Examples of ConnectionPolicy

Examples of org.eclipse.persistence.sessions.server.ConnectionPolicy

     * Create connection policy using properties.
     * Default connection policy created if no connection properties specified.
    protected static ConnectionPolicy createConnectionPolicy(ServerSession serverSession, Map properties) {
        ConnectionPolicy policy = serverSession.getDefaultConnectionPolicy();

        if (properties == null || properties.isEmpty()) {
            return policy;

        // Search only the properties map - serverSession's properties have been
        // already processed.
        ConnectionPolicy policyFromProperties = (ConnectionPolicy) properties.get(EntityManagerProperties.CONNECTION_POLICY);
        if (policyFromProperties != null) {
            policy = policyFromProperties;

        // Note that serverSession passed into the methods below only because it
        // carries the SessionLog into which the debug info should be written.
        // The property is search for in the passed properties map only (not in
        // serverSession, not in System.properties).
        ConnectionPolicy newPolicy = null;
        String isLazyString = EntityManagerFactoryProvider.getConfigPropertyAsStringLogDebug(EntityManagerProperties.EXCLUSIVE_CONNECTION_IS_LAZY, properties, serverSession, false);
        if (isLazyString != null) {
            boolean isLazy = Boolean.parseBoolean(isLazyString);
            if (policy.isLazy() != isLazy) {
                if (newPolicy == null) {
                    newPolicy = (ConnectionPolicy) policy.clone();
        ConnectionPolicy.ExclusiveMode exclusiveMode = EntityManagerSetupImpl.getConnectionPolicyExclusiveModeFromProperties(properties, serverSession, false);
        if (exclusiveMode != null) {
            if (!exclusiveMode.equals(policy.getExclusiveMode())) {
                if (newPolicy == null) {
                    newPolicy = (ConnectionPolicy) policy.clone();

        String user = EntityManagerFactoryProvider.getConfigPropertyAsStringLogDebug(EntityManagerProperties.JDBC_USER, properties, serverSession, false);
        String password = EntityManagerFactoryProvider.getConfigPropertyAsStringLogDebug(EntityManagerProperties.JDBC_PASSWORD, properties, serverSession, false);
        String driver = EntityManagerFactoryProvider.getConfigPropertyAsStringLogDebug(EntityManagerProperties.JDBC_DRIVER, properties, serverSession, false);
        String connectionString = EntityManagerFactoryProvider.getConfigPropertyAsStringLogDebug(EntityManagerProperties.JDBC_URL, properties, serverSession, false);

        // find the jta datasource
        Object jtaDataSourceObj = EntityManagerFactoryProvider.getConfigPropertyLogDebug(EntityManagerProperties.JTA_DATASOURCE, properties, serverSession, false);
        DataSource jtaDataSource = null;
        String jtaDataSourceName = null;
        if (jtaDataSourceObj != null) {
            if (jtaDataSourceObj instanceof DataSource) {
                jtaDataSource = (DataSource) jtaDataSourceObj;
            } else if (jtaDataSourceObj instanceof String) {
                jtaDataSourceName = (String) jtaDataSourceObj;

        // find the non jta datasource
        Object nonjtaDataSourceObj = EntityManagerFactoryProvider.getConfigPropertyLogDebug(EntityManagerProperties.NON_JTA_DATASOURCE, properties, serverSession, false);
        DataSource nonjtaDataSource = null;
        String nonjtaDataSourceName = null;
        if (nonjtaDataSourceObj != null) {
            if (nonjtaDataSourceObj instanceof DataSource) {
                nonjtaDataSource = (DataSource) nonjtaDataSourceObj;
            } else if (nonjtaDataSourceObj instanceof String) {
                nonjtaDataSourceName = (String) nonjtaDataSourceObj;

        if (user != null || password != null || driver != null || connectionString != null || jtaDataSourceObj != null || nonjtaDataSourceObj != null) {
            // Validation: Can't specify jdbcDriver, connectionString with a
            // DataSource
            boolean isDefaultConnectorRequired = isPropertyToBeAdded(driver) || isPropertyToBeAdded(connectionString);
            boolean isJNDIConnectorRequired = isPropertyToBeAdded(jtaDataSource, jtaDataSourceName) || isPropertyToBeAdded(nonjtaDataSource, nonjtaDataSourceName);
            if (isDefaultConnectorRequired && isJNDIConnectorRequired) {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException(ExceptionLocalization.buildMessage("entity_manager_properties_conflict_default_connector_vs_jndi_connector", new Object[] {}));

            DatasourceLogin login = (DatasourceLogin) policy.getLogin();
            if (login == null) {
                if (policy.getPoolName() != null) {
                    login = (DatasourceLogin) serverSession.getConnectionPool(policy.getPoolName()).getLogin();
                } else {
                    login = (DatasourceLogin) serverSession.getDatasourceLogin();

            // Validation: Can't specify jdbcDriver, connectionString if
            // externalTransactionController is used - this requires
            // externalConnectionPooling
            if (login.shouldUseExternalTransactionController() && isDefaultConnectorRequired) {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException(ExceptionLocalization.buildMessage("entity_manager_properties_conflict_default_connector_vs_external_transaction_controller", new Object[] {}));

            javax.sql.DataSource dataSource = null;
            String dataSourceName = null;
            if (isJNDIConnectorRequired) {
                if (login.shouldUseExternalTransactionController()) {
                    if (isPropertyToBeAdded(jtaDataSource, jtaDataSourceName)) {
                        dataSource = jtaDataSource;
                        dataSourceName = jtaDataSourceName;
                    // validation: Can't change externalTransactionController
                    // state - will ignore data source that doesn't match the
                    // flag.
                    if (isPropertyToBeAdded(nonjtaDataSource, nonjtaDataSourceName)) {
                        serverSession.log(SessionLog.WARNING, SessionLog.PROPERTIES, "entity_manager_ignores_nonjta_data_source");
                } else {
                    if (isPropertyToBeAdded(nonjtaDataSource, nonjtaDataSourceName)) {
                        dataSource = nonjtaDataSource;
                        dataSourceName = nonjtaDataSourceName;
                    // validation: Can't change externalTransactionController
                    // state - will ignore data source that doesn't match the
                    // flag.
                    if (isPropertyToBeAdded(jtaDataSource, jtaDataSourceName)) {
                        serverSession.log(SessionLog.WARNING, SessionLog.PROPERTIES, "entity_manager_ignores_jta_data_source");

            // isNew...Required == null means no change required; TRUE -
            // newValue substitute oldValue by newValue; FALSE - remove
            // oldValue.
            Boolean isNewUserRequired = isPropertyValueToBeUpdated(login.getUserName(), user);
            // if isNewUserRequired==null then isNewPasswordRequired==null, too:
            // don't create a new ConnectionPolicy if the same user/password passed to both createEMF and createEM
            Boolean isNewPasswordRequired = null;
            // if user name should be removed from properties then password
            // should be removed, too.
            if (isNewUserRequired != null) {
                if(isNewUserRequired) {
                    if(password != null) {
                        // can't compare the passed (un-encrypted) password with the existing encrypted one, therefore
                        // use the new password if it's not an empty string.
                        isNewPasswordRequired = password.length() > 0;
                } else {
                    // user should be removed -> remove password as well
                    isNewPasswordRequired = Boolean.FALSE;
            DefaultConnector oldDefaultConnector = null;
            if (login.getConnector() instanceof DefaultConnector) {
                oldDefaultConnector = (DefaultConnector) login.getConnector();
            boolean isNewDefaultConnectorRequired = oldDefaultConnector == null && isDefaultConnectorRequired;
            JNDIConnector oldJNDIConnector = null;
            if (login.getConnector() instanceof JNDIConnector) {
                oldJNDIConnector = (JNDIConnector) login.getConnector();
            boolean isNewJNDIConnectorRequired = oldJNDIConnector == null && isJNDIConnectorRequired;
            Boolean isNewDriverRequired = null;
            Boolean isNewConnectionStringRequired = null;
            if (isNewDefaultConnectorRequired) {
                isNewDriverRequired = isPropertyValueToBeUpdated(null, driver);
                isNewConnectionStringRequired = isPropertyValueToBeUpdated(null, connectionString);
            } else {
                if (oldDefaultConnector != null) {
                    isNewDriverRequired = isPropertyValueToBeUpdated(oldDefaultConnector.getDriverClassName(), driver);
                    isNewConnectionStringRequired = isPropertyValueToBeUpdated(oldDefaultConnector.getConnectionString(), connectionString);
            Boolean isNewDataSourceRequired = null;
            if (isNewJNDIConnectorRequired) {
                isNewDataSourceRequired = Boolean.TRUE;
            } else {
                if (oldJNDIConnector != null) {
                    if (dataSource != null) {
                        if (!dataSource.equals(oldJNDIConnector.getDataSource())) {
                            isNewDataSourceRequired = Boolean.TRUE;
                    } else if (dataSourceName != null) {
                        if (!dataSourceName.equals(oldJNDIConnector.getName())) {
                            isNewDataSourceRequired = Boolean.TRUE;

            if (isNewUserRequired != null || isNewPasswordRequired != null || isNewDriverRequired != null || isNewConnectionStringRequired != null || isNewDataSourceRequired != null) {
                // a new login required - so a new policy required, too.
                if (newPolicy == null) {
                    newPolicy = (ConnectionPolicy) policy.clone();
                // the new policy must have a new login - not to override the
                // existing one in the original ConnectionPolicy that is likely
                // shared.
                DatasourceLogin newLogin = (DatasourceLogin) newPolicy.getLogin();
                // sometimes ConnectionPolicy.clone clones the login , too -
                // sometimes it doesn't.
                if (newPolicy.getLogin() == null || newPolicy.getLogin() == policy.getLogin()) {
                    newLogin = login.clone();
                // because it uses a new login the connection policy should not
                // be pooled.

