Examples of ConnectionData

Examples of pl.balon.gwt.diagrams.client.connection.data.ConnectionData

    Connector c1 = (Connector) connectors.get(0);
    Connector c2 = (Connector) connectors.get(1);
    ConnectionData data = new ConnectionData();
    Direction[] directions = computeDirections(c1, c2);
    Point s1 = c1.pointOnBorder(directions[0]);
    Point s11 = s1.move(directions[0], 10); // TODO paremetrize it
    Point s2 = c2.pointOnBorder(directions[1]);
    Point s21 = s2.move(directions[1], 10); // TODO paremetrize it
    int horizontal = s21.left - s11.left;
    int vertical = s21.top - s11.top;

    Point n1 = null;
    Point n2 = null;
    // if h - zgodny h - zgodny
    // else if v - zgodny v - zgodny
    // else if h - zgodny v - zgodny
    // else if v - zgodny h - zgodny

    // else if h - zgodny h - mozliwy
    // else if h - mozliwy h - zgodny
    // else if v - zgodny v - mozliwy
    // else if v - mozliwy v - zgodny
    // else if h - mozliwy h - mozliwy
    // else if v - mozliwy v - mozliwy
    // else if h - mozliwy v - mozliwy
    // else if v - mozliwy h - mozliwy
    // else ?

    if( equalDirection(directions[0], 0, horizontal, true) && equalDirection(directions[1], 1, horizontal, true) ){
      n1 = s11.move(directions[0], Math.abs(horizontal/2) );
      n2 = new Point(n1.left, s21.top);
    } else if( equalDirection(directions[0], 0, vertical, false) && equalDirection(directions[1], 1, vertical, false) ){
      n1 = s11.move(directions[0], Math.abs(vertical/2) );
      n2 = new Point(s21.left, n1.top);
    } else if( equalDirection(directions[0], 0, horizontal, true) && equalDirection(directions[1], 1, vertical, false) ){
      n1 = s11.move(directions[0], Math.abs(horizontal));
      n2 = s21.move(directions[1], Math.abs(vertical));
    } else if( equalDirection(directions[0], 0, vertical, false) && equalDirection(directions[1], 1, horizontal, true) ){
      n1 = s11.move(directions[0], Math.abs(vertical));
      n2 = s21.move(directions[1], Math.abs(horizontal));
    } else if( equalDirection(directions[0], 0, horizontal, true) && canMove(directions[1], 1, horizontal, true) ){
      n1 = s11.move(directions[0], Math.abs(horizontal/2) );
      n2 = new Point(n1.left, s21.top);
    } else if( canMove(directions[0], 0, horizontal, true) && equalDirection(directions[1], 1, horizontal, true) ){
      n2 = s21.move(directions[1], Math.abs(horizontal/2) );
      n1 = new Point(n2.left, s11.top);
    } else if( equalDirection(directions[0], 0, vertical, false) && canMove(directions[1], 1, vertical, false) ){
      n1 = s11.move(directions[0], Math.abs(vertical/2) );
      n2 = new Point(s21.left, n1.top);
    } else if( canMove(directions[0], 0, vertical, false) && equalDirection(directions[1], 1, vertical, false) ){
      n2 = s21.move(directions[1], Math.abs(vertical/2) );
      n1 = new Point(s11.left, n2.top);
    } else if( canMove(directions[0], 0, horizontal, true) && canMove(directions[1], 1, horizontal, true) ){
      n1 = s11.move(Direction.RIGHT, horizontal/2 );
      n2 = new Point(n1.left, s21.top);
    } else if( canMove(directions[0], 0, vertical, false) && canMove(directions[1], 1, vertical, false) ){
      n1 = s11.move(Direction.DOWN, vertical/2 );
      n2 = new Point(s21.left, n1.top);
    } else if( canMove(directions[0], 0, horizontal, true) && canMove(directions[1], 1, vertical, false) ){
      n1 = s11.move(Direction.RIGHT, horizontal);
    } else if( canMove(directions[0], 0, vertical, false) && canMove(directions[1], 1, horizontal, true) ){
      n1 = s11.move(Direction.DOWN, vertical );
//    } else {
// We are silent, nobody notice that inconsistence ;)       
//      GWT.log("??", null);
//    }
    return data;
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