不选择现有convertor的理由: BeanUtils 不支持alias别名,必须绑定到具体的对象 alibaba convert 支持alias别名,但注册时只是建立class对象和alias之间有一映射关系 我们的需求: 定义convert,指定对应名字name, 在dsl描述时引用name进行convertor处理@author jianghang 2011-5-25 下午10:08:48
If you need to do mass conversion of a lot of values, it may be beneficial to pass a {@link FormatCache} object to the convert methods.Some convertors need to build and configure parser or formatting objects, which can be expensive if it needs to be done repeatedly. @version $Id: Convertor.java 151181 2005-02-03 16:59:31Z tim $
If you need to do mass conversion of a lot of values, it may be beneficial to pass a {@link FormatCache} object to the convert methods.Some convertors need to build and configure parser or formatting objects, which can be expensive if it needs to be done repeatedly. @version CVS $Id: Convertor.java,v 1.7 2004/03/09 13:54:15 reinhard Exp $
20020519 Andreas Schaefer: