Examples of ContextCapabilities

Examples of com.ardor3d.renderer.ContextCapabilities

     * bind texture and upload image data to card
    public static void update(final Texture texture, final int unit) {
        final RenderContext context = ContextManager.getCurrentContext();
        final ContextCapabilities caps = context.getCapabilities();


        // our texture type:
        final Texture.Type type = texture.getType();

        final GL gl = GLContext.getCurrentGL();
        final GLU glu = GLU.createGLU(gl);

        // bind our texture id to this unit.
        doTextureBind(texture, unit, false);

        // pass image data to OpenGL
        final Image image = texture.getImage();
        final boolean hasBorder = texture.hasBorder();
        if (image == null) {
            logger.warning("Image data for texture is null.");

        // set alignment to support images with width % 4 != 0, as images are
        // not aligned
        gl.glPixelStorei(GL.GL_UNPACK_ALIGNMENT, 1);

        // Get texture image data. Not all textures have image data.
        // For example, ApplyMode.Combine modes can use primary colors,
        // texture output, and constants to modify fragments via the
        // texture units.
        if (image != null) {
            final int maxSize = caps.getMaxTextureSize();
            final int actualWidth = image.getWidth();
            final int actualHeight = image.getHeight();

            final boolean needsPowerOfTwo = !caps.isNonPowerOfTwoTextureSupported()
                    && (!MathUtils.isPowerOfTwo(image.getWidth()) || !MathUtils.isPowerOfTwo(image.getHeight()));
            if (actualWidth > maxSize || actualHeight > maxSize || needsPowerOfTwo) {
                if (needsPowerOfTwo) {
                    logger.warning("(card unsupported) Attempted to apply texture with size that is not power of 2: "
                            + image.getWidth() + " x " + image.getHeight());
                if (actualWidth > maxSize || actualHeight > maxSize) {
                    logger.warning("(card unsupported) Attempted to apply texture with size bigger than max texture size ["
                            + maxSize + "]: " + image.getWidth() + " x " + image.getHeight());

                int w = actualWidth;
                if (needsPowerOfTwo) {
                    w = MathUtils.nearestPowerOfTwo(actualWidth);
                if (w > maxSize) {
                    w = maxSize;

                int h = actualHeight;
                if (needsPowerOfTwo) {
                    h = MathUtils.nearestPowerOfTwo(actualHeight);
                if (h > maxSize) {
                    h = maxSize;
                logger.warning("Rescaling image to " + w + " x " + h + " !!!");

                // must rescale image to get "top" mipmap texture image
                final int pixFormat = JoglTextureUtil.getGLPixelFormat(image.getDataFormat());
                final int pixDataType = JoglTextureUtil.getGLPixelDataType(image.getDataType());
                final int bpp = ImageUtils.getPixelByteSize(image.getDataFormat(), image.getDataType());
                final ByteBuffer scaledImage = BufferUtils.createByteBuffer((w + 4) * h * bpp);
                // ensure the buffer is ready for reading
                final int error = glu.gluScaleImage(pixFormat, actualWidth, actualHeight, pixDataType,
                        image.getData(0), w, h, pixDataType, scaledImage);
                if (error != 0) {
                    final int errorCode = gl.glGetError();
                    if (errorCode != GL.GL_NO_ERROR) {
                        throw new GLException(glu.gluErrorString(errorCode));


            if (!texture.getMinificationFilter().usesMipMapLevels() && !texture.getTextureStoreFormat().isCompressed()) {

                // Load textures which do not need mipmap auto-generating and
                // which aren't using compressed images.

                switch (texture.getType()) {
                    case TwoDimensional:
                        // ensure the buffer is ready for reading
                        // send top level to card
                        gl.glTexImage2D(GL.GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0,
                                JoglTextureUtil.getGLInternalFormat(texture.getTextureStoreFormat()), image.getWidth(),
                                image.getHeight(), hasBorder ? 1 : 0,
                                JoglTextureUtil.getGLPixelDataType(image.getDataType()), image.getData(0));
                    case OneDimensional:
                        // ensure the buffer is ready for reading
                        // send top level to card
                        gl.getGL2GL3().glTexImage1D(GL2GL3.GL_TEXTURE_1D, 0,
                                JoglTextureUtil.getGLInternalFormat(texture.getTextureStoreFormat()), image.getWidth(),
                                hasBorder ? 1 : 0, JoglTextureUtil.getGLPixelFormat(image.getDataFormat()),
                                JoglTextureUtil.getGLPixelDataType(image.getDataType()), image.getData(0));
                    case ThreeDimensional:
                        if (caps.isTexture3DSupported()) {
                            // concat data into single buffer:
                            int dSize = 0;
                            int count = 0;
                            ByteBuffer data = null;
                            for (int x = 0; x < image.getData().size(); x++) {
                                if (image.getData(x) != null) {
                                    data = image.getData(x);
                                    dSize += data.limit();
                            // reuse buffer if we can.
                            if (count != 1) {
                                data = BufferUtils.createByteBuffer(dSize);
                                for (int x = 0; x < image.getData().size(); x++) {
                                    if (image.getData(x) != null) {
                                // ensure the buffer is ready for reading
                            // send top level to card
                            gl.getGL2GL3().glTexImage3D(GL2ES2.GL_TEXTURE_3D, 0,
                                    image.getWidth(), image.getHeight(), image.getDepth(), hasBorder ? 1 : 0,
                                    JoglTextureUtil.getGLPixelDataType(image.getDataType()), data);
                        } else {
                            logger.warning("This card does not support Texture3D.");
                    case CubeMap:
                        // NOTE: Cubemaps MUST be square, so height is ignored
                        // on purpose.
                        if (caps.isTextureCubeMapSupported()) {
                            for (final TextureCubeMap.Face face : TextureCubeMap.Face.values()) {
                                // ensure the buffer is ready for reading
                                // send top level to card
                                gl.glTexImage2D(getGLCubeMapFace(face), 0,
                                        image.getWidth(), image.getWidth(), hasBorder ? 1 : 0,
                        } else {
                            logger.warning("This card does not support Cubemaps.");
                    case Rectangle:
            } else if (texture.getMinificationFilter().usesMipMapLevels() && !image.hasMipmaps()
                    && !texture.getTextureStoreFormat().isCompressed()) {

                // For textures which need mipmaps auto-generating and which
                // aren't using compressed images, generate the mipmaps.
                // A new mipmap builder may be needed to build mipmaps for
                // compressed textures.

                if (caps.isAutomaticMipmapsSupported()) {
                    // Flag the card to generate mipmaps
                    gl.glTexParameteri(getGLType(type), GL2ES1.GL_GENERATE_MIPMAP, GL.GL_TRUE);

                switch (type) {
                    case TwoDimensional:
                        // ensure the buffer is ready for reading
                        if (caps.isAutomaticMipmapsSupported()) {
                            // send top level to card
                            gl.glTexImage2D(GL.GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0,
                                    image.getWidth(), image.getHeight(), hasBorder ? 1 : 0,
                                    JoglTextureUtil.getGLPixelDataType(image.getDataType()), image.getData(0));
                        } else {
                            // send to card
                                    image.getWidth(), image.getHeight(),
                                    JoglTextureUtil.getGLPixelDataType(image.getDataType()), image.getData(0));
                    case OneDimensional:
                        // ensure the buffer is ready for reading
                        if (caps.isAutomaticMipmapsSupported()) {
                            // send top level to card
                            gl.getGL2GL3().glTexImage1D(GL2GL3.GL_TEXTURE_1D, 0,
                                    image.getWidth(), hasBorder ? 1 : 0,
                                    JoglTextureUtil.getGLPixelDataType(image.getDataType()), image.getData(0));
                        } else {
                            // Note: JOGL's GLU class does not support
                            // gluBuild1DMipmaps.
                            logger.warning("non-fbo 1d mipmap generation is not currently supported.  Use DDS or a non-mipmap minification filter.");
                    case ThreeDimensional:
                        if (caps.isTexture3DSupported()) {
                            if (caps.isAutomaticMipmapsSupported()) {
                                // concat data into single buffer:
                                int dSize = 0;
                                int count = 0;
                                ByteBuffer data = null;
                                for (int x = 0; x < image.getData().size(); x++) {
                                    if (image.getData(x) != null) {
                                        data = image.getData(x);
                                        dSize += data.limit();
                                // reuse buffer if we can.
                                if (count != 1) {
                                    data = BufferUtils.createByteBuffer(dSize);
                                    for (int x = 0; x < image.getData().size(); x++) {
                                        if (image.getData(x) != null) {
                                    // ensure the buffer is ready for reading
                                // send top level to card
                                gl.getGL2GL3().glTexImage3D(GL2ES2.GL_TEXTURE_3D, 0,
                                        image.getWidth(), image.getHeight(), image.getDepth(), hasBorder ? 1 : 0,
                                        JoglTextureUtil.getGLPixelDataType(image.getDataType()), data);
                            } else {
                                // Note: JOGL's GLU class does not support
                                // gluBuild3DMipmaps.
                                logger.warning("non-fbo 3d mipmap generation is not currently supported.  Use DDS or a non-mipmap minification filter.");
                        } else {
                            logger.warning("This card does not support Texture3D.");
                    case CubeMap:
                        // NOTE: Cubemaps MUST be square, so height is ignored
                        // on purpose.
                        if (caps.isTextureCubeMapSupported()) {
                            if (caps.isAutomaticMipmapsSupported()) {
                                for (final TextureCubeMap.Face face : TextureCubeMap.Face.values()) {
                                    // ensure the buffer is ready for reading
                                    // send top level to card
                                    gl.glTexImage2D(getGLCubeMapFace(face), 0,
                                            image.getWidth(), image.getWidth(), hasBorder ? 1 : 0,
                            } else {
                                for (final TextureCubeMap.Face face : TextureCubeMap.Face.values()) {
                                    // ensure the buffer is ready for reading
                                    // send to card
                                            image.getWidth(), image.getWidth(),
                        } else {
                            logger.warning("This card does not support Cubemaps.");
                    case Rectangle:

                if (texture.getTextureMaxLevel() >= 0) {
                    gl.glTexParameteri(GL.GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL2GL3.GL_TEXTURE_MAX_LEVEL, texture.getTextureMaxLevel());
            } else {
                // Here we handle textures that are either compressed or have predefined mipmaps.
                // Get mipmap data sizes and amount of mipmaps to send to opengl. Then loop through all mipmaps and send
                // them.
                int[] mipSizes = image.getMipMapByteSizes();
                ByteBuffer data = null;
                if (type == Type.CubeMap) {
                    if (caps.isTextureCubeMapSupported()) {
                        for (final TextureCubeMap.Face face : TextureCubeMap.Face.values()) {
                            data = image.getData(face.ordinal());
                            int pos = 0;
                            int max = 1;

                            if (mipSizes == null) {
                                mipSizes = new int[] { data.capacity() };
                            } else if (texture.getMinificationFilter().usesMipMapLevels()) {
                                max = mipSizes.length;

                            // set max mip level
                            gl.glTexParameteri(getGLCubeMapFace(face), GL2GL3.GL_TEXTURE_MAX_LEVEL, max - 1);

                            for (int m = 0; m < max; m++) {
                                final int width = Math.max(1, image.getWidth() >> m);
                                final int height = Math.max(1, image.getHeight() >> m);

                                data.limit(pos + mipSizes[m]);

                                if (texture.getTextureStoreFormat().isCompressed()) {
                                    gl.glCompressedTexImage2D(getGLCubeMapFace(face), m,
                                            width, height, hasBorder ? 1 : 0, mipSizes[m], data);
                                } else {
                                    gl.glTexImage2D(getGLCubeMapFace(face), m,
                                            width, height, hasBorder ? 1 : 0,
                                            JoglTextureUtil.getGLPixelDataType(image.getDataType()), data);
                                pos += mipSizes[m];
                    } else {
                        logger.warning("This card does not support CubeMaps.");
                } else {
                    data = image.getData(0);
                    int pos = 0;
                    int max = 1;

                    if (mipSizes == null) {
                        mipSizes = new int[] { data.capacity() };
                    } else if (texture.getMinificationFilter().usesMipMapLevels()) {
                        max = mipSizes.length;

