Examples of CorbaConnection

Examples of com.sun.corba.se.spi.transport.CorbaConnection


    protected void performCodeSetNegotiation(CorbaMessageMediator messageMediator)
        CorbaConnection conn =
            (CorbaConnection) messageMediator.getConnection();
        IOR ior =
        GIOPVersion giopVersion = messageMediator.getGIOPVersion();

        // XXX This seems to be a broken double checked locking idiom: FIX IT!

        // conn.getCodeSetContext() is null when no other requests have
        // been made on this connection to trigger code set negotation.
        if (conn != null &&
            conn.getCodeSetContext() == null &&
            !giopVersion.equals(GIOPVersion.V1_0)) {

            synchronized(conn) {
                // Double checking.  Don't let any other
                // threads use this connection until the
                // code sets are straight.
                if (conn.getCodeSetContext() != null)

                // This only looks at the first code set component.  If
                // there can be multiple locations with multiple code sets,
                // this requires more work.
                IIOPProfileTemplate temp =
                Iterator iter = temp.iteratorById(TAG_CODE_SETS.value);
                if (!iter.hasNext()) {
                    // Didn't have a code set component.  The default will
                    // be to use ISO8859-1 for char data and throw an
                    // exception if wchar data is used.

                // Get the native and conversion code sets the
                // server specified in its IOR
                CodeSetComponentInfo serverCodeSets
                    = ((CodeSetsComponent)iter.next()).getCodeSetComponentInfo();

                // Perform the negotiation between this ORB's code sets and
                // the ones from the IOR
                CodeSetComponentInfo.CodeSetContext result
                    = CodeSetConversion.impl().negotiate(

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Examples of org.xmlBlaster.client.protocol.corba.CorbaConnection

         cbServer = new CorbaCallbackServer();
         CallbackAddress cba = new CallbackAddress(this.glob);
         cbServer.initialize(this.glob, loginName, cba, this);

         corbaConnection = new CorbaConnection();
         corbaConnection.init(glob, null);
         //cbServer = new CorbaCallbackServer(this.glob, loginName, this, corbaConnection.getOrb());
         ConnectQos connectQos = new ConnectQos(glob, loginName, passwd);
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