Configuration utility for parsing SCXML documents as resources for defining dialogs. This class has no dependencies on web tier APIs, only on the Commons SCXML state machine engine library, and on the parsing technology (Commons Digester) being used.
The configuration for each Shale dialog exists as a standalone SCXML document, with additional dialog "metadata" file(s) that serve as the entry point for the Shale Dialog Manager.
These dialog-config.xml file(s) look like this:
<dialogs> <dialog name="Foo" scxmlconfig="foo.scxml" /> <dialog name="Bar" scxmlconfig="bar.scxml" dataclassname="org.apache.shale.examples.Bar" /> <dialog name="Baz" scxmlconfig="baz.scxml" /> <!-- etc. --> </dialogs>
To use this utility, instantiate a new instance and set the dialogs
, resource
, and validating
properties. Then, call the parse()
method. You can parse more than one resource by resetting the resource
property and calling parse()
@since 1.0.4