public boolean load (JDCConnection oConn, String sWorkArea, String sId) throws SQLException {
ACLUser oUser = new ACLUser();
Fellow oFellw = new Fellow();
Contact oCont = new Contact();
Company oComp = new Company();
Supplier oSupl = new Supplier();
boolean bFound;
PreparedStatement oStmt = oConn.prepareStatement("SELECT "+DB.pg_lookup+" FROM "+DB.k_duties_lookup+" WHERE "+DB.gu_owner+"=? AND "+DB.id_section+"='nm_resource' AND "+DB.vl_lookup+"=?",
oStmt.setString(1, sWorkArea);
oStmt.setString(2, sId);
ResultSet oRSet = oStmt.executeQuery();
bFound = oRSet.next();
if (bFound) iPg = oRSet.getInt(1);
if (bFound) {
sVl = sId;
if (oFellw.load(oConn, sId)) {
sFullName = (oFellw.getStringNull(DB.tx_name,"")+" "+oFellw.getStringNull(DB.tx_surname,"")).trim();
sEmail = oUser.getStringNull(DB.tx_email,"");
sPhone = oUser.getStringNull(DB.work_phone,"");
} else if (oUser.load(oConn, sId)) {
sFullName = (oUser.getStringNull(DB.nm_user,"")+" "+oUser.getStringNull(DB.tx_surname1,"")+" "+oUser.getStringNull(DB.tx_surname2,"")).trim();
sEmail = oUser.getStringNull(DB.tx_main_email,"");
sPhone = "";
} else if (oCont.load(oConn, sId)) {
sFullName = (oCont.getStringNull(DB.tx_name,"")+" "+oCont.getStringNull(DB.tx_surname,"")).trim();
sEmail = "";
sPhone = "";
} else if (oComp.load(oConn, sId)) {
sFullName = oComp.getStringNull(DB.nm_commercial,oComp.getString(DB.nm_legal));
sEmail = "";