                    // Set max mip level
                    switch (type) {
                        case TwoDimensional:
                            gl.glTexParameteri(GL.GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL2GL3.GL_TEXTURE_MAX_LEVEL, max - 1);
                        case ThreeDimensional:
                            gl.glTexParameteri(GL2ES2.GL_TEXTURE_3D, GL2GL3.GL_TEXTURE_MAX_LEVEL, max - 1);
                        case OneDimensional:
                            gl.glTexParameteri(GL2GL3.GL_TEXTURE_1D, GL2GL3.GL_TEXTURE_MAX_LEVEL, max - 1);
                        case CubeMap:
                        case Rectangle:

                    if (type == Type.ThreeDimensional) {
                        if (caps.isTexture3DSupported()) {
                            // concat data into single buffer:
                            int dSize = 0;
                            int count = 0;
                            for (int x = 0; x < image.getData().size(); x++) {
                                if (image.getData(x) != null) {
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Examples of com.ardor3d.renderer.ContextCapabilities

    public static void apply(final JoglRenderer renderer, final TextureState state) {
        final GL gl = GLContext.getCurrentGL();

        // ask for the current state record
        final RenderContext context = ContextManager.getCurrentContext();
        final ContextCapabilities caps = context.getCapabilities();
        final TextureStateRecord record = (TextureStateRecord) context.getStateRecord(StateType.Texture);
        context.setCurrentState(StateType.Texture, state);

        if (state.isEnabled()) {

            Texture texture;
            Texture.Type type;
            TextureUnitRecord unitRecord;
            TextureRecord texRecord;

            final int glHint = JoglTextureUtil.getPerspHint(state.getCorrectionType());
            if (!record.isValid() || record.hint != glHint) {
                // set up correction mode
                gl.glHint(GL2ES1.GL_PERSPECTIVE_CORRECTION_HINT, glHint);
                record.hint = glHint;

            // loop through all available texture units...
            for (int i = 0; i < caps.getNumberOfTotalTextureUnits(); i++) {
                unitRecord = record.units[i];

                // grab a texture for this unit, if available
                texture = state.getTexture(i);

                // pull our texture id for this texture, for this context.
                int textureId = texture != null ? texture.getTextureIdForContext(context.getGlContextRep()) : 0;

                // check for invalid textures - ones that have no opengl id and
                // no image data
                if (texture != null && textureId == 0 && texture.getImage() == null) {
                    texture = null;

                // null textures above fixed limit do not need to be disabled
                // since they are not really part of the pipeline.
                if (texture == null) {
                    if (i >= caps.getNumberOfFixedTextureUnits()) {
                    } else {
                        // a null texture indicates no texturing at this unit
                        // Disable texturing on this unit if enabled.
                        disableTexturing(unitRecord, record, i, caps);

                        if (i < state._keyCache.length) {
                            state._keyCache[i] = null;

                        // next texture!

                type = texture.getType();

                // disable other texturing types for this unit, if enabled.
                disableTexturing(unitRecord, record, i, type, caps);

                // Time to bind the texture, so see if we need to load in image
                // data for this texture.
                if (textureId == 0) {
                    // texture not yet loaded.
                    // this will load and bind and set the records...
                    load(texture, i);
                    textureId = texture.getTextureIdForContext(context.getGlContextRep());
                    if (textureId == 0) {
                } else if (texture.isDirty(context.getGlContextRep())) {
                    update(texture, i);
                    textureId = texture.getTextureIdForContext(context.getGlContextRep());
                    if (textureId == 0) {
                } else {
                    final GLDrawable drawable = GLContext.getCurrent().getGLDrawable();
                    // forces the rebinding when the drawable uses a frame buffer object
                    final boolean fbo = drawable.getChosenGLCapabilities().isFBO();
                    // texture already exists in OpenGL, just bind it if needed
                    if (!unitRecord.isValid() || unitRecord.boundTexture != textureId || fbo) {
                        checkAndSetUnit(i, record, caps);
                        gl.glBindTexture(getGLType(type), textureId);
                        if (Constants.stats) {
                            StatCollector.addStat(StatType.STAT_TEXTURE_BINDS, 1);
                        unitRecord.boundTexture = textureId;

                // Use the Java Integer object for the getTextureRecord call to avoid
                // boxing/unboxing ints for map lookups.
                final Integer textureIdInteger = texture.getTextureIdForContextAsInteger(context.getGlContextRep());

                // Grab our record for this texture
                texRecord = record.getTextureRecord(textureIdInteger, texture.getType());

                // Set the keyCache value for this unit of this texture state
                // This is done so during state comparison we don't have to
                // spend a lot of time pulling out classes and finding field
                // data.
                state._keyCache[i] = texture.getTextureKey();

