Examples of ContentInfo

Examples of org.bouncycastle.asn1.pkcs.ContentInfo


        ASN1InputStream bIn = new ASN1InputStream(bufIn);
        ASN1Sequence    obj = (ASN1Sequence)bIn.readObject();
        Pfx             bag = new Pfx(obj);
        ContentInfo     info = bag.getAuthSafe();
        Vector          chain = new Vector();
        boolean         unmarkedKey = false;
        boolean         wrongPKCS12Zero = false;

        if (bag.getMacData() != null)           // check the mac code
            MacData                     mData = bag.getMacData();
            DigestInfo                  dInfo = mData.getMac();
            AlgorithmIdentifier         algId = dInfo.getAlgorithmId();
            byte[]                      salt = mData.getSalt();
            int                         itCount = mData.getIterationCount().intValue();

            byte[]  data = ((ASN1OctetString)info.getContent()).getOctets();

                byte[] res = calculatePbeMac(algId.getObjectId(), salt, itCount, password, false, data);
                byte[] dig = dInfo.getDigest();

                if (!Arrays.areEqual(res, dig))
                    if (password.length > 0)
                        throw new IOException("PKCS12 key store mac invalid - wrong password or corrupted file.");

                    // Try with incorrect zero length password
                    res = calculatePbeMac(algId.getObjectId(), salt, itCount, password, true, data);

                    if (!Arrays.areEqual(res, dig))
                        throw new IOException("PKCS12 key store mac invalid - wrong password or corrupted file.");

                    wrongPKCS12Zero = true;
            catch (IOException e)
                throw e;
            catch (Exception e)
                throw new IOException("error constructing MAC: " + e.toString());

        keys = new IgnoresCaseHashtable();
        localIds = new Hashtable();

        if (info.getContentType().equals(data))
            bIn = new ASN1InputStream(((ASN1OctetString)info.getContent()).getOctets());

            AuthenticatedSafe   authSafe = new AuthenticatedSafe((ASN1Sequence)bIn.readObject());
            ContentInfo[]       c = authSafe.getContentInfo();

            for (int i = 0; i != c.length; i++)
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Examples of org.bouncycastle.asn1.pkcs.ContentInfo

        byte[]          certBytes = cryptData(true, cAlgId, password, false, certSeqEncoded);
        EncryptedData   cInfo = new EncryptedData(data, cAlgId, new BERConstructedOctetString(certBytes));

        ContentInfo[] info = new ContentInfo[]
            new ContentInfo(data, keyString),
            new ContentInfo(encryptedData, cInfo.getDERObject())

        AuthenticatedSafe   auth = new AuthenticatedSafe(info);

        ByteArrayOutputStream   bOut = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
        BEROutputStream         berOut = new BEROutputStream(bOut);


        byte[]              pkg = bOut.toByteArray();

        ContentInfo         mainInfo = new ContentInfo(data, new BERConstructedOctetString(pkg));

        // create the mac
        byte[]                      mSalt = new byte[20];
        int                         itCount = MIN_ITERATIONS;

        byte[]  data = ((ASN1OctetString)mainInfo.getContent()).getOctets();

        MacData                 mData;

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Examples of org.bouncycastle.asn1.pkcs.ContentInfo

        ASN1InputStream aIn = new ASN1InputStream(bOut.toByteArray());

        Pfx pfx = new Pfx((ASN1Sequence)aIn.readObject());

        ContentInfo cInfo = pfx.getAuthSafe();

        ASN1OctetString auth = (ASN1OctetString)cInfo.getContent();

        aIn = new ASN1InputStream(auth.getOctets());
        ASN1Sequence s1 = (ASN1Sequence)aIn.readObject();

        ContentInfo c1 = ContentInfo.getInstance(s1.getObjectAt(0));
        ContentInfo c2 = ContentInfo.getInstance(s1.getObjectAt(1));

        aIn = new ASN1InputStream(((ASN1OctetString)c1.getContent()).getOctets());

        SafeBag sb = new SafeBag((ASN1Sequence)(((ASN1Sequence)aIn.readObject()).getObjectAt(0)));

        EncryptedPrivateKeyInfo encInfo = EncryptedPrivateKeyInfo.getInstance(sb.getBagValue());

        if (!encInfo.getEncryptionAlgorithm().getObjectId().equals(PKCSObjectIdentifiers.pbeWithSHAAnd3_KeyTripleDES_CBC))
            fail("key encryption algorithm wrong");

        // check the key encryption

        // check the certificate encryption
        EncryptedData cb = new EncryptedData((ASN1Sequence)c2.getContent());

        if (type.endsWith("3DES"))
            if (!cb.getEncryptionAlgorithm().getObjectId().equals(PKCSObjectIdentifiers.pbeWithSHAAnd3_KeyTripleDES_CBC))
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Examples of org.bouncycastle.asn1.pkcs.ContentInfo

        if (!(pkcs instanceof ASN1Sequence))
            throw new SecurityException("Not a valid PKCS#7 object - not a sequence");

        ContentInfo content = ContentInfo.getInstance(pkcs);

        if (!content.getContentType().equals(signedData))
            throw new SecurityException("Not a valid PKCS#7 signed-data object - wrong header " + content.getContentType().getId());

        SignedData  data = SignedData.getInstance(content.getContent());

        certs = new ArrayList();

        if (data.getCertificates() != null)
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Examples of org.bouncycastle.asn1.pkcs.ContentInfo

            ASN1InputStream     aIn = new ASN1InputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(pkcs12));
            ASN1Sequence        obj = (ASN1Sequence)aIn.readObject();
            Pfx                 bag = new Pfx(obj);
            ContentInfo         info = bag.getAuthSafe();
            MacData             mData = bag.getMacData();
            DigestInfo          dInfo = mData.getMac();
            AlgorithmIdentifier algId = dInfo.getAlgorithmId();
            byte[]              salt = mData.getSalt();
            int                 itCount = mData.getIterationCount().intValue();

            aIn = new ASN1InputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(((ASN1OctetString)info.getContent()).getOctets()));

            AuthenticatedSafe   authSafe = new AuthenticatedSafe((ASN1Sequence)aIn.readObject());
            ContentInfo[]       c = authSafe.getContentInfo();

            // private key section
            if (!c[0].getContentType().equals(PKCSObjectIdentifiers.data))
                return new SimpleTestResult(false, getName() + ": failed comparison data test");
            aIn = new ASN1InputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(((ASN1OctetString)c[0].getContent()).getOctets()));
            ASN1Sequence    seq = (ASN1Sequence)aIn.readObject();
            SafeBag b = new SafeBag((ASN1Sequence)seq.getObjectAt(0));
            if (!b.getBagId().equals(PKCSObjectIdentifiers.pkcs8ShroudedKeyBag))
                return new SimpleTestResult(false, getName() + ": failed comparison shroudedKeyBag test");
            EncryptedPrivateKeyInfo encInfo = EncryptedPrivateKeyInfo.getInstance((ASN1Sequence)b.getBagValue());
            encInfo = new EncryptedPrivateKeyInfo(encInfo.getEncryptionAlgorithm(), encInfo.getEncryptedData());
            b = new SafeBag(PKCSObjectIdentifiers.pkcs8ShroudedKeyBag, encInfo.toASN1Object(), b.getBagAttributes());
            ByteArrayOutputStream abOut = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
            ASN1OutputStream      berOut = new ASN1OutputStream(abOut);
            berOut.writeObject(new DERSequence(b));
            c[0] = new ContentInfo(PKCSObjectIdentifiers.data, new BERConstructedOctetString(abOut.toByteArray()));
            // certificates
            if (!c[1].getContentType().equals(PKCSObjectIdentifiers.encryptedData))
                return new SimpleTestResult(false, getName() + ": failed comparison encryptedData test");
            EncryptedData   eData = EncryptedData.getInstance(c[1].getContent());
            c[1] = new ContentInfo(PKCSObjectIdentifiers.encryptedData, eData);
            // create an octet stream represent the BER encoding of authSafe
            authSafe = new AuthenticatedSafe(c);
            abOut = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
            berOut = new ASN1OutputStream(abOut);

