Interface which all converters must implement
@author Johann Petrak
used to convert data from one type to another.
@param < F> the accepted type of objects to convert from
@param < T> the type to convert to
@author Peter Güttinger
@see Converters#registerConverter(Class,Class,Converter)
A minimal converter which sets up the general interface for derived classes. It also implements the functionality to chain converters in a linked list.
@author ceki
@version $Id: Converter.java,v 1.1 2003/07/03 07:26:36 baobao Exp $
@author Michael Zhou
The Converter acts as a bridge between the core and the user level API, specifically for ORM.
Subclasses will override the {@link #fromDomain(java.lang.Object) } and {@link #fromDomain(java.lang.Object) } methods to convert the value portion of a {@code RiakObject} to a domain object.
@author Brian Roach
@param < T> the type to convert to
@since 2.0
old class. Version 0 is implied. // {@literal @Entity}class Person { // ... } // The new class. A new version number must be assigned. // {@literal @Entity(version=1)}class Person { // Incompatible changes were made here... } // Add a converter mutation. // Mutations mutations = new Mutations(); mutations.addConverter(new Converter(Person.class.getName(), 0, new MyConversion())); // Configure the mutations as described {@link Mutations here}.
See {@link Conversion} for more information.
@see com.sleepycat.persist.evolve Class Evolution
@author Mark Hayes
Interface that defines the functionality to convert a SyndFeedImpl to a real feed (RSS or Atom) and vice versa.
Each implementation knows how to deal with a specific type (version) of a real feed.
Implementations must be thread safe.
TODO: explain how developers can plugin their own implementations.
@author Alejandro Abdelnur
The converted class used to convert disabled values (represented by string) to objects of required type.
@author ssoloviov
Converter implementations are responsible marshalling Java objects to/from textual data.
If an exception occurs during processing, a {@link ConversionException} should be thrown.
If working with the high level {@link com.thoughtworks.xstream.XStream} facade, you can register new converters usingthe XStream.registerConverter() method.
If working with the lower level API, the {@link com.thoughtworks.xstream.converters.ConverterLookup} implementationis responsible for looking up the appropriate converter.
Converters for object that can store all information in a single value should implement {@link com.thoughtworks.xstream.converters.SingleValueConverter}. {@link com.thoughtworks.xstream.converters.basic.AbstractSingleValueConverter} provides a starting point.
{@link com.thoughtworks.xstream.converters.collections.AbstractCollectionConverter} provides a starting point forobjects that hold a collection of other objects (such as Lists and Maps).
@author Joe Walnes
@see com.thoughtworks.xstream.XStream
@see com.thoughtworks.xstream.converters.ConverterLookup
@see com.thoughtworks.xstream.converters.basic.AbstractSingleValueConverter
@see com.thoughtworks.xstream.converters.collections.AbstractCollectionConverter
Interface that implements conversion between a model and a presentation type.
Typically {@link #convertToPresentation(Object,Class,Locale)} and{@link #convertToModel(Object,Class,Locale)} should be symmetric so thatchaining these together returns the original result for all input but this is not a requirement.
Converters must not have any side effects (never update UI from inside a converter).
All Converters must be stateless and thread safe.
If conversion of a value fails, a {@link ConversionException} is thrown.
@param < PRESENTATION> The presentation type. Must be compatible with what {@link #getPresentationType()} returns.
@param < MODEL> The model type. Must be compatible with what {@link #getModelType()} returns.
@author Vaadin Ltd.
@since 7.0
g.org/ffmpeg-doc.html">documentation for that program.
If on the other hand you need to programatically decide when and how you do video processing, or process only parts of files, or do transcoding live within a Java server without calling out to another process, then by all means use Xuggler and use this class as an example of how to do conversion. But please recognize you will likely need to implement code specific to your application. This class is no substitute for actually understanding the how to use the Xuggler API within your specific use-case
And if you haven't gotten the impression, please stop asking us to support ffmpeg
options like "-re" in this class. This class is only meant as a teaching-aide for the underlying Xuggler API.