                // Some texture things only apply to fixed function pipeline
                if (i < caps.getNumberOfFixedTextureUnits()) {

                    // Enable 2D texturing on this unit if not enabled.
                    if (!unitRecord.isValid() || !unitRecord.enabled[type.ordinal()]) {
                        checkAndSetUnit(i, record, caps);
                        unitRecord.enabled[type.ordinal()] = true;

                    // Set our blend color, if needed.
                    applyBlendColor(texture, unitRecord, i, record, caps);

                    // Set the texture environment mode if this unit isn't
                    // already set properly
                    applyEnvMode(texture.getApply(), unitRecord, i, record, caps);

                    // If our mode is combine, and we support multitexturing
                    // apply combine settings.
                    if (texture.getApply() == ApplyMode.Combine && caps.isMultitextureSupported()
                            && caps.isEnvCombineSupported()) {
                        applyCombineFactors(texture, unitRecord, i, record, caps);

                // Other items only apply to textures below the frag unit limit
                if (i < caps.getNumberOfFragmentTextureUnits()) {

                    // texture specific params
                    applyFilter(texture, texRecord, i, record, caps);
                    applyWrap(texture, texRecord, i, record, caps);
                    applyShadow(texture, texRecord, i, record, caps);

                    // Set our border color, if needed.
                    applyBorderColor(texture, texRecord, i, record, caps);

                    // all states have now been applied for a tex record, so we
                    // can safely make it valid
                    if (!texRecord.isValid()) {


                // Other items only apply to textures below the frag tex coord
                // unit limit
                if (i < caps.getNumberOfFragmentTexCoordUnits()) {

                    // Now time to play with texture matrices
                    // Determine which transforms to do.
                    applyTextureTransforms(texture, i, record, caps);

                    // Now let's look at automatic texture coordinate
                    // generation.
                    applyTexCoordGeneration(texture, unitRecord, i, record, caps);

                    // Set our texture lod bias, if needed.
                    applyLodBias(texture, unitRecord, i, record, caps);


        } else {
            // turn off texturing
            TextureUnitRecord unitRecord;

            if (caps.isMultitextureSupported()) {
                for (int i = 0; i < caps.getNumberOfFixedTextureUnits(); i++) {
                    unitRecord = record.units[i];
                    disableTexturing(unitRecord, record, i, caps);
            } else {
                unitRecord = record.units[0];
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Examples of com.ardor3d.renderer.ContextCapabilities

    public static void doTextureBind(final Texture texture, final int unit, final boolean invalidateState) {
        final GL gl = GLContext.getCurrentGL();

        // ask for the current state record
        final RenderContext context = ContextManager.getCurrentContext();
        final ContextCapabilities caps = context.getCapabilities();
        final TextureStateRecord record = (TextureStateRecord) context.getStateRecord(StateType.Texture);
        if (invalidateState) {
            // Set this to null because no current state really matches anymore
            context.setCurrentState(StateType.Texture, null);
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Examples of com.ardor3d.renderer.ContextCapabilities

     * Check if we are keeping the size limits in terms of attribute locations on the card.
    public void checkAttributeSizeLimits() {
        final RenderContext context = ContextManager.getCurrentContext();
        final ContextCapabilities caps = context.getCapabilities();
        if (_shaderAttributes.size() > caps.getMaxGLSLVertexAttributes()) {
            logger.severe("Too many shader attributes(standard+defined): " + _shaderAttributes.size() + " maximum: "
                    + caps.getMaxGLSLVertexAttributes());
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Examples of com.ardor3d.renderer.ContextCapabilities

     * @param shader
     * @return continue rendering or skip rendering all together
    public boolean apply(final Mesh mesh, final Renderer renderer, final GLSLShaderObjectsState shader) {
        final RenderContext context = ContextManager.getCurrentContext();
        final ContextCapabilities caps = context.getCapabilities();

        if (!caps.isGeometryInstancingSupported()) {
            throw new Ardor3dException("Geometry instancing not supported for current graphics configuration");

        if (_meshesToDraw <= 0) {
            // reset for next draw call
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Examples of com.ardor3d.renderer.ContextCapabilities


        final InstancingManager instancing = glsl != null ? meshData.getInstancingManager() : null;

        final RenderContext context = ContextManager.getCurrentContext();
        final ContextCapabilities caps = context.getCapabilities();