                if (isNewUserRequired != null) {
                    if (isNewUserRequired) {
                        newLogin.setProperty("user", user);
                    } else {
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Examples of org.eclipse.persistence.sessions.server.ConnectionPolicy

                // ConnectionPolicy is null - should be recreated
                Map properties = null;
                if (mapOfProperties != null) {
                    properties = (Map)mapOfProperties.get(entry.getKey());
                ConnectionPolicy connectionPolicy = createConnectionPolicy((ServerSession)this.databaseSession.getSessionForName(entry.getKey()), properties);
                this.connectionPolicies.put(entry.getKey(), connectionPolicy);
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Examples of org.eclipse.persistence.sessions.server.ConnectionPolicy

     * Create connection policy using properties.
     * Default connection policy created if no connection properties specified.
    protected static ConnectionPolicy createConnectionPolicy(ServerSession serverSession, Map properties) {
        ConnectionPolicy policy = serverSession.getDefaultConnectionPolicy();

        if (properties == null || properties.isEmpty()) {
            return policy;

        // Search only the properties map - serverSession's properties have been
        // already processed.
        ConnectionPolicy policyFromProperties = (ConnectionPolicy) properties.get(EntityManagerProperties.CONNECTION_POLICY);
        if (policyFromProperties != null) {
            policy = policyFromProperties;

        // Note that serverSession passed into the methods below only because it
        // carries the SessionLog into which the debug info should be written.
        // The property is search for in the passed properties map only (not in
        // serverSession, not in System.properties).
        ConnectionPolicy newPolicy = null;
        String isLazyString = EntityManagerFactoryProvider.getConfigPropertyAsStringLogDebug(EntityManagerProperties.EXCLUSIVE_CONNECTION_IS_LAZY, properties, serverSession, false);
        if (isLazyString != null) {
            boolean isLazy = Boolean.parseBoolean(isLazyString);
            if (policy.isLazy() != isLazy) {
                if (newPolicy == null) {
                    newPolicy = (ConnectionPolicy) policy.clone();
        ConnectionPolicy.ExclusiveMode exclusiveMode = EntityManagerSetupImpl.getConnectionPolicyExclusiveModeFromProperties(properties, serverSession, false);
        if (exclusiveMode != null) {
            if (!exclusiveMode.equals(policy.getExclusiveMode())) {
                if (newPolicy == null) {
                    newPolicy = (ConnectionPolicy) policy.clone();

        String user = EntityManagerFactoryProvider.getConfigPropertyAsStringLogDebug(EntityManagerProperties.JDBC_USER, properties, serverSession, false);
        String password = EntityManagerFactoryProvider.getConfigPropertyAsStringLogDebug(EntityManagerProperties.JDBC_PASSWORD, properties, serverSession, false);
        String driver = EntityManagerFactoryProvider.getConfigPropertyAsStringLogDebug(EntityManagerProperties.JDBC_DRIVER, properties, serverSession, false);
        String connectionString = EntityManagerFactoryProvider.getConfigPropertyAsStringLogDebug(EntityManagerProperties.JDBC_URL, properties, serverSession, false);

        // find the jta datasource
        Object jtaDataSourceObj = EntityManagerFactoryProvider.getConfigPropertyLogDebug(EntityManagerProperties.JTA_DATASOURCE, properties, serverSession, false);
        DataSource jtaDataSource = null;
        String jtaDataSourceName = null;
        if (jtaDataSourceObj != null) {
            if (jtaDataSourceObj instanceof DataSource) {
                jtaDataSource = (DataSource) jtaDataSourceObj;
            } else if (jtaDataSourceObj instanceof String) {
                jtaDataSourceName = (String) jtaDataSourceObj;

        // find the non jta datasource
        Object nonjtaDataSourceObj = EntityManagerFactoryProvider.getConfigPropertyLogDebug(EntityManagerProperties.NON_JTA_DATASOURCE, properties, serverSession, false);
        DataSource nonjtaDataSource = null;
        String nonjtaDataSourceName = null;
        if (nonjtaDataSourceObj != null) {
            if (nonjtaDataSourceObj instanceof DataSource) {
                nonjtaDataSource = (DataSource) nonjtaDataSourceObj;
            } else if (nonjtaDataSourceObj instanceof String) {
                nonjtaDataSourceName = (String) nonjtaDataSourceObj;

        if (user != null || password != null || driver != null || connectionString != null || jtaDataSourceObj != null || nonjtaDataSourceObj != null) {
            // Validation: Can't specify jdbcDriver, connectionString with a
            // DataSource
            boolean isDefaultConnectorRequired = isPropertyToBeAdded(driver) || isPropertyToBeAdded(connectionString);
            boolean isJNDIConnectorRequired = isPropertyToBeAdded(jtaDataSource, jtaDataSourceName) || isPropertyToBeAdded(nonjtaDataSource, nonjtaDataSourceName);
            if (isDefaultConnectorRequired && isJNDIConnectorRequired) {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException(ExceptionLocalization.buildMessage("entity_manager_properties_conflict_default_connector_vs_jndi_connector", new Object[] {}));

            DatasourceLogin login = (DatasourceLogin) policy.getLogin();
            if (login == null) {
                if (policy.getPoolName() != null) {
                    login = (DatasourceLogin) serverSession.getConnectionPool(policy.getPoolName()).getLogin();
                } else {
                    login = (DatasourceLogin) serverSession.getDatasourceLogin();

            // Validation: Can't specify jdbcDriver, connectionString if
            // externalTransactionController is used - this requires
            // externalConnectionPooling
            if (login.shouldUseExternalTransactionController() && isDefaultConnectorRequired) {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException(ExceptionLocalization.buildMessage("entity_manager_properties_conflict_default_connector_vs_external_transaction_controller", new Object[] {}));

            javax.sql.DataSource dataSource = null;
            String dataSourceName = null;
            if (isJNDIConnectorRequired) {
                if (login.shouldUseExternalTransactionController()) {
                    if (isPropertyToBeAdded(jtaDataSource, jtaDataSourceName)) {
                        dataSource = jtaDataSource;
                        dataSourceName = jtaDataSourceName;
                    // validation: Can't change externalTransactionController
                    // state - will ignore data source that doesn't match the
                    // flag.
                    if (isPropertyToBeAdded(nonjtaDataSource, nonjtaDataSourceName)) {
                        serverSession.log(SessionLog.WARNING, SessionLog.PROPERTIES, "entity_manager_ignores_nonjta_data_source");
                } else {
                    if (isPropertyToBeAdded(nonjtaDataSource, nonjtaDataSourceName)) {
                        dataSource = nonjtaDataSource;
                        dataSourceName = nonjtaDataSourceName;
                    // validation: Can't change externalTransactionController
                    // state - will ignore data source that doesn't match the
                    // flag.
                    if (isPropertyToBeAdded(jtaDataSource, jtaDataSourceName)) {
                        serverSession.log(SessionLog.WARNING, SessionLog.PROPERTIES, "entity_manager_ignores_jta_data_source");

