See the nested exception for additional details.
} catch( InitializationException e ) { List<Class<?>> compositeType = toList( compositeInstance.types() ); String message = "Unable to initialize " + mixinClass + " in composite " + compositeType; throw new ConstructionException( message, e ); } } return mixin; }
{ return Composite.class.cast( proxyConstructor.newInstance( invocationHandler ) ); } catch( Exception e ) { throw new ConstructionException( e ); } } else { try { Object[] args = new Object[ proxyConstructor.getParameterTypes().length ]; Composite composite = Composite.class.cast( proxyConstructor.newInstance( args ) ); proxyClass.getField( "_instance" ).set( composite, invocationHandler ); return composite; } catch( Exception e ) { throw new ConstructionException( e ); } } }
{ throw (InvalidCompositeException) targetException; } String message = "Could not instantiate \n " + constructor.getDeclaringClass() + "\nusing constructor:\n " + constructor .toGenericString(); throw new ConstructionException( message, targetException ); } catch( Throwable e ) { System.err.println( constructor.toGenericString() ); System.err.println( Arrays.asList( parametersInstance ) ); throw new ConstructionException( "Could not instantiate " + constructor.getDeclaringClass(), e ); } }
} public Object newInstance( InjectionContext injectionContext ) { // Try all bound constructors, in order ConstructionException exception = null; for( ConstructorModel constructorModel : boundConstructors ) { try { return constructorModel.newInstance( injectionContext );
{ throw new EntityCompositeAlreadyExistsException( identity ); } catch( EntityStoreException e ) { throw new ConstructionException( "Could not create new entity in store", e ); } }
handler.setMethod( invocationMethod ); return handler; } catch( NoSuchMethodException e ) { throw new ConstructionException( "Could not find modifier method", e ); } } }
Constraint<?, ?> constraint = new CompositeConstraintInstance( compositeConstraintsInstance ); return new ConstraintInstance( constraint, annotation ); } catch( Exception e ) { throw new ConstructionException( "Could not instantiate constraint implementation", e ); } }
Constraint<?, ?> constraint = constraintClass.newInstance(); return new ConstraintInstance( constraint, annotation ); } catch( Exception e ) { throw new ConstructionException( "Could not instantiate constraint implementation", e ); } }
{ return valueSerialization().deserialize( modelModule.model().valueType(), serializedState ); } catch( ValueSerializationException ex ) { throw new ConstructionException( "Could not create value from serialized state", ex ); } }
if( objectFactory == null ) { return null; } ConstructionException exception = null; Object obj = null; try { obj = objectFactory.newObject( aClass );