Examples of ContentSummary

Examples of org.apache.hadoop.fs.ContentSummary

      final StreamingOutput streaming = getListingStream(namenode, fullpath);
      return Response.ok(streaming).type(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON).build();
      final ContentSummary contentsummary = namenode.getContentSummary(fullpath);
      final String js = JsonUtil.toJsonString(contentsummary);
      return Response.ok(js).type(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON).build();
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Examples of org.apache.hadoop.fs.ContentSummary


  /** {@inheritDoc} */
  public ContentSummary getContentSummary(Path f) throws IOException {
    final String s = makeQualified(f).toUri().getPath();
    final ContentSummary cs = new ContentSummaryParser().getContentSummary(s);
    return cs != null? cs: super.getContentSummary(f);
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Examples of org.apache.hadoop.fs.ContentSummary

    Path file1 = new Path("/test/test1");
    Path file2 = new Path("/test/test2");
    boolean exceededQuota = false;
    final int QUOTA_SIZE = 3 * BLOCK_SIZE; // total space usage including repl.
    final int FILE_SIZE = BLOCK_SIZE / 2;
    ContentSummary c;

    // Create the directory and set the quota
    runCommand(admin, false, "-setSpaceQuota", Integer.toString(QUOTA_SIZE),
    // Creating one file should use half the quota
    DFSTestUtil.createFile(fs, file1, FILE_SIZE, (short)3, 1L);
    DFSTestUtil.waitReplication(fs, file1, (short)3);
    c = fs.getContentSummary(dir);
    assertEquals("Quota is half consumed", QUOTA_SIZE / 2,

    // We can not create the 2nd file because even though the total spaced used
    // by two files (2 * 3 * 512/2) would fit within the quota (3 * 512) when a
    // block for a file is created the space used is adjusted conservatively (3
    // * block size, ie assumes a full block is written) which will violate the
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Examples of org.apache.hadoop.fs.ContentSummary

  public void testMultipleFilesSmallerThanOneBlock() throws Exception {
    Path dir = new Path("/test");
    boolean exceededQuota = false;
    ContentSummary c;
    //   1kb file
    //   6kb block
    // 192kb quota
    final int FILE_SIZE = 1024;
    final int QUOTA_SIZE = 32 * (int)fs.getDefaultBlockSize();
    assertEquals(6 * 1024, fs.getDefaultBlockSize());
    assertEquals(192 * 1024, QUOTA_SIZE);

    // Create the dir and set the quota. We need to enable the quota before
    // writing the files as setting the quota afterwards will over-write
    // the cached disk space used for quota verification with the actual
    // amount used as calculated by INode#spaceConsumedInTree.
    runCommand(admin, false, "-setSpaceQuota", Integer.toString(QUOTA_SIZE),

    // We can create at most 59 files because block allocation is
    // conservative and initially assumes a full block is used, so we
    // need to leave at least 3 * BLOCK_SIZE free space when allocating
    // the last block: (58 * 3 * 1024) + (3 * 6 * 1024) = 192kb
    for (int i = 0; i < 59; i++) {
      Path file = new Path("/test/test" + i);
      DFSTestUtil.createFile(fs, file, FILE_SIZE, (short)3, 1L);
      DFSTestUtil.waitReplication(fs, file, (short)3);

    // Should account for all 59 files (almost QUOTA_SIZE)
    c = fs.getContentSummary(dir);
    assertEquals("Invalid space consumed",
        59 * FILE_SIZE * 3,
    assertEquals("Invalid space consumed",
        QUOTA_SIZE - (59 * FILE_SIZE * 3),
        3 * (fs.getDefaultBlockSize() - FILE_SIZE));

    // Now check that trying to create another file violates the quota
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Examples of org.apache.hadoop.fs.ContentSummary

        || spaceQuota == null) {
      return null;

    try {
      return new ContentSummary(
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Examples of org.apache.hadoop.fs.ContentSummary

      // 3: create a file /test/datafile0
      final Path childFile0 = new Path(parent, "datafile0");
      DFSTestUtil.createFile(fs, childFile0, fileLen, replication, 0);
      // 4: count -q /test
      ContentSummary c = dfs.getContentSummary(parent);
      assertEquals(c.getFileCount()+c.getDirectoryCount(), 3);
      assertEquals(c.getQuota(), 3);
      assertEquals(c.getSpaceConsumed(), fileLen*replication);
      assertEquals(c.getSpaceQuota(), spaceQuota);
      // 5: count -q /test/data0
      c = dfs.getContentSummary(childDir0);
      assertEquals(c.getFileCount()+c.getDirectoryCount(), 1);
      assertEquals(c.getQuota(), -1);
      // check disk space consumed
      c = dfs.getContentSummary(parent);
      assertEquals(c.getSpaceConsumed(), fileLen*replication);