            // isNew...Required == null means no change required; TRUE -
            // newValue substitute oldValue by newValue; FALSE - remove
            // oldValue.
            Boolean isNewUserRequired = isPropertyValueToBeUpdated(login.getUserName(), user);
            // if isNewUserRequired==null then isNewPasswordRequired==null, too:
            // don't create a new ConnectionPolicy if the same user/password passed to both createEMF and createEM
            Boolean isNewPasswordRequired = null;
            // if user name should be removed from properties then password
            // should be removed, too.
            if (isNewUserRequired != null) {
                if(isNewUserRequired) {
                    if(password != null) {
                        // can't compare the passed (un-encrypted) password with the existing encrypted one, therefore
                        // use the new password if it's not an empty string.
                        isNewPasswordRequired = password.length() > 0;
                } else {
                    // user should be removed -> remove password as well
                    isNewPasswordRequired = Boolean.FALSE;
            DefaultConnector oldDefaultConnector = null;
            if (login.getConnector() instanceof DefaultConnector) {
                oldDefaultConnector = (DefaultConnector) login.getConnector();
            boolean isNewDefaultConnectorRequired = oldDefaultConnector == null && isDefaultConnectorRequired;
            JNDIConnector oldJNDIConnector = null;
            if (login.getConnector() instanceof JNDIConnector) {
                oldJNDIConnector = (JNDIConnector) login.getConnector();
            boolean isNewJNDIConnectorRequired = oldJNDIConnector == null && isJNDIConnectorRequired;
            Boolean isNewDriverRequired = null;
            Boolean isNewConnectionStringRequired = null;
            if (isNewDefaultConnectorRequired) {
                isNewDriverRequired = isPropertyValueToBeUpdated(null, driver);
                isNewConnectionStringRequired = isPropertyValueToBeUpdated(null, connectionString);
            } else {
                if (oldDefaultConnector != null) {
                    isNewDriverRequired = isPropertyValueToBeUpdated(oldDefaultConnector.getDriverClassName(), driver);
                    isNewConnectionStringRequired = isPropertyValueToBeUpdated(oldDefaultConnector.getConnectionString(), connectionString);
            Boolean isNewDataSourceRequired = null;
            if (isNewJNDIConnectorRequired) {
                isNewDataSourceRequired = Boolean.TRUE;
            } else {
                if (oldJNDIConnector != null) {
                    if (dataSource != null) {
                        if (!dataSource.equals(oldJNDIConnector.getDataSource())) {
                            isNewDataSourceRequired = Boolean.TRUE;
                    } else if (dataSourceName != null) {
                        if (!dataSourceName.equals(oldJNDIConnector.getName())) {
                            isNewDataSourceRequired = Boolean.TRUE;

            if (isNewUserRequired != null || isNewPasswordRequired != null || isNewDriverRequired != null || isNewConnectionStringRequired != null || isNewDataSourceRequired != null) {
                // a new login required - so a new policy required, too.
                if (newPolicy == null) {
                    newPolicy = (ConnectionPolicy) policy.clone();
                // the new policy must have a new login - not to override the
                // existing one in the original ConnectionPolicy that is likely
                // shared.
                DatasourceLogin newLogin = (DatasourceLogin) newPolicy.getLogin();
                // sometimes ConnectionPolicy.clone clones the login , too -
                // sometimes it doesn't.
                if (newPolicy.getLogin() == null || newPolicy.getLogin() == policy.getLogin()) {
                    newLogin = login.clone();
                // because it uses a new login the connection policy should not
                // be pooled.

                if (isNewUserRequired != null) {
                    if (isNewUserRequired) {
                        newLogin.setProperty("user", user);
                    } else {
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Examples of org.eclipse.persistence.sessions.server.ConnectionPolicy

     * Create connection policy using properties.
     * Default connection policy created if no connection properties specified.
    protected void createConnectionPolicy() {
        ConnectionPolicy policy = serverSession.getDefaultConnectionPolicy();

        if (properties == null || properties.isEmpty()) {
            this.connectionPolicy = policy;

        // Search only the properties map - serverSession's properties have been
        // already processed.
        ConnectionPolicy policyFromProperties = (ConnectionPolicy) properties.get(EntityManagerProperties.CONNECTION_POLICY);
        if (policyFromProperties != null) {
            policy = policyFromProperties;

        // Note that serverSession passed into the methods below only because it
        // carries the SessionLog into which the debug info should be written.
        // The property is search for in the passed properties map only (not in
        // serverSession, not in System.properties).
        ConnectionPolicy newPolicy = null;
        String isLazyString = EntityManagerFactoryProvider.getConfigPropertyAsStringLogDebug(EntityManagerProperties.EXCLUSIVE_CONNECTION_IS_LAZY, properties, serverSession, false);
        if (isLazyString != null) {
            boolean isLazy = Boolean.parseBoolean(isLazyString);
            if (policy.isLazy() != isLazy) {
                if (newPolicy == null) {
                    newPolicy = (ConnectionPolicy) policy.clone();
        ConnectionPolicy.ExclusiveMode exclusiveMode = EntityManagerSetupImpl.getConnectionPolicyExclusiveModeFromProperties(properties, serverSession, false);
        if (exclusiveMode != null) {
            if (!exclusiveMode.equals(policy.getExclusiveMode())) {
                if (newPolicy == null) {
                    newPolicy = (ConnectionPolicy) policy.clone();

        String user = EntityManagerFactoryProvider.getConfigPropertyAsStringLogDebug(EntityManagerProperties.JDBC_USER, properties, serverSession, false);
        String password = EntityManagerFactoryProvider.getConfigPropertyAsStringLogDebug(EntityManagerProperties.JDBC_PASSWORD, properties, serverSession, false);
        String driver = EntityManagerFactoryProvider.getConfigPropertyAsStringLogDebug(EntityManagerProperties.JDBC_DRIVER, properties, serverSession, false);
        String connectionString = EntityManagerFactoryProvider.getConfigPropertyAsStringLogDebug(EntityManagerProperties.JDBC_URL, properties, serverSession, false);

        // find the jta datasource
        Object jtaDataSourceObj = EntityManagerFactoryProvider.getConfigPropertyLogDebug(EntityManagerProperties.JTA_DATASOURCE, properties, serverSession, false);
        DataSource jtaDataSource = null;
        String jtaDataSourceName = null;
        if (jtaDataSourceObj != null) {
            if (jtaDataSourceObj instanceof DataSource) {
                jtaDataSource = (DataSource) jtaDataSourceObj;
            } else if (jtaDataSourceObj instanceof String) {
                jtaDataSourceName = (String) jtaDataSourceObj;

        // find the non jta datasource
        Object nonjtaDataSourceObj = EntityManagerFactoryProvider.getConfigPropertyLogDebug(EntityManagerProperties.NON_JTA_DATASOURCE, properties, serverSession, false);
        DataSource nonjtaDataSource = null;
        String nonjtaDataSourceName = null;
        if (nonjtaDataSourceObj != null) {
            if (nonjtaDataSourceObj instanceof DataSource) {
                nonjtaDataSource = (DataSource) nonjtaDataSourceObj;
            } else if (nonjtaDataSourceObj instanceof String) {
                nonjtaDataSourceName = (String) nonjtaDataSourceObj;

        if (user != null || password != null || driver != null || connectionString != null || jtaDataSourceObj != null || nonjtaDataSourceObj != null) {
            // Validation: Can't specify jdbcDriver, connectionString with a
            // DataSource
            boolean isDefaultConnectorRequired = isPropertyToBeAdded(driver) || isPropertyToBeAdded(connectionString);
            boolean isJNDIConnectorRequired = isPropertyToBeAdded(jtaDataSource, jtaDataSourceName) || isPropertyToBeAdded(nonjtaDataSource, nonjtaDataSourceName);
            if (isDefaultConnectorRequired && isJNDIConnectorRequired) {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException(ExceptionLocalization.buildMessage("entity_manager_properties_conflict_default_connector_vs_jndi_connector", new Object[] {}));

            DatasourceLogin login = (DatasourceLogin) policy.getLogin();
            if (login == null) {
                if (policy.getPoolName() != null) {
                    login = (DatasourceLogin) serverSession.getConnectionPool(policy.getPoolName()).getLogin();
                } else {
                    login = (DatasourceLogin) serverSession.getDatasourceLogin();

            // Validation: Can't specify jdbcDriver, connectionString if
            // externalTransactionController is used - this requires
            // externalConnectionPooling
            if (login.shouldUseExternalTransactionController() && isDefaultConnectorRequired) {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException(ExceptionLocalization.buildMessage("entity_manager_properties_conflict_default_connector_vs_external_transaction_controller", new Object[] {}));

            javax.sql.DataSource dataSource = null;
            String dataSourceName = null;
            if (isJNDIConnectorRequired) {
                if (login.shouldUseExternalTransactionController()) {
                    if (isPropertyToBeAdded(jtaDataSource, jtaDataSourceName)) {
                        dataSource = jtaDataSource;
                        dataSourceName = jtaDataSourceName;
                    // validation: Can't change externalTransactionController
                    // state - will ignore data source that doesn't match the
                    // flag.
                    if (isPropertyToBeAdded(nonjtaDataSource, nonjtaDataSourceName)) {
                        serverSession.log(SessionLog.WARNING, SessionLog.PROPERTIES, "entity_manager_ignores_nonjta_data_source");
                } else {
                    if (isPropertyToBeAdded(nonjtaDataSource, nonjtaDataSourceName)) {
                        dataSource = nonjtaDataSource;
                        dataSourceName = nonjtaDataSourceName;
                    // validation: Can't change externalTransactionController
                    // state - will ignore data source that doesn't match the
                    // flag.
                    if (isPropertyToBeAdded(jtaDataSource, jtaDataSourceName)) {
                        serverSession.log(SessionLog.WARNING, SessionLog.PROPERTIES, "entity_manager_ignores_jta_data_source");

