* This method returns the <code>Name</code> as a list of <code>AVA</code>
* instances. The order is the same as the order in which the
* <code>AVA</code> instances appear in the code.
public List getAVAList() {
ASN1ObjectIdentifier oid;
ASN1Sequence ava;
ArrayList list;
ASN1Type obj;
Iterator i;
boolean sibling;
ASN1Set rdn;
String val;
String key;
AVA entry;
int j;
int n;
list = new ArrayList(size());
for (i = iterator(); i.hasNext();) {
rdn = (ASN1Set) i.next();
n = rdn.size();
for (j = 0; j < n; j++) {
* We have to mark siblings. An AVA has a sibling if it is not
* the last AVA in the set.
sibling = (j < n - 1);
* Convert key and value into strings. These values are then put
* into an AVA instance.
ava = (ASN1Sequence) rdn.get(j);
oid = (ASN1ObjectIdentifier) ava.get(0);
obj = (ASN1Type) ava.get(1);
key = (String) oid2a_.get(oid);
if (key == null) {
key = oid.toString();
if (obj instanceof ASN1String) {
val = ((ASN1String) obj).getString();
entry = new AVA(key, val, sibling);
} else {