MathTransform transform = null;
ensureNonNull("operations", operations);
for (int i=0; i<operations.length; i++) {
ensureNonNull("operations", operations, i);
final CoordinateOperation op = operations[i];
if (op instanceof SingleOperation) {
target.add((SingleOperation) op);
} else if (op instanceof ConcatenatedOperation) {
final ConcatenatedOperation cop = (ConcatenatedOperation) op;
final List<SingleOperation> cops = cop.getOperations();
expand(cops.toArray(new CoordinateOperation[cops.size()]), target, factory, false);
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(Errors.format(ErrorKeys.ILLEGAL_CLASS_$2,
Classes.getClass(op), SingleOperation.class));
* Check the CRS dimensions.
if (i != 0) {
final CoordinateReferenceSystem previous = operations[i-1].getTargetCRS();
final CoordinateReferenceSystem next = op .getSourceCRS();
if (previous!=null && next!=null) {
final int dim1 = previous.getCoordinateSystem().getDimension();
final int dim2 = next.getCoordinateSystem().getDimension();
if (dim1 != dim2) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(Errors.format(
ErrorKeys.MISMATCHED_DIMENSION_$2, dim1, dim2));
* Concatenates the math transform.
if (wantTransform) {
final MathTransform step = op.getMathTransform();
if (transform == null) {
transform = step;
} else if (factory != null) {
transform = factory.createConcatenatedTransform(transform, step);
} else {