            // isNew...Required == null means no change required; TRUE -
            // newValue substitute oldValue by newValue; FALSE - remove
            // oldValue.
            Boolean isNewUserRequired = isPropertyValueToBeUpdated(login.getUserName(), user);
            // if isNewUserRequired==null then isNewPasswordRequired==null, too:
            // don't create a new ConnectionPolicy if the same user/password passed to both createEMF and createEM
            Boolean isNewPasswordRequired = null;
            // if user name should be removed from properties then password
            // should be removed, too.
            if (isNewUserRequired != null) {
                if(isNewUserRequired) {
                    if(password != null) {
                        // can't compare the passed (un-encrypted) password with the existing encrypted one, therefore
                        // use the new password if it's not an empty string.
                        isNewPasswordRequired = password.length() > 0;
                } else {
                    // user should be removed -> remove password as well
                    isNewPasswordRequired = Boolean.FALSE;
            DefaultConnector oldDefaultConnector = null;
            if (login.getConnector() instanceof DefaultConnector) {
                oldDefaultConnector = (DefaultConnector) login.getConnector();
            boolean isNewDefaultConnectorRequired = oldDefaultConnector == null && isDefaultConnectorRequired;
            JNDIConnector oldJNDIConnector = null;
            if (login.getConnector() instanceof JNDIConnector) {
                oldJNDIConnector = (JNDIConnector) login.getConnector();
            boolean isNewJNDIConnectorRequired = oldJNDIConnector == null && isJNDIConnectorRequired;
            Boolean isNewDriverRequired = null;
            Boolean isNewConnectionStringRequired = null;
            if (isNewDefaultConnectorRequired) {
                isNewDriverRequired = isPropertyValueToBeUpdated(null, driver);
                isNewConnectionStringRequired = isPropertyValueToBeUpdated(null, connectionString);
            } else {
                if (oldDefaultConnector != null) {
                    isNewDriverRequired = isPropertyValueToBeUpdated(oldDefaultConnector.getDriverClassName(), driver);
                    isNewConnectionStringRequired = isPropertyValueToBeUpdated(oldDefaultConnector.getConnectionString(), connectionString);
            Boolean isNewDataSourceRequired = null;
            if (isNewJNDIConnectorRequired) {
                isNewDataSourceRequired = Boolean.TRUE;
            } else {
                if (oldJNDIConnector != null) {
                    if (dataSource != null) {
                        if (!dataSource.equals(oldJNDIConnector.getDataSource())) {
                            isNewDataSourceRequired = Boolean.TRUE;
                    } else if (dataSourceName != null) {
                        if (!dataSourceName.equals(oldJNDIConnector.getName())) {
                            isNewDataSourceRequired = Boolean.TRUE;

            if (isNewUserRequired != null || isNewPasswordRequired != null || isNewDriverRequired != null || isNewConnectionStringRequired != null || isNewDataSourceRequired != null) {
                // a new login required - so a new policy required, too.
                if (newPolicy == null) {
                    newPolicy = (ConnectionPolicy) policy.clone();
                // the new policy must have a new login - not to override the
                // existing one in the original ConnectionPolicy that is likely
                // shared.
                DatasourceLogin newLogin = (DatasourceLogin) newPolicy.getLogin();
                // sometimes ConnectionPolicy.clone clones the login , too -
                // sometimes it doesn't.
                if (newPolicy.getLogin() == null || newPolicy.getLogin() == policy.getLogin()) {
                    newLogin = (DatasourceLogin) login.clone();
                // because it uses a new login the connection policy should not
                // be pooled.

                if (isNewUserRequired != null) {
                    if (isNewUserRequired) {
                        newLogin.setProperty("user", user);
                    } else {
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Examples of org.eclipse.persistence.sessions.server.ConnectionPolicy

     * Process properties that define connection policy.
    protected ConnectionPolicy processConnectionPolicyProperties() {
        ConnectionPolicy policy = serverSession.getDefaultConnectionPolicy();
        if(properties == null || properties.isEmpty()) {
            return policy;
        // Search only the properties map - serverSession's properties have been already processed.
        ConnectionPolicy policyFromProperties = (ConnectionPolicy)properties.get(EntityManagerProperties.CONNECTION_POLICY);
        if(policyFromProperties != null) {
            policy = policyFromProperties;
        // Note that serverSession passed into the methods below only because it carries the SessionLog into which the debug info should be written.
        // The property is search for in the passed properties map only (not in serverSession, not in System.properties).       
        ConnectionPolicy newPolicy = null;
        String isLazyString = EntityManagerFactoryProvider.getConfigPropertyAsStringLogDebug(EntityManagerProperties.EXCLUSIVE_CONNECTION_IS_LAZY, properties, serverSession, false);
        if(isLazyString != null) {
            boolean isLazy = Boolean.parseBoolean(isLazyString);
            if(policy.isLazy() != isLazy) {
                if(newPolicy == null) {
                    newPolicy = (ConnectionPolicy)policy.clone();
        ConnectionPolicy.ExclusiveMode exclusiveMode = EntityManagerSetupImpl.getConnectionPolicyExclusiveModeFromProperties(properties, serverSession, false);
        if(exclusiveMode != null) {
            if(!exclusiveMode.equals(policy.getExclusiveMode())) {
                if(newPolicy == null) {
                    newPolicy = (ConnectionPolicy)policy.clone();

        String user = EntityManagerFactoryProvider.getConfigPropertyAsStringLogDebug(EntityManagerProperties.JDBC_USER, properties, serverSession, false);
        String password = EntityManagerFactoryProvider.getConfigPropertyAsStringLogDebug(EntityManagerProperties.JDBC_PASSWORD, properties, serverSession, false);
        String driver = EntityManagerFactoryProvider.getConfigPropertyAsStringLogDebug(EntityManagerProperties.JDBC_DRIVER, properties, serverSession, false);
        String connectionString = EntityManagerFactoryProvider.getConfigPropertyAsStringLogDebug(EntityManagerProperties.JDBC_URL, properties, serverSession, false);

        //find the jta datasource
        Object jtaDataSourceObj = EntityManagerFactoryProvider.getConfigPropertyLogDebug(EntityManagerProperties.JTA_DATASOURCE, properties, serverSession, false);
        DataSource jtaDataSource = null;
        String jtaDataSourceName = null;
        if(jtaDataSourceObj != null) {
            if(jtaDataSourceObj instanceof DataSource) {
                jtaDataSource = (DataSource)jtaDataSourceObj;
            } else if(jtaDataSourceObj instanceof String) {
                jtaDataSourceName = (String)jtaDataSourceObj;

        //find the non jta datasource 
        Object nonjtaDataSourceObj = EntityManagerFactoryProvider.getConfigPropertyLogDebug(EntityManagerProperties.NON_JTA_DATASOURCE, properties, serverSession, false);
        DataSource nonjtaDataSource = null;
        String nonjtaDataSourceName = null;
        if(nonjtaDataSourceObj != null) {
            if(nonjtaDataSourceObj instanceof DataSource) {
                nonjtaDataSource = (DataSource)nonjtaDataSourceObj;
            } else if(nonjtaDataSourceObj instanceof String) {
                nonjtaDataSourceName = (String)nonjtaDataSourceObj;

