ControlDecoration renders an image decoration near a control. It allows clients to specify an image and a position for the image relative to the control. A ControlDecoration may be assigned description text, which can optionally be shown when the user hovers over the image. Clients can decorate any kind of control.
Decoration images always appear on the left or right side of the field, never above or below it. Decorations can be positioned at the top, center, or bottom of either side of the control. Future implementations may provide additional positioning options for decorations.
ControlDecoration renders the image adjacent to the specified (already created) control, with no guarantee that it won't be clipped or otherwise obscured or overlapped by adjacent controls, including another ControlDecoration placed in the same location. Clients should ensure that there is adequate space adjacent to the control to show the decoration properly.
Clients using ControlDecoration should typically ensure that enough margin space is reserved for a decoration by altering the layout data margins, although this is not assumed or required by the ControlDecoration implementation.
This class is intended to be instantiated and used by clients. It is not intended to be subclassed by clients.
@since 3.3
@see FieldDecoration
@see FieldDecorationRegistry
@noextend This class is not intended to be subclassed by clients.