Examples of Cos

Examples of org.apache.commons.math3.analysis.function.Cos

public class LegendreHighPrecisionTest {
    private static GaussIntegratorFactory factory = new GaussIntegratorFactory();

    public void testCos() {
        final UnivariateFunction cos = new Cos();

        final GaussIntegrator integrator = factory.legendreHighPrecision(7, 0, Math.PI / 2);
        final double s = integrator.integrate(cos);
        // System.out.println("s=" + s + " e=" + 1);
        Assert.assertEquals(1, s, Math.ulp(1d));
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Examples of org.apache.commons.math3.analysis.function.Cos

        final double a = 1.2345678;
        Assert.assertEquals(8 * a, FunctionUtils.multiply(c, id, id).value(new DerivativeStructure(1, 1, 0, a)).getPartialDerivative(1), EPS);

        UnivariateDifferentiableFunction inv = new Inverse();
        UnivariateDifferentiableFunction pow = new Power(2.5);
        UnivariateDifferentiableFunction cos = new Cos();
        Assert.assertEquals(1.5 * Math.sqrt(a) * Math.cos(a) - Math.pow(a, 1.5) * Math.sin(a),
                            FunctionUtils.multiply(inv, pow, cos).value(new DerivativeStructure(1, 1, 0, a)).getPartialDerivative(1), EPS);

        UnivariateDifferentiableFunction cosh = new Cosh();
        Assert.assertEquals(1.5 * Math.sqrt(a) * Math.cosh(a) + Math.pow(a, 1.5) * Math.sinh(a),
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Examples of org.apache.commons.math3.analysis.function.Cos

        v_mapTanhToSelf.mapToSelf(new Tanh());
        double[] result_mapTanhToSelf = {7.615941559557649e-01d,9.640275800758169e-01d,9.950547536867305e-01d};
        assertClose("compare vectors" ,result_mapTanhToSelf,v_mapTanhToSelf.toArray(),normTolerance);

        //octave =  cos(v1)
        RealVector v_mapCos = v1.map(new Cos());
        double[] result_mapCos = {5.403023058681398e-01d,-4.161468365471424e-01d, -9.899924966004454e-01d};
        assertClose("compare vectors" ,result_mapCos,v_mapCos.toArray(),normTolerance);

        //octave =  cos(v1)
        RealVector v_mapCosToSelf = v1.copy();
        v_mapCosToSelf.mapToSelf(new Cos());
        double[] result_mapCosToSelf = {5.403023058681398e-01d,-4.161468365471424e-01d, -9.899924966004454e-01d};
        assertClose("compare vectors" ,result_mapCosToSelf,v_mapCosToSelf.toArray(),normTolerance);

        //octave =  sin(v1)
        RealVector v_mapSin = v1.map(new Sin());
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Examples of org.apache.commons.math3.analysis.function.Cos

        v_mapTanhToSelf.mapToSelf(new Tanh());
        double[] result_mapTanhToSelf = {7.615941559557649e-01d,9.640275800758169e-01d,9.950547536867305e-01d};
        assertClose("compare vectors" ,result_mapTanhToSelf,v_mapTanhToSelf.toArray(),normTolerance);

        //octave =  cos(v1)
        RealVector v_mapCos = v1.map(new Cos());
        double[] result_mapCos = {5.403023058681398e-01d,-4.161468365471424e-01d, -9.899924966004454e-01d};
        assertClose("compare vectors" ,result_mapCos,v_mapCos.toArray(),normTolerance);

        //octave =  cos(v1)
        RealVector v_mapCosToSelf = v1.copy();
        v_mapCosToSelf.mapToSelf(new Cos());
        double[] result_mapCosToSelf = {5.403023058681398e-01d,-4.161468365471424e-01d, -9.899924966004454e-01d};
        assertClose("compare vectors" ,result_mapCosToSelf,v_mapCosToSelf.toArray(),normTolerance);