        if(user!=null || password!=null || driver!=null || connectionString!= null || jtaDataSourceObj!=null || nonjtaDataSourceObj!=null) {       
            // Validation: Can't specify jdbcDriver, connectionString with a DataSource
            boolean isDefaultConnectorRequired = isPropertyToBeAdded(driver) || isPropertyToBeAdded(connectionString);
            boolean isJNDIConnectorRequired = isPropertyToBeAdded(jtaDataSource, jtaDataSourceName) || isPropertyToBeAdded(nonjtaDataSource, nonjtaDataSourceName);
            if(isDefaultConnectorRequired && isJNDIConnectorRequired) {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException(ExceptionLocalization.buildMessage("entity_manager_properties_conflict_default_connector_vs_jndi_connector", new Object[] {}));
            DatasourceLogin login = (DatasourceLogin)policy.getLogin();
            if(login == null) {
                if(policy.getPoolName() != null) {
                    login = (DatasourceLogin)serverSession.getConnectionPool(policy.getPoolName()).getLogin();
                } else {
                    login = (DatasourceLogin)serverSession.getDatasourceLogin();
            // Validation: Can't specify jdbcDriver, connectionString if externalTransactionController is used - this requires externalConnectionPooling
            if(login.shouldUseExternalTransactionController() && isDefaultConnectorRequired) {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException(ExceptionLocalization.buildMessage("entity_manager_properties_conflict_default_connector_vs_external_transaction_controller", new Object[] {}));
            javax.sql.DataSource dataSource = null;
            String dataSourceName = null;
            if(isJNDIConnectorRequired) {
                if(login.shouldUseExternalTransactionController()) {
                    if(isPropertyToBeAdded(jtaDataSource, jtaDataSourceName)) {
                        dataSource = jtaDataSource;               
                        dataSourceName = jtaDataSourceName;               
                    // validation: Can't change externalTransactionController state - will ignore data source that doesn't match the flag.
                    if(isPropertyToBeAdded(nonjtaDataSource, nonjtaDataSourceName)) {
                        serverSession.log(SessionLog.WARNING, SessionLog.PROPERTIES, "entity_manager_ignores_nonjta_data_source");
                } else {
                    if(isPropertyToBeAdded(nonjtaDataSource, nonjtaDataSourceName)) {
                        dataSource = nonjtaDataSource;               
                        dataSourceName = nonjtaDataSourceName;               
                    // validation: Can't change externalTransactionController state - will ignore data source that doesn't match the flag.
                    if(isPropertyToBeAdded(jtaDataSource, jtaDataSourceName)) {
                        serverSession.log(SessionLog.WARNING, SessionLog.PROPERTIES, "entity_manager_ignores_jta_data_source");
            // isNew...Required == null means no change required; TRUE - newValue substitute oldValue by newValue; FALSE - remove oldValue.
            Boolean isNewUserRequired = isPropertyValueToBeUpdated(login.getUserName(), user);
            Boolean isNewPasswordRequired;
            // if user name should be removed from properties then password should be removed, too.
            if(isNewUserRequired != null && !isNewUserRequired) {
                isNewPasswordRequired = Boolean.FALSE;
            } else {
                isNewPasswordRequired = isPropertyValueToBeUpdated(login.getPassword(), password);
            DefaultConnector oldDefaultConnector = null;
            if(login.getConnector() instanceof DefaultConnector) {
                oldDefaultConnector = (DefaultConnector)login.getConnector();
            boolean isNewDefaultConnectorRequired = oldDefaultConnector==null && isDefaultConnectorRequired;
            JNDIConnector oldJNDIConnector = null;
            if(login.getConnector() instanceof JNDIConnector) {
                oldJNDIConnector = (JNDIConnector)login.getConnector();
            boolean isNewJNDIConnectorRequired = oldJNDIConnector==null && isJNDIConnectorRequired;
            Boolean isNewDriverRequired = null;
            Boolean isNewConnectionStringRequired = null;
            if(isNewDefaultConnectorRequired) {
                isNewDriverRequired = isPropertyValueToBeUpdated(null, driver);
                isNewConnectionStringRequired = isPropertyValueToBeUpdated(null, connectionString);
            } else {
                if(oldDefaultConnector != null) {
                    isNewDriverRequired = isPropertyValueToBeUpdated(oldDefaultConnector.getDriverClassName(), driver);
                    isNewConnectionStringRequired = isPropertyValueToBeUpdated(oldDefaultConnector.getConnectionString(), connectionString);
            Boolean isNewDataSourceRequired = null;
            if(isNewJNDIConnectorRequired) {
                isNewDataSourceRequired = Boolean.TRUE;
            } else {
                if(oldJNDIConnector != null) {
                    if(dataSource != null) {
                        if(!dataSource.equals(oldJNDIConnector.getDataSource())) {
                            isNewDataSourceRequired = Boolean.TRUE;
                    } else if(dataSourceName != null) {
                        if(!dataSourceName.equals(oldJNDIConnector.getName())) {
                            isNewDataSourceRequired = Boolean.TRUE;
            if(isNewUserRequired!=null || isNewPasswordRequired!=null || isNewDriverRequired!=null || isNewConnectionStringRequired!=null || isNewDataSourceRequired!=null) {
                // a new login required - so a new policy required, too.
                if(newPolicy == null) {
                    newPolicy = (ConnectionPolicy)policy.clone();
                // the new policy must have a new login - not to override the existing one in the original ConnectionPolicy that is likely shared.
                DatasourceLogin newLogin = (DatasourceLogin)newPolicy.getLogin();
                // sometimes ConnectionPolicy.clone clones the login , too - sometimes it doesn't.
                if(newPolicy.getLogin() == null || newPolicy.getLogin() == policy.getLogin()) {
                    newLogin = (DatasourceLogin)login.clone();
                // because it uses a new login the connection policy should not be pooled.
                if(isNewUserRequired!=null) {
                    if(isNewUserRequired) {
                        newLogin.setProperty("user", user);
                    } else {
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Examples of org.eclipse.persistence.sessions.server.ConnectionPolicy

                // ConnectionPolicy is null - should be recreated
                Map properties = null;
                if (mapOfProperties != null) {
                    properties = (Map)mapOfProperties.get(entry.getKey());
                ConnectionPolicy connectionPolicy = createConnectionPolicy((ServerSession)this.databaseSession.getSessionForName(entry.getKey()), properties);
                this.connectionPolicies.put(entry.getKey(), connectionPolicy);
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Examples of org.eclipse.persistence.sessions.server.ConnectionPolicy

     * Create connection policy using properties.
     * Default connection policy created if no connection properties specified.
    protected static ConnectionPolicy createConnectionPolicy(ServerSession serverSession, Map properties) {
        ConnectionPolicy policy = serverSession.getDefaultConnectionPolicy();

        if (properties == null || properties.isEmpty()) {
            return policy;

        // Search only the properties map - serverSession's properties have been
        // already processed.
        ConnectionPolicy policyFromProperties = (ConnectionPolicy) properties.get(EntityManagerProperties.CONNECTION_POLICY);
        if (policyFromProperties != null) {
            policy = policyFromProperties;

        // Note that serverSession passed into the methods below only because it
        // carries the SessionLog into which the debug info should be written.
        // The property is search for in the passed properties map only (not in
        // serverSession, not in System.properties).
        ConnectionPolicy newPolicy = null;
        String isLazyString = EntityManagerFactoryProvider.getConfigPropertyAsStringLogDebug(EntityManagerProperties.EXCLUSIVE_CONNECTION_IS_LAZY, properties, serverSession, false);
        if (isLazyString != null) {
            boolean isLazy = Boolean.parseBoolean(isLazyString);
            if (policy.isLazy() != isLazy) {
                if (newPolicy == null) {
                    newPolicy = (ConnectionPolicy) policy.clone();
        ConnectionPolicy.ExclusiveMode exclusiveMode = EntityManagerSetupImpl.getConnectionPolicyExclusiveModeFromProperties(properties, serverSession, false);
        if (exclusiveMode != null) {
            if (!exclusiveMode.equals(policy.getExclusiveMode())) {
                if (newPolicy == null) {
                    newPolicy = (ConnectionPolicy) policy.clone();

        String user = EntityManagerFactoryProvider.getConfigPropertyAsStringLogDebug(EntityManagerProperties.JDBC_USER, properties, serverSession, false);
        String password = EntityManagerFactoryProvider.getConfigPropertyAsStringLogDebug(EntityManagerProperties.JDBC_PASSWORD, properties, serverSession, false);
        String driver = EntityManagerFactoryProvider.getConfigPropertyAsStringLogDebug(EntityManagerProperties.JDBC_DRIVER, properties, serverSession, false);
        String connectionString = EntityManagerFactoryProvider.getConfigPropertyAsStringLogDebug(EntityManagerProperties.JDBC_URL, properties, serverSession, false);

        // find the jta datasource
        Object jtaDataSourceObj = EntityManagerFactoryProvider.getConfigPropertyLogDebug(EntityManagerProperties.JTA_DATASOURCE, properties, serverSession, false);
        DataSource jtaDataSource = null;
        String jtaDataSourceName = null;
        if (jtaDataSourceObj != null) {
            if (jtaDataSourceObj instanceof DataSource) {
                jtaDataSource = (DataSource) jtaDataSourceObj;
            } else if (jtaDataSourceObj instanceof String) {
                jtaDataSourceName = (String) jtaDataSourceObj;

        // find the non jta datasource
        Object nonjtaDataSourceObj = EntityManagerFactoryProvider.getConfigPropertyLogDebug(EntityManagerProperties.NON_JTA_DATASOURCE, properties, serverSession, false);
        DataSource nonjtaDataSource = null;
        String nonjtaDataSourceName = null;
        if (nonjtaDataSourceObj != null) {
            if (nonjtaDataSourceObj instanceof DataSource) {
                nonjtaDataSource = (DataSource) nonjtaDataSourceObj;
            } else if (nonjtaDataSourceObj instanceof String) {
                nonjtaDataSourceName = (String) nonjtaDataSourceObj;

        if (user != null || password != null || driver != null || connectionString != null || jtaDataSourceObj != null || nonjtaDataSourceObj != null) {
            // Validation: Can't specify jdbcDriver, connectionString with a
            // DataSource
            boolean isDefaultConnectorRequired = isPropertyToBeAdded(driver) || isPropertyToBeAdded(connectionString);
            boolean isJNDIConnectorRequired = isPropertyToBeAdded(jtaDataSource, jtaDataSourceName) || isPropertyToBeAdded(nonjtaDataSource, nonjtaDataSourceName);
            if (isDefaultConnectorRequired && isJNDIConnectorRequired) {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException(ExceptionLocalization.buildMessage("entity_manager_properties_conflict_default_connector_vs_jndi_connector", new Object[] {}));