Instead implement your own Java class based off of this that does real-time playback yourself. Really. Please. We'd appreciate it very much.
Now, all that said, here's how to create a main class that uses this Converter class:
public static void main(String[] args) { Converter converter = new Converter(); try { // first define options Options options = converter.defineOptions(); // And then parse them. CommandLine cmdLine = converter.parseOptions(options, args); // Finally, run the converter. converter.run(cmdLine); } catch (Exception exception) { System.err.printf("Error: %s\n", exception.getMessage()); } }
Pass "--help" to your main class as the argument to see the list of accepted options.
@author aclarke
Converters are used to convert a string (obtained from an attribute value) to the actual value needed by the setter.
@see ConverterException
@author Heng Yuan
@version $Id: Converter.java 218 2007-06-06 06:10:10Z coconut $
@since CookXml 1.0
Basic interface for all converters.
A CharstreamConverter operates on Character streams. You can use it to define Conversions between record or document formats.
It is possible to pipe multiple Converters using the setPreConverter and setPostConverter methods.
Any {@link Converter} has to provide a {@link ConverterContext} object. Thisis used to access converter specific details or properties.
Converter interface. A converter can parse a string to an object value and format it back to a string. Implementors must have an empty constructor. Additionally to the methods required for a validation engine they have to implement the {@link #parse(HttpServletRequest,String)} and{@link #format(HttpServletRequest,Object)} methods.
@author Christoph Beck
@author Oliver Stuhr
sun.com/j2ee/javaserverfaces/1.1_01/docs/api/index.html">JSF Specification
@author Thomas Spiegl (latest modification by $Author: matzew $)
@version $Revision: 358099 $ $Date: 2005-12-20 13:40:00 -0700 (Tue, 20 Dec 2005) $
Converts the object to required format
@author Goutham Gogineni
@author JOAO
@author Andreas Beckers
@version $Revision: 1.1 $
Interface for custom type conversion.
General purpose data type converter that can be registered and used within the BeanUtils package to manage the conversion of objects from one type to another.
Converter subclasses bundled with the BeanUtils library are required to be thread-safe, as users of the library may call conversion methods from more than one thread simultaneously.
Custom converter subclasses created by users of the library can be non-thread-safe if the application using them is single-threaded. However it is recommended that they be written in a thread-safe manner anyway.
@author Craig McClanahan
@author Paulo Gaspar
@version $Revision: 555824 $ $Date: 2007-07-13 01:27:15 +0100 (Fri, 13 Jul 2007) $
@since 1.3
Converts the input key/value from a MapReduce task into the input to a {@link DoFn}, or takes the output of a {@code DoFn} and write it to theoutput key/values.
Converts batch of log records into one or more ATOM Elements to deliver.
A converter is a service that can help create specific object types from a string, and vice versa.
The shell is capable of coercing arguments to the their proper type. However, sometimes commands require extra help to do this conversion. This service can implement a converter for a number of types.
The command shell will rank these services in order of service.ranking and will then call them until one of the converters succeeds.
Interface to convert a Doxia input wrapper to a Doxia output wrapper.
Vincent Siveton
@version $Id: Converter.java 712860 2008-11-10 22:54:37Z hboutemy $
Processes configuration, page, and action class paths to create snippets of the files for display.
A lightweight Table-column <--> DataObject-property converter framework. Converters allow a user to insert a transformation between a column value and is destination DataObject property value. For example, by default, a VARCHAR column will be represented as a String in its corresponding DataObject property. A user could insert a converter that transforms the the VARCHAR value to an Integer. If this is done then although the column returns character data, the DataObject property will be an Integer
Data converter between source
and destination
This configuration and delegate class specifies the class and methods that convert a single datatype and also calls the print and parse methods of that class.
Created: Feb 26, 2004
Copyright: Copyright (c) 2004
Assumptions: none
Requires: nothing
Required by: nothing
Revision History:
@author Donald Kittle
(last commit: $Author: donald $)
@version 1.0 (revision $Revision: 1.3 $)
@stereotype Config
A class for converting Data objects
@author Bruce Herr (bh2@bh2.net)
An interface for converting types from a string to some other type.