            info = new ContentInfo(PKCSObjectIdentifiers.data, new BERConstructedOctetString(abOut.toByteArray()));
            mData = new MacData(new DigestInfo(algId, dInfo.getDigest()), salt, itCount);
            bag = new Pfx(info, mData);
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Examples of org.bouncycastle.asn1.pkcs.ContentInfo

            return toDEREncoded(new DERSequence(v));
        else if (encoding.equalsIgnoreCase("PKCS7"))
            ContentInfo encInfo = new ContentInfo(PKCSObjectIdentifiers.data, null);

            ASN1EncodableVector v = new ASN1EncodableVector();
            for (int i = 0; i != certificates.size(); i++)
            SignedData  sd = new SignedData(
                                     new DERInteger(1),
                                     new DERSet(),
                                     new DERSet(v),
                                     new DERSet());

            return toDEREncoded(new ContentInfo(
                    PKCSObjectIdentifiers.signedData, sd));
        else if (encoding.equalsIgnoreCase("PEM"))
            ByteArrayOutputStream bOut = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
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Examples of org.bouncycastle.asn1.pkcs.ContentInfo


        ASN1InputStream bIn = new ASN1InputStream(bufIn);
        ASN1Sequence    obj = (ASN1Sequence)bIn.readObject();
        Pfx             bag = new Pfx(obj);
        ContentInfo     info = bag.getAuthSafe();
        Vector          chain = new Vector();
        boolean         unmarkedKey = false;
        boolean         wrongPKCS12Zero = false;

        if (bag.getMacData() != null)           // check the mac code
            MacData                     mData = bag.getMacData();
            DigestInfo                  dInfo = mData.getMac();
            AlgorithmIdentifier         algId = dInfo.getAlgorithmId();
            byte[]                      salt = mData.getSalt();
            int                         itCount = mData.getIterationCount().intValue();

            byte[]  data = ((ASN1OctetString)info.getContent()).getOctets();

                byte[] res = calculatePbeMac(algId.getObjectId(), salt, itCount, password, false, data);
                byte[] dig = dInfo.getDigest();

                if (!Arrays.constantTimeAreEqual(res, dig))
                    if (password.length > 0)
                        throw new IOException("PKCS12 key store mac invalid - wrong password or corrupted file.");

                    // Try with incorrect zero length password
                    res = calculatePbeMac(algId.getObjectId(), salt, itCount, password, true, data);

                    if (!Arrays.constantTimeAreEqual(res, dig))
                        throw new IOException("PKCS12 key store mac invalid - wrong password or corrupted file.");

                    wrongPKCS12Zero = true;
            catch (IOException e)
                throw e;
            catch (Exception e)
                throw new IOException("error constructing MAC: " + e.toString());

        keys = new IgnoresCaseHashtable();
        localIds = new Hashtable();

        if (info.getContentType().equals(data))
            bIn = new ASN1InputStream(((ASN1OctetString)info.getContent()).getOctets());

            AuthenticatedSafe   authSafe = new AuthenticatedSafe((ASN1Sequence)bIn.readObject());
            ContentInfo[]       c = authSafe.getContentInfo();

            for (int i = 0; i != c.length; i++)
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Examples of org.bouncycastle.asn1.pkcs.ContentInfo

        byte[]          certBytes = cryptData(true, cAlgId, password, false, certSeqEncoded);
        EncryptedData   cInfo = new EncryptedData(data, cAlgId, new BERConstructedOctetString(certBytes));

        ContentInfo[] info = new ContentInfo[]
            new ContentInfo(data, keyString),
            new ContentInfo(encryptedData, cInfo.getDERObject())

        AuthenticatedSafe   auth = new AuthenticatedSafe(info);

        ByteArrayOutputStream   bOut = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
        BEROutputStream         berOut = new BEROutputStream(bOut);


        byte[]              pkg = bOut.toByteArray();