            DatasourceLogin login = (DatasourceLogin) policy.getLogin();
            if (login == null) {
                if (policy.getPoolName() != null) {
                    login = (DatasourceLogin) serverSession.getConnectionPool(policy.getPoolName()).getLogin();
                } else {
                    login = (DatasourceLogin) serverSession.getDatasourceLogin();

            // Validation: Can't specify jdbcDriver, connectionString if
            // externalTransactionController is used - this requires
            // externalConnectionPooling
            if (login.shouldUseExternalTransactionController() && isDefaultConnectorRequired) {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException(ExceptionLocalization.buildMessage("entity_manager_properties_conflict_default_connector_vs_external_transaction_controller", new Object[] {}));

            javax.sql.DataSource dataSource = null;
            String dataSourceName = null;
            if (isJNDIConnectorRequired) {
                if (login.shouldUseExternalTransactionController()) {
                    if (isPropertyToBeAdded(jtaDataSource, jtaDataSourceName)) {
                        dataSource = jtaDataSource;
                        dataSourceName = jtaDataSourceName;
                    // validation: Can't change externalTransactionController
                    // state - will ignore data source that doesn't match the
                    // flag.
                    if (isPropertyToBeAdded(nonjtaDataSource, nonjtaDataSourceName)) {
                        serverSession.log(SessionLog.WARNING, SessionLog.PROPERTIES, "entity_manager_ignores_nonjta_data_source");
                } else {
                    if (isPropertyToBeAdded(nonjtaDataSource, nonjtaDataSourceName)) {
                        dataSource = nonjtaDataSource;
                        dataSourceName = nonjtaDataSourceName;
                    // validation: Can't change externalTransactionController
                    // state - will ignore data source that doesn't match the
                    // flag.
                    if (isPropertyToBeAdded(jtaDataSource, jtaDataSourceName)) {
                        serverSession.log(SessionLog.WARNING, SessionLog.PROPERTIES, "entity_manager_ignores_jta_data_source");

            // isNew...Required == null means no change required; TRUE -
            // newValue substitute oldValue by newValue; FALSE - remove
            // oldValue.
            Boolean isNewUserRequired = isPropertyValueToBeUpdated(login.getUserName(), user);
            // if isNewUserRequired==null then isNewPasswordRequired==null, too:
            // don't create a new ConnectionPolicy if the same user/password passed to both createEMF and createEM
            Boolean isNewPasswordRequired = null;
            // if user name should be removed from properties then password
            // should be removed, too.
            if (isNewUserRequired != null) {
                if(isNewUserRequired) {
                    if(password != null) {
                        // can't compare the passed (un-encrypted) password with the existing encrypted one, therefore
                        // use the new password if it's not an empty string.
                        isNewPasswordRequired = password.length() > 0;
                } else {
                    // user should be removed -> remove password as well
                    isNewPasswordRequired = Boolean.FALSE;
            DefaultConnector oldDefaultConnector = null;
            if (login.getConnector() instanceof DefaultConnector) {
                oldDefaultConnector = (DefaultConnector) login.getConnector();
            boolean isNewDefaultConnectorRequired = oldDefaultConnector == null && isDefaultConnectorRequired;
            JNDIConnector oldJNDIConnector = null;
            if (login.getConnector() instanceof JNDIConnector) {
                oldJNDIConnector = (JNDIConnector) login.getConnector();
            boolean isNewJNDIConnectorRequired = oldJNDIConnector == null && isJNDIConnectorRequired;
            Boolean isNewDriverRequired = null;
            Boolean isNewConnectionStringRequired = null;
            if (isNewDefaultConnectorRequired) {
                isNewDriverRequired = isPropertyValueToBeUpdated(null, driver);
                isNewConnectionStringRequired = isPropertyValueToBeUpdated(null, connectionString);
            } else {
                if (oldDefaultConnector != null) {
                    isNewDriverRequired = isPropertyValueToBeUpdated(oldDefaultConnector.getDriverClassName(), driver);
                    isNewConnectionStringRequired = isPropertyValueToBeUpdated(oldDefaultConnector.getConnectionString(), connectionString);
            Boolean isNewDataSourceRequired = null;
            if (isNewJNDIConnectorRequired) {
                isNewDataSourceRequired = Boolean.TRUE;
            } else {
                if (oldJNDIConnector != null) {
                    if (dataSource != null) {
                        if (!dataSource.equals(oldJNDIConnector.getDataSource())) {
                            isNewDataSourceRequired = Boolean.TRUE;
                    } else if (dataSourceName != null) {
                        if (!dataSourceName.equals(oldJNDIConnector.getName())) {
                            isNewDataSourceRequired = Boolean.TRUE;

            if (isNewUserRequired != null || isNewPasswordRequired != null || isNewDriverRequired != null || isNewConnectionStringRequired != null || isNewDataSourceRequired != null) {
                // a new login required - so a new policy required, too.
                if (newPolicy == null) {
                    newPolicy = (ConnectionPolicy) policy.clone();
                // the new policy must have a new login - not to override the
                // existing one in the original ConnectionPolicy that is likely
                // shared.
                DatasourceLogin newLogin = (DatasourceLogin) newPolicy.getLogin();
                // sometimes ConnectionPolicy.clone clones the login , too -
                // sometimes it doesn't.
                if (newPolicy.getLogin() == null || newPolicy.getLogin() == policy.getLogin()) {
                    newLogin = login.clone();
                // because it uses a new login the connection policy should not
                // be pooled.

                if (isNewUserRequired != null) {
                    if (isNewUserRequired) {
                        newLogin.setProperty("user", user);
                    } else {
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Examples of org.eclipse.persistence.sessions.server.ConnectionPolicy

     * Create connection policy using properties.
     * Default connection policy created if no connection properties specified.
    protected void createConnectionPolicy() {
        ConnectionPolicy policy = serverSession.getDefaultConnectionPolicy();

        if (properties == null || properties.isEmpty()) {
            this.connectionPolicy = policy;

        // Search only the properties map - serverSession's properties have been
        // already processed.
        ConnectionPolicy policyFromProperties = (ConnectionPolicy) properties.get(EntityManagerProperties.CONNECTION_POLICY);
        if (policyFromProperties != null) {
            policy = policyFromProperties;

        // Note that serverSession passed into the methods below only because it
        // carries the SessionLog into which the debug info should be written.
        // The property is search for in the passed properties map only (not in
        // serverSession, not in System.properties).
        ConnectionPolicy newPolicy = null;
        String isLazyString = EntityManagerFactoryProvider.getConfigPropertyAsStringLogDebug(EntityManagerProperties.EXCLUSIVE_CONNECTION_IS_LAZY, properties, serverSession, false);
        if (isLazyString != null) {
            boolean isLazy = Boolean.parseBoolean(isLazyString);
            if (policy.isLazy() != isLazy) {
                if (newPolicy == null) {
                    newPolicy = (ConnectionPolicy) policy.clone();
        ConnectionPolicy.ExclusiveMode exclusiveMode = EntityManagerSetupImpl.getConnectionPolicyExclusiveModeFromProperties(properties, serverSession, false);
        if (exclusiveMode != null) {
            if (!exclusiveMode.equals(policy.getExclusiveMode())) {
                if (newPolicy == null) {
                    newPolicy = (ConnectionPolicy) policy.clone();

        String user = EntityManagerFactoryProvider.getConfigPropertyAsStringLogDebug(EntityManagerProperties.JDBC_USER, properties, serverSession, false);
        String password = EntityManagerFactoryProvider.getConfigPropertyAsStringLogDebug(EntityManagerProperties.JDBC_PASSWORD, properties, serverSession, false);
        String driver = EntityManagerFactoryProvider.getConfigPropertyAsStringLogDebug(EntityManagerProperties.JDBC_DRIVER, properties, serverSession, false);
        String connectionString = EntityManagerFactoryProvider.getConfigPropertyAsStringLogDebug(EntityManagerProperties.JDBC_URL, properties, serverSession, false);

        // find the jta datasource
        Object jtaDataSourceObj = EntityManagerFactoryProvider.getConfigPropertyLogDebug(EntityManagerProperties.JTA_DATASOURCE, properties, serverSession, false);
        DataSource jtaDataSource = null;
        String jtaDataSourceName = null;
        if (jtaDataSourceObj != null) {
            if (jtaDataSourceObj instanceof DataSource) {
                jtaDataSource = (DataSource) jtaDataSourceObj;
            } else if (jtaDataSourceObj instanceof String) {
                jtaDataSourceName = (String) jtaDataSourceObj;

