A wrapper of a {@link Connector} that holds a collection of acceptors, pre-processing actions,post-processing actions and post-receiving actions.
Inside a {@link RoutingEngine}, it represents an application or a connection capable of receiving or processing messages.
@see RoutingEngine @see Connector @see Acceptor @see Action @author German EscobarIf more than one Connection Factory service is registered for a particular scheme, the service with the highest ranking (as specified in its {@code service.ranking} property) is called. If there is a tie in ranking,the service with the lowest service ID (as specified in its {@code service.id} property), that is the service that was registered first,is called. This is the same algorithm used by {@code BundleContext.getServiceReference}. @author $Id: 3965bf616b44ab3459343f1fa761567b484ccbe9 $