Examples of CoreRemotingConnection

Examples of org.hornetq.core.protocol.core.CoreRemotingConnection

    * Re-attach sessions all pre-existing sessions to the new remoting connection
   private void reconnectSessions(final CoreRemotingConnection oldConnection, final int reconnectAttempts)
      CoreRemotingConnection newConnection = getConnectionWithRetry(reconnectAttempts);

      if (newConnection == null)
         FailoverManagerImpl.log.warn("Failed to connect to server.");


      List<FailureListener> oldListeners = oldConnection.getFailureListeners();

      List<FailureListener> newListeners = new ArrayList<FailureListener>(newConnection.getFailureListeners());

      for (FailureListener listener : oldListeners)
         // Add all apart from the first one which is the old DelegatingFailureListener

         if (listener instanceof DelegatingFailureListener == false)


      for (ClientSessionInternal session : sessions)
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Examples of org.hornetq.core.protocol.core.CoreRemotingConnection

         if (exitLoop)
            return null;

         CoreRemotingConnection theConnection = getConnection();

         if (theConnection == null)
            // Failed to get connection
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Examples of org.hornetq.core.protocol.core.CoreRemotingConnection

   private class DelegatingBufferHandler implements BufferHandler
      public void bufferReceived(final Object connectionID, final HornetQBuffer buffer)
         CoreRemotingConnection theConn = connection;

         if (theConn != null && connectionID == theConn.getID())
            theConn.bufferReceived(connectionID, buffer);
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Examples of org.hornetq.core.protocol.core.CoreRemotingConnection

      final Configuration config = server.getConfiguration();
      Executor connectionExecutor = server.getExecutorFactory().getExecutor();

      final CoreRemotingConnection rc = new RemotingConnectionImpl(connection,
                                                                   config.isAsyncConnectionExecutionEnabled() ? connectionExecutor
                                                                                                             : null,

      Channel channel1 = rc.getChannel(1, -1);

      ChannelHandler handler = new HornetQPacketHandler(this, server, channel1, rc);


      long ttl = HornetQClient.DEFAULT_CONNECTION_TTL;

      if (config.getConnectionTTLOverride() != -1)
         ttl = config.getConnectionTTLOverride();

      final ConnectionEntry entry = new ConnectionEntry(rc, connectionExecutor, System.currentTimeMillis(), ttl);

      final Channel channel0 = rc.getChannel(0, -1);

      channel0.setHandler(new ChannelHandler()
         public void handlePacket(final Packet packet)
            if (packet.getType() == PacketImpl.PING)
               Ping ping = (Ping)packet;

               if (config.getConnectionTTLOverride() == -1)
                  // Allow clients to specify connection ttl
                  entry.ttl = ping.getConnectionTTL();

               // Just send a ping back
            else if (packet.getType() == PacketImpl.SUBSCRIBE_TOPOLOGY || packet.getType() == PacketImpl.SUBSCRIBE_TOPOLOGY_V2)
               SubscribeClusterTopologyUpdatesMessage msg = (SubscribeClusterTopologyUpdatesMessage)packet;
               if (packet.getType() == PacketImpl.SUBSCRIBE_TOPOLOGY_V2)
               final ClusterTopologyListener listener = new ClusterTopologyListener()
                  public void nodeUP(final long uniqueEventID,
                                     final String nodeID,
                                     final Pair<TransportConfiguration, TransportConfiguration> connectorPair,
                                     final boolean last)
                     // Using an executor as most of the notifications on the Topology
                     // may come from a channel itself
                     // What could cause deadlocks
                     entry.connectionExecutor.execute(new Runnable()
                        public void run()
                           if (channel0.supports(PacketImpl.CLUSTER_TOPOLOGY_V2))
                              channel0.send(new ClusterTopologyChangeMessage_V2(uniqueEventID, nodeID, connectorPair, last));
                              channel0.send(new ClusterTopologyChangeMessage(nodeID, connectorPair, last));

                  public void nodeDown(final long uniqueEventID, final String nodeID)
                     // Using an executor as most of the notifications on the Topology
                     // may come from a channel itself
                     // What could cause deadlocks
                     entry.connectionExecutor.execute(new Runnable()
                        public void run()
                           if (channel0.supports(PacketImpl.CLUSTER_TOPOLOGY_V2))
                              channel0.send(new ClusterTopologyChangeMessage_V2(uniqueEventID, nodeID));
                              channel0.send(new ClusterTopologyChangeMessage(nodeID));
                  public String toString()
                     return "Remote Proxy on channel " + Integer.toHexString(System.identityHashCode(this));
               final boolean isCC = msg.isClusterConnection();
               if (acceptorUsed.getClusterConnection() != null)
                  acceptorUsed.getClusterConnection().addClusterTopologyListener(listener, isCC);
                  rc.addCloseListener(new CloseListener()
                     public void connectionClosed()
                        acceptorUsed.getClusterConnection().removeClusterTopologyListener(listener, isCC);
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Examples of org.hornetq.core.protocol.core.CoreRemotingConnection

            // Now we absolutely know that no threads are executing in or blocked in createSession, and no
            // more will execute it until failover is complete