      // 6: create a directory /test/data1
      final Path childDir1 = new Path(parent, "data1");
      boolean hasException = false;
      try {
      } catch (NSQuotaExceededException e) {
        hasException = true;
      OutputStream fout;
      // 7: create a file /test/datafile1
      final Path childFile1 = new Path(parent, "datafile1");
      hasException = false;
      try {
        fout = dfs.create(childFile1);
      } catch (NSQuotaExceededException e) {
        hasException = true;
      // 8: clear quota /test
      runCommand(admin, new String[]{"-clrQuota", parent.toString()}, false);
      c = dfs.getContentSummary(parent);
      assertEquals(c.getQuota(), -1);
      assertEquals(c.getSpaceQuota(), spaceQuota);
      // 9: clear quota /test/data0
      runCommand(admin, new String[]{"-clrQuota", childDir0.toString()}, false);
      c = dfs.getContentSummary(childDir0);
      assertEquals(c.getQuota(), -1);
      // 10: create a file /test/datafile1
      fout = dfs.create(childFile1, replication);
      // 10.s: but writing fileLen bytes should result in an quota exception
      hasException = false;
      try {
        fout.write(new byte[fileLen]);
      } catch (DSQuotaExceededException e) {
        hasException = true;
      //delete the file
      dfs.delete(childFile1, false);
      // 9.s: clear diskspace quota
      runCommand(admin, false, "-clrSpaceQuota", parent.toString());
      c = dfs.getContentSummary(parent);
      assertEquals(c.getQuota(), -1);
      assertEquals(c.getSpaceQuota(), -1);      
      // now creating childFile1 should succeed
      DFSTestUtil.createFile(dfs, childFile1, fileLen, replication, 0);
      // 11: set the quota of /test to be 1
      // HADOOP-5872 - we can set quota even if it is immediately violated
      args = new String[]{"-setQuota", "1", parent.toString()};
      runCommand(admin, args, false);
      runCommand(admin, false, "-setSpaceQuota"// for space quota
                 Integer.toString(fileLen), args[2]);
      // 12: set the quota of /test/data0 to be 1
      args = new String[]{"-setQuota", "1", childDir0.toString()};
      runCommand(admin, args, false);
      // 13: not able create a directory under data0
      hasException = false;
      try {
        assertFalse(dfs.mkdirs(new Path(childDir0, "in")));
      } catch (NSQuotaExceededException e) {
        hasException = true;
      c = dfs.getContentSummary(childDir0);
      assertEquals(c.getDirectoryCount()+c.getFileCount(), 1);
      assertEquals(c.getQuota(), 1);
      // 14a: set quota on a non-existent directory
      Path nonExistentPath = new Path("/test1");
      args = new String[]{"-setQuota", "1", nonExistentPath.toString()};
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Examples of org.apache.hadoop.fs.ContentSummary

      assertTrue(dfs.mkdirs(new Path("/nqdir0/qdir1/qdir20/nqdir30")));

      // 2: set the quota of /nqdir0/qdir1 to be 6
      final Path quotaDir1 = new Path("/nqdir0/qdir1");
      dfs.setQuota(quotaDir1, 6, FSConstants.QUOTA_DONT_SET);
      ContentSummary c = dfs.getContentSummary(quotaDir1);
      assertEquals(c.getDirectoryCount(), 3);
      assertEquals(c.getQuota(), 6);

      // 3: set the quota of /nqdir0/qdir1/qdir20 to be 7
      final Path quotaDir2 = new Path("/nqdir0/qdir1/qdir20");
      dfs.setQuota(quotaDir2, 7, FSConstants.QUOTA_DONT_SET);
      c = dfs.getContentSummary(quotaDir2);
      assertEquals(c.getDirectoryCount(), 2);
      assertEquals(c.getQuota(), 7);

      // 4: Create directory /nqdir0/qdir1/qdir21 and set its quota to 2
      final Path quotaDir3 = new Path("/nqdir0/qdir1/qdir21");
      dfs.setQuota(quotaDir3, 2, FSConstants.QUOTA_DONT_SET);
      c = dfs.getContentSummary(quotaDir3);
      assertEquals(c.getDirectoryCount(), 1);
      assertEquals(c.getQuota(), 2);

