File pom = getTestFile( pomResource );
assertNotNull( "Can't find project " + pomResource, pom );
ContinuumProjectBuildingResult result = projectBuilder.buildProjectsFromMetadata( pom.toURL(), null, null );
// some assertions to make sure our expectations match. This is NOT
// meant as a unit test for the projectbuilder!
assertNotNull( "Project list not null", result.getProjects() );
assertEquals( "#Projectgroups", 1, result.getProjectGroups().size() );
ProjectGroup pg = result.getProjectGroups().get( 0 );
// If the next part fails, remove this code! Then result.getProjects
// might be empty, and result.projectgroups[0].getProjects contains
// the single project!
assertEquals( "#Projects in result", 1, result.getProjects().size() );
Project p = result.getProjects().get( 0 );
pg.addProject( p );
p.setWorkingDirectory( pom.getParent() );