        ContentInfo         mainInfo = new ContentInfo(data, new BERConstructedOctetString(pkg));

        // create the mac
        byte[]                      mSalt = new byte[20];
        int                         itCount = MIN_ITERATIONS;

        byte[]  data = ((ASN1OctetString)mainInfo.getContent()).getOctets();

        MacData                 mData;

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Examples of org.bouncycastle2.asn1.pkcs.ContentInfo


        ASN1InputStream bIn = new ASN1InputStream(bufIn);
        ASN1Sequence    obj = (ASN1Sequence)bIn.readObject();
        Pfx             bag = new Pfx(obj);
        ContentInfo     info = bag.getAuthSafe();
        Vector          chain = new Vector();
        boolean         unmarkedKey = false;
        boolean         wrongPKCS12Zero = false;

        if (bag.getMacData() != null)           // check the mac code
            MacData                     mData = bag.getMacData();
            DigestInfo                  dInfo = mData.getMac();
            AlgorithmIdentifier         algId = dInfo.getAlgorithmId();
            byte[]                      salt = mData.getSalt();
            int                         itCount = mData.getIterationCount().intValue();

            byte[]  data = ((ASN1OctetString)info.getContent()).getOctets();

                byte[] res = calculatePbeMac(algId.getObjectId(), salt, itCount, password, false, data);
                byte[] dig = dInfo.getDigest();

                if (!Arrays.constantTimeAreEqual(res, dig))
                    if (password.length > 0)
                        throw new IOException("PKCS12 key store mac invalid - wrong password or corrupted file.");

                    // Try with incorrect zero length password
                    res = calculatePbeMac(algId.getObjectId(), salt, itCount, password, true, data);

                    if (!Arrays.constantTimeAreEqual(res, dig))
                        throw new IOException("PKCS12 key store mac invalid - wrong password or corrupted file.");

                    wrongPKCS12Zero = true;
            catch (IOException e)
                throw e;
            catch (Exception e)
                throw new IOException("error constructing MAC: " + e.toString());

        keys = new IgnoresCaseHashtable();
        localIds = new Hashtable();

        if (info.getContentType().equals(data))
            bIn = new ASN1InputStream(((ASN1OctetString)info.getContent()).getOctets());

            AuthenticatedSafe   authSafe = new AuthenticatedSafe((ASN1Sequence)bIn.readObject());
            ContentInfo[]       c = authSafe.getContentInfo();

            for (int i = 0; i != c.length; i++)
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Examples of org.gatein.common.util.ContentInfo

         // create markup params
         org.gatein.pc.api.spi.UserContext userContext = invocation.getUserContext();
         ParameterValidation.throwIllegalArgExceptionIfNull(userContext, USER_CONTEXT);
         PortletInvocationContext context = invocation.getContext();
         ParameterValidation.throwIllegalArgExceptionIfNull(context, INVOCATION_CONTEXT);
         ContentInfo streamInfo = context.getMarkupInfo();
         ParameterValidation.throwIllegalArgExceptionIfNull(streamInfo, STREAM_INFO);

         String mode;
            mode = WSRPUtils.getWSRPNameFromJSR168PortletMode(invocation.getMode());
         catch (Exception e)
            log.debug("Mode was null in context.");
            mode = WSRPConstants.VIEW_MODE;

         String windowState;
            windowState = WSRPUtils.getWSRPNameFromJSR168WindowState(invocation.getWindowState());
         catch (Exception e)
            log.debug("WindowState was null in context.");
            windowState = WSRPConstants.NORMAL_WINDOW_STATE;

         this.markupParams = WSRPTypeFactory.createMarkupParams(securityContext.isSecure(),
            Collections.singletonList(streamInfo.getMediaType().getValue()), mode, windowState);
         String userAgent = WSRPConsumerImpl.getHttpRequest(invocation).getHeader(USER_AGENT);

         // navigational state
         StateString navigationalState = invocation.getNavigationalState();
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