        // Apply fixed function states before mesh transforms for proper function
        for (final StateType type : StateType.values) {
            if (type != StateType.GLSLShader && type != StateType.FragmentProgram && type != StateType.VertexProgram) {
                renderer.applyState(type, _states.get(type));

        final boolean useVBO = (getSceneHints().getDataMode() == DataMode.VBO || getSceneHints().getDataMode() == DataMode.VBOInterleaved)
                && caps.isVBOSupported();

        if (instancing == null) {
            final boolean transformed = renderer.doTransforms(_worldTransform);

            // Apply shader states here for the ability to retrieve mesh matrices
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Examples of com.ardor3d.renderer.ContextCapabilities

    public void applyNormalsMode(final NormalsMode normalsMode, final ReadOnlyTransform worldTransform) {
        final GL gl = GLContext.getCurrentGL();
        final RenderContext context = ContextManager.getCurrentContext();
        final RendererRecord rendRecord = context.getRendererRecord();
        if (normalsMode != NormalsMode.Off) {
            final ContextCapabilities caps = context.getCapabilities();
            switch (normalsMode) {
                case NormalizeIfScaled:
                    if (worldTransform.isRotationMatrix()) {
                        final ReadOnlyVector3 scale = worldTransform.getScale();
                        if (!(scale.getX() == 1.0 && scale.getY() == 1.0 && scale.getZ() == 1.0)) {
                            if (scale.getX() == scale.getY() && scale.getY() == scale.getZ()
                                    && caps.isOpenGL1_2Supported()
                                    && rendRecord.getNormalMode() != GL2ES1.GL_RESCALE_NORMAL) {
                                if (rendRecord.getNormalMode() == GLLightingFunc.GL_NORMALIZE) {
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Examples of com.ardor3d.renderer.ContextCapabilities

    public void setupTextureData(final List<FloatBufferData> textureCoords) {
        final GL gl = GLContext.getCurrentGL();

        final RenderContext context = ContextManager.getCurrentContext();
        final ContextCapabilities caps = context.getCapabilities();
        final RendererRecord rendRecord = context.getRendererRecord();

        final TextureState ts = (TextureState) context.getCurrentState(RenderState.StateType.Texture);
        int enabledTextures = rendRecord.getEnabledTextures();
        final boolean valid = rendRecord.isTexturesValid();
        boolean isOn, wasOn;
        if (ts != null) {
            final int max = caps.isMultitextureSupported() ? Math.min(caps.getNumberOfFragmentTexCoordUnits(),
                    TextureState.MAX_TEXTURES) : 1;
            for (int i = 0; i < max; i++) {
                wasOn = (enabledTextures & (2 << i)) != 0;
                isOn = textureCoords != null && i < textureCoords.size() && textureCoords.get(i) != null
                        && textureCoords.get(i).getBuffer() != null;
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Examples of com.ardor3d.renderer.ContextCapabilities

    public void setupFogDataVBO(final FloatBufferData data) {
        final GL gl = GLContext.getCurrentGL();

        final RenderContext context = ContextManager.getCurrentContext();
        final ContextCapabilities caps = context.getCapabilities();

        if (!caps.isFogCoordinatesSupported()) {

        final RendererRecord rendRecord = context.getRendererRecord();
        final int vboID = setupVBO(data, context);
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Examples of com.ardor3d.renderer.ContextCapabilities

    public void setupTextureDataVBO(final List<FloatBufferData> textureCoords) {
        final GL gl = GLContext.getCurrentGL();

        final RenderContext context = ContextManager.getCurrentContext();
        final RendererRecord rendRecord = context.getRendererRecord();
        final ContextCapabilities caps = context.getCapabilities();

        final TextureState ts = (TextureState) context.getCurrentState(RenderState.StateType.Texture);
        int enabledTextures = rendRecord.getEnabledTextures();
        final boolean valid = rendRecord.isTexturesValid();
        boolean exists, wasOn;
        if (ts != null) {
            final int max = caps.isMultitextureSupported() ? Math.min(caps.getNumberOfFragmentTexCoordUnits(),
                    TextureState.MAX_TEXTURES) : 1;
            for (int i = 0; i < max; i++) {
                wasOn = (enabledTextures & (2 << i)) != 0;
                exists = textureCoords != null && i < textureCoords.size();
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