(GCItems.basicItem, 1, 14), 147, 91));
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                for (int j = 0; j < recipe.recipeItems.length; j++)
                    ItemStack stack = recipe.recipeItems[j];

                    input1.put(j, new PositionedStack(stack, 21 + j % 3 * 18, 26 + j / 3 * 18));
            else if (rec instanceof ShapelessOreRecipe)
                ShapelessOreRecipe recipe = (ShapelessOreRecipe) rec;

                for (int j = 0; j < recipe.getInput().size(); j++)
                    Object obj = recipe.getInput().get(j);

                    input1.put(j, new PositionedStack(obj, 21 + j % 3 * 18, 26 + j / 3 * 18));

            this.registerIngotCompressorRecipe(input1, new PositionedStack(rec.getRecipeOutput(), 140, 46));
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        public List<PositionedStack> getOtherStacks()
            ArrayList<PositionedStack> stacks = new ArrayList<PositionedStack>();
            PositionedStack stack = this.getOtherStack();
            if (stack != null)
            return stacks;
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Related Classes of codechicken.nei.PositionedStack

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