      // 5: Create directory /nqdir0/qdir1/qdir21/nqdir32
      Path tempPath = new Path(quotaDir3, "nqdir32");
      c = dfs.getContentSummary(quotaDir3);
      assertEquals(c.getDirectoryCount(), 2);
      assertEquals(c.getQuota(), 2);

      // 6: Create directory /nqdir0/qdir1/qdir21/nqdir33
      tempPath = new Path(quotaDir3, "nqdir33");
      boolean hasException = false;
      try {
      } catch (NSQuotaExceededException e) {
        hasException = true;
      c = dfs.getContentSummary(quotaDir3);
      assertEquals(c.getDirectoryCount(), 2);
      assertEquals(c.getQuota(), 2);

      // 7: Create directory /nqdir0/qdir1/qdir20/nqdir31
      tempPath = new Path(quotaDir2, "nqdir31");
      c = dfs.getContentSummary(quotaDir2);
      assertEquals(c.getDirectoryCount(), 3);
      assertEquals(c.getQuota(), 7);
      c = dfs.getContentSummary(quotaDir1);
      assertEquals(c.getDirectoryCount(), 6);
      assertEquals(c.getQuota(), 6);

      // 8: Create directory /nqdir0/qdir1/qdir20/nqdir33
      tempPath = new Path(quotaDir2, "nqdir33");
      hasException = false;
      try {
      } catch (NSQuotaExceededException e) {
        hasException = true;

      // 9: Move /nqdir0/qdir1/qdir21/nqdir32 /nqdir0/qdir1/qdir20/nqdir30
      tempPath = new Path(quotaDir2, "nqdir30");
      dfs.rename(new Path(quotaDir3, "nqdir32"), tempPath);
      c = dfs.getContentSummary(quotaDir2);
      assertEquals(c.getDirectoryCount(), 4);
      assertEquals(c.getQuota(), 7);
      c = dfs.getContentSummary(quotaDir1);
      assertEquals(c.getDirectoryCount(), 6);
      assertEquals(c.getQuota(), 6);

      // 10: Move /nqdir0/qdir1/qdir20/nqdir30 to /nqdir0/qdir1/qdir21
      hasException = false;
      try {
        assertFalse(dfs.rename(tempPath, quotaDir3));
      } catch (NSQuotaExceededException e) {
        hasException = true;
      assertFalse(dfs.exists(new Path(quotaDir3, "nqdir30")));
      // 10.a: Rename /nqdir0/qdir1/qdir20/nqdir30 to /nqdir0/qdir1/qdir21/nqdir32
      hasException = false;
      try {
        assertFalse(dfs.rename(tempPath, new Path(quotaDir3, "nqdir32")));
      } catch (NSQuotaExceededException e) {
        hasException = true;
      assertFalse(dfs.exists(new Path(quotaDir3, "nqdir32")));

      // 11: Move /nqdir0/qdir1/qdir20/nqdir30 to /nqdir0
      assertTrue(dfs.rename(tempPath, new Path("/nqdir0")));
      c = dfs.getContentSummary(quotaDir2);
      assertEquals(c.getDirectoryCount(), 2);
      assertEquals(c.getQuota(), 7);
      c = dfs.getContentSummary(quotaDir1);
      assertEquals(c.getDirectoryCount(), 4);
      assertEquals(c.getQuota(), 6);

      // 12: Create directory /nqdir0/nqdir30/nqdir33
      assertTrue(dfs.mkdirs(new Path("/nqdir0/nqdir30/nqdir33")));

      // 13: Move /nqdir0/nqdir30 /nqdir0/qdir1/qdir20/qdir30
      hasException = false;
      try {
        assertFalse(dfs.rename(new Path("/nqdir0/nqdir30"), tempPath));
      } catch (NSQuotaExceededException e) {
        hasException = true;

      // 14: Move /nqdir0/qdir1/qdir21 /nqdir0/qdir1/qdir20
      assertTrue(dfs.rename(quotaDir3, quotaDir2));
      c = dfs.getContentSummary(quotaDir1);
      assertEquals(c.getDirectoryCount(), 4);
      assertEquals(c.getQuota(), 6);
      c = dfs.getContentSummary(quotaDir2);
      assertEquals(c.getDirectoryCount(), 3);
      assertEquals(c.getQuota(), 7);
      tempPath = new Path(quotaDir2, "qdir21");
      c = dfs.getContentSummary(tempPath);
      assertEquals(c.getDirectoryCount(), 1);
      assertEquals(c.getQuota(), 2);