        // find the non jta datasource
        Object nonjtaDataSourceObj = EntityManagerFactoryProvider.getConfigPropertyLogDebug(EntityManagerProperties.NON_JTA_DATASOURCE, properties, serverSession, false);
        DataSource nonjtaDataSource = null;
        String nonjtaDataSourceName = null;
        if (nonjtaDataSourceObj != null) {
            if (nonjtaDataSourceObj instanceof DataSource) {
                nonjtaDataSource = (DataSource) nonjtaDataSourceObj;
            } else if (nonjtaDataSourceObj instanceof String) {
                nonjtaDataSourceName = (String) nonjtaDataSourceObj;

        if (user != null || password != null || driver != null || connectionString != null || jtaDataSourceObj != null || nonjtaDataSourceObj != null) {
            // Validation: Can't specify jdbcDriver, connectionString with a
            // DataSource
            boolean isDefaultConnectorRequired = isPropertyToBeAdded(driver) || isPropertyToBeAdded(connectionString);
            boolean isJNDIConnectorRequired = isPropertyToBeAdded(jtaDataSource, jtaDataSourceName) || isPropertyToBeAdded(nonjtaDataSource, nonjtaDataSourceName);
            if (isDefaultConnectorRequired && isJNDIConnectorRequired) {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException(ExceptionLocalization.buildMessage("entity_manager_properties_conflict_default_connector_vs_jndi_connector", new Object[] {}));

            DatasourceLogin login = (DatasourceLogin) policy.getLogin();
            if (login == null) {
                if (policy.getPoolName() != null) {
                    login = (DatasourceLogin) serverSession.getConnectionPool(policy.getPoolName()).getLogin();
                } else {
                    login = (DatasourceLogin) serverSession.getDatasourceLogin();

            // Validation: Can't specify jdbcDriver, connectionString if
            // externalTransactionController is used - this requires
            // externalConnectionPooling
            if (login.shouldUseExternalTransactionController() && isDefaultConnectorRequired) {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException(ExceptionLocalization.buildMessage("entity_manager_properties_conflict_default_connector_vs_external_transaction_controller", new Object[] {}));

            javax.sql.DataSource dataSource = null;
            String dataSourceName = null;
            if (isJNDIConnectorRequired) {
                if (login.shouldUseExternalTransactionController()) {
                    if (isPropertyToBeAdded(jtaDataSource, jtaDataSourceName)) {
                        dataSource = jtaDataSource;
                        dataSourceName = jtaDataSourceName;
                    // validation: Can't change externalTransactionController
                    // state - will ignore data source that doesn't match the
                    // flag.
                    if (isPropertyToBeAdded(nonjtaDataSource, nonjtaDataSourceName)) {
                        serverSession.log(SessionLog.WARNING, SessionLog.PROPERTIES, "entity_manager_ignores_nonjta_data_source");
                } else {
                    if (isPropertyToBeAdded(nonjtaDataSource, nonjtaDataSourceName)) {
                        dataSource = nonjtaDataSource;
                        dataSourceName = nonjtaDataSourceName;
                    // validation: Can't change externalTransactionController
                    // state - will ignore data source that doesn't match the
                    // flag.
                    if (isPropertyToBeAdded(jtaDataSource, jtaDataSourceName)) {
                        serverSession.log(SessionLog.WARNING, SessionLog.PROPERTIES, "entity_manager_ignores_jta_data_source");

            // isNew...Required == null means no change required; TRUE -
            // newValue substitute oldValue by newValue; FALSE - remove
            // oldValue.
            Boolean isNewUserRequired = isPropertyValueToBeUpdated(login.getUserName(), user);
            // if isNewUserRequired==null then isNewPasswordRequired==null, too:
            // don't create a new ConnectionPolicy if the same user/password passed to both createEMF and createEM
            Boolean isNewPasswordRequired = null;
            // if user name should be removed from properties then password
            // should be removed, too.
            if (isNewUserRequired != null) {
                if(isNewUserRequired) {
                    if(password != null) {
                        // can't compare the passed (un-encrypted) password with the existing encrypted one, therefore
                        // use the new password if it's not an empty string.
                        isNewPasswordRequired = password.length() > 0;
                } else {
                    // user should be removed -> remove password as well
                    isNewPasswordRequired = Boolean.FALSE;
            DefaultConnector oldDefaultConnector = null;
            if (login.getConnector() instanceof DefaultConnector) {
                oldDefaultConnector = (DefaultConnector) login.getConnector();
            boolean isNewDefaultConnectorRequired = oldDefaultConnector == null && isDefaultConnectorRequired;
            JNDIConnector oldJNDIConnector = null;
            if (login.getConnector() instanceof JNDIConnector) {
                oldJNDIConnector = (JNDIConnector) login.getConnector();
            boolean isNewJNDIConnectorRequired = oldJNDIConnector == null && isJNDIConnectorRequired;
            Boolean isNewDriverRequired = null;
            Boolean isNewConnectionStringRequired = null;
            if (isNewDefaultConnectorRequired) {
                isNewDriverRequired = isPropertyValueToBeUpdated(null, driver);
                isNewConnectionStringRequired = isPropertyValueToBeUpdated(null, connectionString);
            } else {
                if (oldDefaultConnector != null) {
                    isNewDriverRequired = isPropertyValueToBeUpdated(oldDefaultConnector.getDriverClassName(), driver);
                    isNewConnectionStringRequired = isPropertyValueToBeUpdated(oldDefaultConnector.getConnectionString(), connectionString);
            Boolean isNewDataSourceRequired = null;
            if (isNewJNDIConnectorRequired) {
                isNewDataSourceRequired = Boolean.TRUE;
            } else {
                if (oldJNDIConnector != null) {
                    if (dataSource != null) {
                        if (!dataSource.equals(oldJNDIConnector.getDataSource())) {
                            isNewDataSourceRequired = Boolean.TRUE;
                    } else if (dataSourceName != null) {
                        if (!dataSourceName.equals(oldJNDIConnector.getName())) {
                            isNewDataSourceRequired = Boolean.TRUE;

            if (isNewUserRequired != null || isNewPasswordRequired != null || isNewDriverRequired != null || isNewConnectionStringRequired != null || isNewDataSourceRequired != null) {
                // a new login required - so a new policy required, too.
                if (newPolicy == null) {
                    newPolicy = (ConnectionPolicy) policy.clone();
                // the new policy must have a new login - not to override the
                // existing one in the original ConnectionPolicy that is likely
                // shared.
                DatasourceLogin newLogin = (DatasourceLogin) newPolicy.getLogin();
                // sometimes ConnectionPolicy.clone clones the login , too -
                // sometimes it doesn't.
                if (newPolicy.getLogin() == null || newPolicy.getLogin() == policy.getLogin()) {
                    newLogin = login.clone();
                // because it uses a new login the connection policy should not
                // be pooled.

                if (isNewUserRequired != null) {
                    if (isNewUserRequired) {
                        newLogin.setProperty("user", user);
                    } else {
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Examples of org.eclipse.persistence.sessions.server.ConnectionPolicy

                // ConnectionPolicy is null - should be recreated
                Map properties = null;
                if (mapOfProperties != null) {
                    properties = (Map)mapOfProperties.get(entry.getKey());
                ConnectionPolicy connectionPolicy = createConnectionPolicy((ServerSession)this.databaseSession.getSessionForName(entry.getKey()), properties);
                this.connectionPolicies.put(entry.getKey(), connectionPolicy);
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Examples of org.eclipse.persistence.sessions.server.ConnectionPolicy

     * Create connection policy using properties.
     * Default connection policy created if no connection properties specified.
    protected static ConnectionPolicy createConnectionPolicy(ServerSession serverSession, Map properties) {
        ConnectionPolicy policy = serverSession.getDefaultConnectionPolicy();

        if (properties == null || properties.isEmpty()) {
            return policy;

        // Search only the properties map - serverSession's properties have been
        // already processed.
        ConnectionPolicy policyFromProperties = (ConnectionPolicy) properties.get(EntityManagerProperties.CONNECTION_POLICY);
        if (policyFromProperties != null) {
            policy = policyFromProperties;