            // So.. do failover / reconnection

            CoreRemotingConnection oldConnection = connection;

            connection = null;

            catch (Exception ignore)


            connector = null;

            reconnectSessions(oldConnection, reconnectAttempts);

            if (oldConnection != null)
            CoreRemotingConnection connectionToDestory = connection;
            if (connectionToDestory != null)

            connection = null;
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Examples of org.hornetq.core.protocol.core.CoreRemotingConnection

            // Now we absolutely know that no threads are executing in or blocked in createSession, and no
            // more will execute it until failover is complete

            // So.. do failover / reconnection

            CoreRemotingConnection oldConnection = connection;

            connection = null;

            catch (Exception ignore)


            connector = null;

            reconnectSessions(oldConnection, reconnectAttempts);

            if (oldConnection != null)
            if (connection != null)
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Examples of org.hornetq.core.protocol.core.CoreRemotingConnection


         // And switch it

         final CoreRemotingConnection rnewConnection = (CoreRemotingConnection)newConnection;

         rnewConnection.putChannel(id, this);

         connection = rnewConnection;

         transferring = true;
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Examples of org.hornetq.core.protocol.core.CoreRemotingConnection

   private class DelegatingBufferHandler implements BufferHandler
      public void bufferReceived(final Object connectionID, final HornetQBuffer buffer)
         CoreRemotingConnection theConn = connection;

         if (theConn != null && connectionID == theConn.getID())
            theConn.bufferReceived(connectionID, buffer);
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Examples of org.hornetq.core.protocol.core.CoreRemotingConnection

      final Configuration config = server.getConfiguration();
      Executor connectionExecutor = server.getExecutorFactory().getExecutor();

      final CoreRemotingConnection rc = new RemotingConnectionImpl(connection,
                                                                   config.isAsyncConnectionExecutionEnabled() ? connectionExecutor
                                                                                                             : null,

      Channel channel1 = rc.getChannel(1, -1);

      ChannelHandler handler = new HornetQPacketHandler(this, server, channel1, rc);


      long ttl = HornetQClient.DEFAULT_CONNECTION_TTL;

      if (config.getConnectionTTLOverride() != -1)
         ttl = config.getConnectionTTLOverride();

      final ConnectionEntry entry = new ConnectionEntry(rc, connectionExecutor, System.currentTimeMillis(), ttl);

      final Channel channel0 = rc.getChannel(0, -1);

      channel0.setHandler(new ChannelHandler()
         public void handlePacket(final Packet packet)
            if (packet.getType() == PacketImpl.PING)
               Ping ping = (Ping)packet;

               if (config.getConnectionTTLOverride() == -1)
                  // Allow clients to specify connection ttl
                  entry.ttl = ping.getConnectionTTL();

               // Just send a ping back
            else if (packet.getType() == PacketImpl.SUBSCRIBE_TOPOLOGY || packet.getType() == PacketImpl.SUBSCRIBE_TOPOLOGY_V2)
               SubscribeClusterTopologyUpdatesMessage msg = (SubscribeClusterTopologyUpdatesMessage)packet;
               if (packet.getType() == PacketImpl.SUBSCRIBE_TOPOLOGY_V2)
               final ClusterTopologyListener listener = new ClusterTopologyListener()
                  public void nodeUP(final long uniqueEventID,
                                     final String nodeID,
                                     final Pair<TransportConfiguration, TransportConfiguration> connectorPair,
                                     final boolean last)
                     // Using an executor as most of the notifications on the Topology
                     // may come from a channel itself
                     // What could cause deadlocks
                     entry.connectionExecutor.execute(new Runnable()
                        public void run()
                           if (channel0.supports(PacketImpl.CLUSTER_TOPOLOGY_V2))
                              channel0.send(new ClusterTopologyChangeMessage_V2(uniqueEventID, nodeID, connectorPair, last));
                              channel0.send(new ClusterTopologyChangeMessage(nodeID, connectorPair, last));

                  public void nodeDown(final long uniqueEventID, final String nodeID)
                     // Using an executor as most of the notifications on the Topology
                     // may come from a channel itself
                     // What could cause deadlocks
                     entry.connectionExecutor.execute(new Runnable()
                        public void run()
                           if (channel0.supports(PacketImpl.CLUSTER_TOPOLOGY_V2))
                              channel0.send(new ClusterTopologyChangeMessage_V2(uniqueEventID, nodeID));
                              channel0.send(new ClusterTopologyChangeMessage(nodeID));
                  public String toString()
                     return "Remote Proxy on channel " + Integer.toHexString(System.identityHashCode(this));

               if (acceptorUsed.getClusterConnection() != null)
                  rc.addCloseListener(new CloseListener()
                     public void connectionClosed()
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Examples of org.hornetq.core.protocol.core.CoreRemotingConnection

   private class DelegatingBufferHandler implements BufferHandler
      public void bufferReceived(final Object connectionID, final HornetQBuffer buffer)
         CoreRemotingConnection theConn = connection;

         if (theConn != null && connectionID == theConn.getID())
            theConn.bufferReceived(connectionID, buffer);
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