      // 15: Delete /nqdir0/qdir1/qdir20/qdir21
      dfs.delete(tempPath, true);
      c = dfs.getContentSummary(quotaDir2);
      assertEquals(c.getDirectoryCount(), 2);
      assertEquals(c.getQuota(), 7);
      c = dfs.getContentSummary(quotaDir1);
      assertEquals(c.getDirectoryCount(), 3);
      assertEquals(c.getQuota(), 6);

      // 16: Move /nqdir0/qdir30 /nqdir0/qdir1/qdir20
      assertTrue(dfs.rename(new Path("/nqdir0/nqdir30"), quotaDir2));
      c = dfs.getContentSummary(quotaDir2);
      assertEquals(c.getDirectoryCount(), 5);
      assertEquals(c.getQuota(), 7);
      c = dfs.getContentSummary(quotaDir1);
      assertEquals(c.getDirectoryCount(), 6);
      assertEquals(c.getQuota(), 6);
    } finally {
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Examples of org.apache.hadoop.fs.ContentSummary

      assertTrue(dfs.mkdirs(new Path("/nqdir0/qdir1/qdir20/nqdir30")));

      // set the quota of /nqdir0/qdir1 to 4 * fileSpace
      final Path quotaDir1 = new Path("/nqdir0/qdir1");
      dfs.setQuota(quotaDir1, FSConstants.QUOTA_DONT_SET, 4 * fileSpace);
      ContentSummary c = dfs.getContentSummary(quotaDir1);
      assertEquals(c.getSpaceQuota(), 4 * fileSpace);
      // set the quota of /nqdir0/qdir1/qdir20 to 6 * fileSpace
      final Path quotaDir20 = new Path("/nqdir0/qdir1/qdir20");
      dfs.setQuota(quotaDir20, FSConstants.QUOTA_DONT_SET, 6 * fileSpace);
      c = dfs.getContentSummary(quotaDir20);
      assertEquals(c.getSpaceQuota(), 6 * fileSpace);

      // Create /nqdir0/qdir1/qdir21 and set its space quota to 2 * fileSpace
      final Path quotaDir21 = new Path("/nqdir0/qdir1/qdir21");
      dfs.setQuota(quotaDir21, FSConstants.QUOTA_DONT_SET, 2 * fileSpace);
      c = dfs.getContentSummary(quotaDir21);
      assertEquals(c.getSpaceQuota(), 2 * fileSpace);

      // 5: Create directory /nqdir0/qdir1/qdir21/nqdir32
      Path tempPath = new Path(quotaDir21, "nqdir32");
      // create a file under nqdir32/fileDir
      DFSTestUtil.createFile(dfs, new Path(tempPath, "fileDir/file1"), fileLen,
                             replication, 0);
      c = dfs.getContentSummary(quotaDir21);
      assertEquals(c.getSpaceConsumed(), fileSpace);
      // Create a larger file /nqdir0/qdir1/qdir21/nqdir33/
      boolean hasException = false;
      try {
        DFSTestUtil.createFile(dfs, new Path(quotaDir21, "nqdir33/file2"),
                               2*fileLen, replication, 0);
      } catch (DSQuotaExceededException e) {
        hasException = true;
      // delete nqdir33
      assertTrue(dfs.delete(new Path(quotaDir21, "nqdir33"), true));
      c = dfs.getContentSummary(quotaDir21);
      assertEquals(c.getSpaceConsumed(), fileSpace);
      assertEquals(c.getSpaceQuota(), 2*fileSpace);