        //octave =  sin(v1)
        RealVector v_mapSin = v1.map(new Sin());
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Examples of org.apache.commons.math3.analysis.function.Cos

        final double a = 1.2345678;
        Assert.assertEquals(8 * a, FunctionUtils.multiply(c, id, id).derivative().value(a), EPS);

        DifferentiableUnivariateFunction inv = new Inverse();
        DifferentiableUnivariateFunction pow = new Power(2.5);
        DifferentiableUnivariateFunction cos = new Cos();
        Assert.assertEquals(1.5 * Math.sqrt(a) * Math.cos(a) - Math.pow(a, 1.5) * Math.sin(a),
                            FunctionUtils.multiply(inv, pow, cos).derivative().value(a), EPS);

        DifferentiableUnivariateFunction cosh = new Cosh();
        Assert.assertEquals(1.5 * Math.sqrt(a) * Math.cosh(a) + Math.pow(a, 1.5) * Math.sinh(a),
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Examples of org.apache.pig.piggybank.evaluation.math.COS

          double actual = (new Double(output.strval())).doubleValue();
          assertEquals(actual, expected, delta);
   public void testCOS() throws Exception{
       EvalFunc<DataAtom> COS = new COS();
          Tuple tup = new Tuple(1);
          tup.setField(0, 0.5);
          DataAtom output = new DataAtom();
          COS.exec(tup, output);
          double expected = Math.cos(0.5);
          double actual = (new Double(output.strval())).doubleValue();
          assertEquals(actual, expected, delta);
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Examples of org.boris.expr.function.excel.COS

        assertEquals(eval(c, 8, 2), 28.);
        assertEquals(eval(c, 9, 7), 36.);

    public void testCOS() throws Exception {
        COS c = new COS();
        for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
            double d = Math.random() * 1000 - Math.random() * 1000;
            assertEquals("COS not working", TH.eval(c, d), Math.cos(d));
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Examples of org.jquantlib.math.functions.Cos

    private void testSeveral(final Integrator I) {
        testSingle(I, "f(x) = 1",      new Constant(1.0),               0.0, 1.0, 1.0);
        testSingle(I, "f(x) = x",      new Identity(),                  0.0, 1.0, 0.5);
        testSingle(I, "f(x) = x^2",    new Square(),                    0.0, 1.0, 1.0/3.0);
        testSingle(I, "f(x) = sin(x)", new Sin(),                       0.0, Constants.M_PI, 2.0);
        testSingle(I, "f(x) = cos(x)", new Cos(),                       0.0, Constants.M_PI, 0.0);
        testSingle(I, "f(x) = Gaussian(x)", new NormalDistribution(), -10.0, 10.0, 1.0);

//TODO: http://bugs.jquantlib.org/view.php?id=452
//        testSingle(I, "f(x) = Abcd2(x)",
//                AbcdSquared(0.07, 0.07, 0.5, 0.1, 8.0, 10.0),
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Examples of org.jquantlib.math.functions.Cos

    private void testSeveral(final Integrator I) {
        testSingle(I, "f(x) = 1",      new Constant(1.0),               0.0, 1.0, 1.0);
        testSingle(I, "f(x) = x",      new Identity(),                  0.0, 1.0, 0.5);
        testSingle(I, "f(x) = x^2",    new Square(),                    0.0, 1.0, 1.0/3.0);
        testSingle(I, "f(x) = sin(x)", new Sin(),                       0.0, Constants.M_PI, 2.0);
        testSingle(I, "f(x) = cos(x)", new Cos(),                       0.0, Constants.M_PI, 0.0);
        testSingle(I, "f(x) = Gaussian(x)", new NormalDistribution(), -10.0, 10.0, 1.0);

//TODO: http://bugs.jquantlib.org/view.php?id=452
//        testSingle(I, "f(x) = Abcd2(x)",
//                AbcdSquared(0.07, 0.07, 0.5, 0.1, 8.0, 10.0),
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