Converters generally treat null input as if it were invalid input, ie they return their default value if one was specified when the converter was constructed, and throw an exception otherwise. If you prefer nulls to be preserved for converters that are converting to objects (not primitives) then register a converter as above, passing a default value of null to the converter constructor (and of course registering that converter only for the .class target).
When a converter is listed above as having no default value, then that converter will throw an exception when passed null or an invalid value as its input. In particular, by default the BigInteger and BigDecimal converters have no default (and are therefore somewhat inconsistent with the other numerical converters which all have zero as their default).
Converters that generate arrays of each of the primitive types are also automatically configured (including String[]). When passed null or invalid input, these return an empty array (not null). See class AbstractArrayConverter for the supported input formats for these converters.
@author Craig R. McClanahan @author Ralph Schaer @author Chris Audley @author James Strachan @version $Revision: 687089 $ $Date: 2008-08-19 17:33:30 +0100 (Tue, 19 Aug 2008) $ @since 1.7