      // Verify space before the move:
      c = dfs.getContentSummary(quotaDir20);
      assertEquals(c.getSpaceConsumed(), 0);
      // Move /nqdir0/qdir1/qdir21/nqdir32 /nqdir0/qdir1/qdir20/nqdir30
      Path dstPath = new Path(quotaDir20, "nqdir30");
      Path srcPath = new Path(quotaDir21, "nqdir32");
      assertTrue(dfs.rename(srcPath, dstPath));
      // verify space after the move
      c = dfs.getContentSummary(quotaDir20);
      assertEquals(c.getSpaceConsumed(), fileSpace);
      // verify space for its parent
      c = dfs.getContentSummary(quotaDir1);
      assertEquals(c.getSpaceConsumed(), fileSpace);
      // verify space for source for the move
      c = dfs.getContentSummary(quotaDir21);
      assertEquals(c.getSpaceConsumed(), 0);
      final Path file2 = new Path(dstPath, "fileDir/file2");
      int file2Len = 2 * fileLen;
      // create a larger file under /nqdir0/qdir1/qdir20/nqdir30
      DFSTestUtil.createFile(dfs, file2, file2Len, replication, 0);
      c = dfs.getContentSummary(quotaDir20);
      assertEquals(c.getSpaceConsumed(), 3 * fileSpace);
      c = dfs.getContentSummary(quotaDir21);
      assertEquals(c.getSpaceConsumed(), 0);
      // Reverse: Move /nqdir0/qdir1/qdir20/nqdir30 to /nqdir0/qdir1/qdir21/
      hasException = false;
      try {
        assertFalse(dfs.rename(dstPath, srcPath));
      } catch (DSQuotaExceededException e) {
        hasException = true;
      // make sure no intermediate directories left by failed rename
      // directory should exist
      // verify space after the failed move
      c = dfs.getContentSummary(quotaDir20);
      assertEquals(c.getSpaceConsumed(), 3 * fileSpace);
      c = dfs.getContentSummary(quotaDir21);
      assertEquals(c.getSpaceConsumed(), 0);
      // Test Append :
      // verify space quota
      c = dfs.getContentSummary(quotaDir1);
      assertEquals(c.getSpaceQuota(), 4 * fileSpace);
      // verify space before append;
      c = dfs.getContentSummary(dstPath);
      assertEquals(c.getSpaceConsumed(), 3 * fileSpace);
      OutputStream out = dfs.append(file2);
      // appending 1 fileLen should succeed
      out.write(new byte[fileLen]);
      file2Len += fileLen; // after append
      // verify space after append;
      c = dfs.getContentSummary(dstPath);
      assertEquals(c.getSpaceConsumed(), 4 * fileSpace);
      // now increase the quota for quotaDir1
      dfs.setQuota(quotaDir1, FSConstants.QUOTA_DONT_SET, 5 * fileSpace);
      // Now, appending more than 1 fileLen should result in an error
      out = dfs.append(file2);
      hasException = false;
      try {
        out.write(new byte[fileLen + 1024]);
      } catch (DSQuotaExceededException e) {
        hasException = true;
      file2Len += fileLen; // after partial append
      // verify space after partial append
      c = dfs.getContentSummary(dstPath);
      assertEquals(c.getSpaceConsumed(), 5 * fileSpace);
      // Test set replication :
      // first reduce the replication
      dfs.setReplication(file2, (short)(replication-1));
      // verify that space is reduced by file2Len
      c = dfs.getContentSummary(dstPath);
      assertEquals(c.getSpaceConsumed(), 5 * fileSpace - file2Len);
      // now try to increase the replication and and expect an error.
      hasException = false;
      try {
        dfs.setReplication(file2, (short)(replication+1));
      } catch (DSQuotaExceededException e) {
        hasException = true;

      // verify space consumed remains unchanged.
      c = dfs.getContentSummary(dstPath);
      assertEquals(c.getSpaceConsumed(), 5 * fileSpace - file2Len);
      // now increase the quota for quotaDir1 and quotaDir20
      dfs.setQuota(quotaDir1, FSConstants.QUOTA_DONT_SET, 10 * fileSpace);
      dfs.setQuota(quotaDir20, FSConstants.QUOTA_DONT_SET, 10 * fileSpace);
      // then increasing replication should be ok.
      dfs.setReplication(file2, (short)(replication+1));
      // verify increase in space
      c = dfs.getContentSummary(dstPath);
      assertEquals(c.getSpaceConsumed(), 5 * fileSpace + file2Len);
    } finally {
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Examples of org.apache.hadoop.fs.ContentSummary

  public long getTableSize(String table) throws IOException {
    Path tablePath = new Path(getTableUri(table));
    FileSystem fileSystem = FileSystem.get(tablePath.toUri(), _configuration);
    ContentSummary contentSummary = fileSystem.getContentSummary(tablePath);
    return contentSummary.getLength();
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Examples of org.apache.hadoop.fs.ContentSummary

    showQuotas = cf.getOpt("q");

  protected void processPath(PathData src) throws IOException {
    ContentSummary summary = src.fs.getContentSummary(src.path);
    out.println(summary.toString(showQuotas) + src);
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