        // Note that serverSession passed into the methods below only because it
        // carries the SessionLog into which the debug info should be written.
        // The property is search for in the passed properties map only (not in
        // serverSession, not in System.properties).
        ConnectionPolicy newPolicy = null;
        String isLazyString = EntityManagerFactoryProvider.getConfigPropertyAsStringLogDebug(EntityManagerProperties.EXCLUSIVE_CONNECTION_IS_LAZY, properties, serverSession, false);
        if (isLazyString != null) {
            boolean isLazy = Boolean.parseBoolean(isLazyString);
            if (policy.isLazy() != isLazy) {
                if (newPolicy == null) {
                    newPolicy = (ConnectionPolicy) policy.clone();
        ConnectionPolicy.ExclusiveMode exclusiveMode = EntityManagerSetupImpl.getConnectionPolicyExclusiveModeFromProperties(properties, serverSession, false);
        if (exclusiveMode != null) {
            if (!exclusiveMode.equals(policy.getExclusiveMode())) {
                if (newPolicy == null) {
                    newPolicy = (ConnectionPolicy) policy.clone();

        String user = EntityManagerFactoryProvider.getConfigPropertyAsStringLogDebug(EntityManagerProperties.JDBC_USER, properties, serverSession, false);
        String password = EntityManagerFactoryProvider.getConfigPropertyAsStringLogDebug(EntityManagerProperties.JDBC_PASSWORD, properties, serverSession, false);
        String driver = EntityManagerFactoryProvider.getConfigPropertyAsStringLogDebug(EntityManagerProperties.JDBC_DRIVER, properties, serverSession, false);
        String connectionString = EntityManagerFactoryProvider.getConfigPropertyAsStringLogDebug(EntityManagerProperties.JDBC_URL, properties, serverSession, false);

        // find the jta datasource
        Object jtaDataSourceObj = EntityManagerFactoryProvider.getConfigPropertyLogDebug(EntityManagerProperties.JTA_DATASOURCE, properties, serverSession, false);
        DataSource jtaDataSource = null;
        String jtaDataSourceName = null;
        if (jtaDataSourceObj != null) {
            if (jtaDataSourceObj instanceof DataSource) {
                jtaDataSource = (DataSource) jtaDataSourceObj;
            } else if (jtaDataSourceObj instanceof String) {
                jtaDataSourceName = (String) jtaDataSourceObj;

        // find the non jta datasource
        Object nonjtaDataSourceObj = EntityManagerFactoryProvider.getConfigPropertyLogDebug(EntityManagerProperties.NON_JTA_DATASOURCE, properties, serverSession, false);
        DataSource nonjtaDataSource = null;
        String nonjtaDataSourceName = null;
        if (nonjtaDataSourceObj != null) {
            if (nonjtaDataSourceObj instanceof DataSource) {
                nonjtaDataSource = (DataSource) nonjtaDataSourceObj;
            } else if (nonjtaDataSourceObj instanceof String) {
                nonjtaDataSourceName = (String) nonjtaDataSourceObj;

        if (user != null || password != null || driver != null || connectionString != null || jtaDataSourceObj != null || nonjtaDataSourceObj != null) {
            // Validation: Can't specify jdbcDriver, connectionString with a
            // DataSource
            boolean isDefaultConnectorRequired = isPropertyToBeAdded(driver) || isPropertyToBeAdded(connectionString);
            boolean isJNDIConnectorRequired = isPropertyToBeAdded(jtaDataSource, jtaDataSourceName) || isPropertyToBeAdded(nonjtaDataSource, nonjtaDataSourceName);
            if (isDefaultConnectorRequired && isJNDIConnectorRequired) {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException(ExceptionLocalization.buildMessage("entity_manager_properties_conflict_default_connector_vs_jndi_connector", new Object[] {}));

            DatasourceLogin login = (DatasourceLogin) policy.getLogin();
            if (login == null) {
                if (policy.getPoolName() != null) {
                    login = (DatasourceLogin) serverSession.getConnectionPool(policy.getPoolName()).getLogin();
                } else {
                    login = (DatasourceLogin) serverSession.getDatasourceLogin();

            // Validation: Can't specify jdbcDriver, connectionString if
            // externalTransactionController is used - this requires
            // externalConnectionPooling
            if (login.shouldUseExternalTransactionController() && isDefaultConnectorRequired) {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException(ExceptionLocalization.buildMessage("entity_manager_properties_conflict_default_connector_vs_external_transaction_controller", new Object[] {}));

            javax.sql.DataSource dataSource = null;
            String dataSourceName = null;
            if (isJNDIConnectorRequired) {
                if (login.shouldUseExternalTransactionController()) {
                    if (isPropertyToBeAdded(jtaDataSource, jtaDataSourceName)) {
                        dataSource = jtaDataSource;
                        dataSourceName = jtaDataSourceName;
                    // validation: Can't change externalTransactionController
                    // state - will ignore data source that doesn't match the
                    // flag.
                    if (isPropertyToBeAdded(nonjtaDataSource, nonjtaDataSourceName)) {
                        serverSession.log(SessionLog.WARNING, SessionLog.PROPERTIES, "entity_manager_ignores_nonjta_data_source");
                } else {
                    if (isPropertyToBeAdded(nonjtaDataSource, nonjtaDataSourceName)) {
                        dataSource = nonjtaDataSource;
                        dataSourceName = nonjtaDataSourceName;
                    // validation: Can't change externalTransactionController
                    // state - will ignore data source that doesn't match the
                    // flag.
                    if (isPropertyToBeAdded(jtaDataSource, jtaDataSourceName)) {
                        serverSession.log(SessionLog.WARNING, SessionLog.PROPERTIES, "entity_manager_ignores_jta_data_source");

            // isNew...Required == null means no change required; TRUE -
            // newValue substitute oldValue by newValue; FALSE - remove
            // oldValue.
            Boolean isNewUserRequired = isPropertyValueToBeUpdated(login.getUserName(), user);
            // if isNewUserRequired==null then isNewPasswordRequired==null, too:
            // don't create a new ConnectionPolicy if the same user/password passed to both createEMF and createEM
            Boolean isNewPasswordRequired = null;
            // if user name should be removed from properties then password
            // should be removed, too.
            if (isNewUserRequired != null) {
                if(isNewUserRequired) {
                    if(password != null) {
                        // can't compare the passed (un-encrypted) password with the existing encrypted one, therefore
                        // use the new password if it's not an empty string.
                        isNewPasswordRequired = password.length() > 0;
                } else {
                    // user should be removed -> remove password as well
                    isNewPasswordRequired = Boolean.FALSE;
            DefaultConnector oldDefaultConnector = null;
            if (login.getConnector() instanceof DefaultConnector) {
                oldDefaultConnector = (DefaultConnector) login.getConnector();
            boolean isNewDefaultConnectorRequired = oldDefaultConnector == null && isDefaultConnectorRequired;
            JNDIConnector oldJNDIConnector = null;
            if (login.getConnector() instanceof JNDIConnector) {
                oldJNDIConnector = (JNDIConnector) login.getConnector();
            boolean isNewJNDIConnectorRequired = oldJNDIConnector == null && isJNDIConnectorRequired;
            Boolean isNewDriverRequired = null;
            Boolean isNewConnectionStringRequired = null;
            if (isNewDefaultConnectorRequired) {
                isNewDriverRequired = isPropertyValueToBeUpdated(null, driver);
                isNewConnectionStringRequired = isPropertyValueToBeUpdated(null, connectionString);
            } else {
                if (oldDefaultConnector != null) {
                    isNewDriverRequired = isPropertyValueToBeUpdated(oldDefaultConnector.getDriverClassName(), driver);
                    isNewConnectionStringRequired = isPropertyValueToBeUpdated(oldDefaultConnector.getConnectionString(), connectionString);
            Boolean isNewDataSourceRequired = null;
            if (isNewJNDIConnectorRequired) {
                isNewDataSourceRequired = Boolean.TRUE;
            } else {
                if (oldJNDIConnector != null) {
                    if (dataSource != null) {
                        if (!dataSource.equals(oldJNDIConnector.getDataSource())) {
                            isNewDataSourceRequired = Boolean.TRUE;
                    } else if (dataSourceName != null) {
                        if (!dataSourceName.equals(oldJNDIConnector.getName())) {
                            isNewDataSourceRequired = Boolean.TRUE;

            if (isNewUserRequired != null || isNewPasswordRequired != null || isNewDriverRequired != null || isNewConnectionStringRequired != null || isNewDataSourceRequired != null) {
                // a new login required - so a new policy required, too.
                if (newPolicy == null) {
                    newPolicy = (ConnectionPolicy) policy.clone();
                // the new policy must have a new login - not to override the
                // existing one in the original ConnectionPolicy that is likely
                // shared.
                DatasourceLogin newLogin = (DatasourceLogin) newPolicy.getLogin();
                // sometimes ConnectionPolicy.clone clones the login , too -
                // sometimes it doesn't.
                if (newPolicy.getLogin() == null || newPolicy.getLogin() == policy.getLogin()) {
                    newLogin = login.clone();
                // because it uses a new login the connection policy should not
                // be pooled.

                if (isNewUserRequired != null) {
                    if (isNewUserRequired) {
                        newLogin.setProperty("user", user);
                    } else {
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