@author Joe Walker [joe at getahead dot ltd dot uk]
Abstract base class for converters.
@since 1.0
Purpose: Conversion interface to allow conversion between object and data types. This can be used in any mapping to convert between the object and data types without requiring code placed in the object model. TopLink provides several common converters, but the application can also define it own.
@see DirectToFieldMapping#setConverter(Converter)
@see DirectCollectionMapping#setConverter(Converter)
@see ObjectTypeConverter
@see TypeConversionConverter
@author James Sutherland
@since OracleAS TopLink 10g (10.0.3)
Converts values of one type into another.
@author Justin Deoliveira, The Open Planning Project
@since 2.4
@source $URL$
@author Lennart Koopmann
Converter that can be used to transform a given entry to a different value. This is especially useful to reduce overall payload of given data that is sent for the given event when a notification is send to a cluster listener as this will have to be serialized and sent across the network when the cluster listener is not local to the node who owns the given key.
@author William Burns
@since 7.0
Contract for converters than can perform model value to widget value transformations and vice versa.
@author Christian Sadilek
@param < M> The type of the model value (field type of the model)
@param < W> The type of the widget value (e.g. String for a {@link TextBox} (=HasValue<String>) or Boolean for a{@link Checkbox} (=HasValue<Boolean>)))
converts plain objects to objects that are persistable via a subclass of VariableInstance.
@author Tom Baeyens
@author Tom Baeyens
Interface for defining objects which perform bi-directional conversion between string values and Java objects. A unified conversion interface is required for serializing and de-serializing data values to and from a textual representation, which is a common requirement when interacting with a network or web-based data source.
For many Java classes (Date, Color, etc), an instance may be represented in a variety of string formats, hence both conversion methods take an optional format
parameter for specifying an unambiguous string format to use during conversion. A Converter class must document the format classes it supports and must also accept a null
value for the format
parameter, in which case a suitable and well-documented default should be used. Converters should support standard formats whenever possible.
@see Converters#get
@author Amy Fowler
@version 1.0
Defines a {@link Transformer} that is a data type converters, ie: convertdata from a type to another without modifying the meaning of the data.
@ JKTODO 这个类的名字不知道取什么好...
@author juqkai(juqkai@gmail.com)
Converter interface. Classes implement this interface to convert one Java object type to another.
@param < S> The source object type
@param < T> The target object type
Converter interface.
@author Alex Lin
Type converter to convert an object to a target type.
@author $Id: baf2391dfd6e84d36ca0a50d4743da4dd62e5f41 $
Implementations of this interface are responsible for converting between an {@code InputStream} and an{@link IRepositoryFileData}. Added support for using just fileId and assume converter encapsulates all necessary logic for getting file data and conversion
@author mlowery
@author earthangry@gmail.com
@date 2010-10-5
A converter is capable of converting a source object of type {@link #getSourceClass()} to a target type of type{@link #getTargetClass()}. If the converter is a {@link TwoWayConverter}, it can also convert from the target back to the source.
Implementations of this interface are thread-safe and can be shared.
@author Keith Donald
A converter converts a source object of type S to a target of type T. Implementations of this interface are thread-safe and can be shared.
Implementations may additionally implement {@link ConditionalConverter}.
@author Keith Donald
@since 3.0
@see ConditionalConverter
@param < S> The source type
@param < T> The target type
Represents a converter.
Defines interface for converting from a String to an Object (which can be bound to a richly typed property in a domain class). Converters are typically one of two types:
- Generic converters which use an underlying conversion library (e.g. Commons BeanUtils or OGNL) to perform conversion
- Specific converters which apply a custom conversion
@author Phil Zoio
General purpose data type converter that can be registered and used within the SwingEngine package to manage the conversion of objects from one type to another.
Wolf Paulus
@version $Revision: 1.2 $
Represent a tree of converters that materializes tuples
@author Julien Le Dem