Central location for everything that's described in the configuration file(s)
ConfigurationManager handles adding pods/zones, changing IP ranges, enabling external firewalls, and editing configuration values
This is an interface for the object that manages configurations for nodes in flume. TODO (jon) we should be consistent with our naming. Maybe Configuration for data flow configurations, and properties for flume-site.xml things. TODO (jon) this has a lot of overlap with ConfigStore (I prefer interfaces personally). Maybe they should be unified.
Provides a centralized repository for all configuration information.
All configuration information should be retrieved here for every use. The ConfigurationManager will reload configuration changes dynamically.
Classes may cache the reference to the ConfigurationManager instance, as only one will ever be created.
@author Eric Daugherty
ConfigurationManager - central for XWork Configuration management, including its ConfigurationProvider.
@author Jason Carreira
@author tm_jee
@version $Date$ $Id$
Manages a set of Configurable
s, their parameterization and the relationships between them. Configurations can be specified either by xml or on-the-fly during runtime.
@see edu.cmu.sphinx.util.props.Configurable
@see edu.cmu.sphinx.util.props.PropertySheet
ConfigurationManager interface The default implementation of the configuration manager is FlexConfigurationManager. However, this value be specified in a servlet init-param "services.configuration.manager" to the MessageBrokerServlet.
Encapsulates logic for dealing with configurations. Configurations have a lifecycle with three states: installed, loaded, and running. Installed means that the configuration is present in the server's repository. Loaded means that the Configuration GBean (including the configuration's ClassLoader) is running. Running means that all the GBeans in the Configuration are running. From a user perspective, there's not much difference between installed and loaded if the configuration has not been started (it still shows up as not running). However, certain operations will cause a configuration to be loaded but not started. For example, if ModuleA depends on ModuleB, then when ModuleA is distributed ModuleB will normally be loaded (to fire up the ClassLoader and validate ModuleA). But ModuleB will not be started at that point. It can be started manually or it will be started automatically when ModuleA is started. When a Configuration is not loaded, only its ConfigurationData is available for inspection. It's normally not possible to inspect the GBeans in the configuration because there's no ClassLoader that could be used to load the classes needed by the GBeanDatas in the configuration. Once the configuration has been loaded, it's ClassLoader is available so the GBeanDatas can be loaded and inspected. But the GBean instances are not instantiated and started until the configuration is started.
@version $Rev: 601152 $ $Date: 2007-12-04 18:49:03 -0500 (Tue, 04 Dec 2007) $
Maintains the set of all the classes which would like to get notified when the Configuration is reloaded from the disk in the Online Configuration Change mechanism, which lets you update certain configuration properties on-the-fly, without having to restart the cluster. If a class has configuration properties which you would like to be able to change on-the-fly, do the following: 1. Implement the {@link ConfigurationObserver} interface. This would requireyou to implement the {@link ConfigurationObserver#onConfigurationChange(Configuration)}method. This is a callback that is used to notify your class' instance that the configuration has changed. In this method, you need to check if the new values for the properties that are of interest to your class are different from the cached values. If yes, update them. However, be careful with this. Certain properties might be trivially mutable online, but others might not. Two properties might be trivially mutable by themselves, but not when changed together. For example, if a method uses properties "a" and "b" to make some decision, and is running in parallel when the notifyOnChange() method updates "a", but hasn't yet updated "b", it might make a decision on the basis of a new value of "a", and an old value of "b". This might introduce subtle bugs. This needs to be dealt on a case-by-case basis, and this class does not provide any protection from such cases. 2. Register the appropriate instance of the class with the {@link ConfigurationManager} instance, using the{@link ConfigurationManager#registerObserver(ConfigurationObserver)}method. For the RS side of things, the ConfigurationManager is a static member of the {@link org.apache.hadoop.hbase.regionserver.HRegionServer}class. Be careful not to do this in the constructor, as you might cause the 'this' reference to escape. Use a factory method, or an initialize() method which is called after the construction of the object. 3. Deregister the instance using the {@link ConfigurationManager#deregisterObserver(ConfigurationObserver)}method when it is going out of scope. In case you are not able to do that for any reason, it is still okay, since entries for dead observers are automatically collected during GC. But nonetheless, it is still a good practice to deregister your observer, whenever possible.
parses the XML statements in the Sieve configuration file and translates them to Java objects.
The Sieve configuration is read from 3 properties files
They are located by searching the classpath of the current ClassLoader.
Thread Safety
Each configuration manager instance may be safely accessed by concurrent threads.
The managers constructed by
- {@link #getCommandManager()}
- {@link #getComparatorManager()}
- {@link #getTestManager()}
and the {@link SieveFactory} built by
may be safely shared by multiple threads.
ConfigurationManager handles the storage and retrival of the state of the CategoryExplorer
@author Richard Hurst
@author Brad Marlborough
Manages the configuration parameters of all components within a possibly aggregate {@link org.apache.uima.resource.Resource}. Note that the ConfigurationManager
needs to make use of the {@link Session} object in order to store configuration settings that arespecific to a particular client session.
Jul 19, 2004
@author : Tuan Nguyen
@email : tuan08@users.sourceforge.net
@version : $Id: ConfigurationManager.java 5799 2006-05-28 17:55:42Z geaz $
May 10, 2006 Manages the ComponentConfig of a list of components.
@see ComponentConfig
A singleton used to store configuration into a bencoded file.
@author TdC_VgA
This class manages all configurations. This is the main entry point. You can get the configurations from the ConfigurationManager. The simple way is:
public static final Configuration config = ConfigurationManager.getConfiguration();
public static final Configuration config = ConfigurationManager.getConfiguration("myconfig");
If you use the getConfiguration() the ConfigurationManager will return the configuration with the name "default". If there is no configuration wit the given name then the ConfigurationManager will use the InputStreamHandler and will try to read the file "config.xml". This file has to be in the classpath.
@author Andreas Mecky andreas.mecky@xcom.de
@author Terry Dye terry.dye@xcom.de
@author Jens Deters
Created on 07-17-2008
@author javajox
@version $$Revision: 1.29 $$Last changed by $$Author: binary255 $$ on $$Date: 2010/01/12 14:46:00 $$
Initial Date: 24.04.2004
@author Mike Stock
@author guido
Reads configuration settings from a properties file {@code exam.properties} at the root of theclasspath. System properties take precedence over properties in the configuration file.
Also allows setting system properties from a properties URL.
@author Harald Wellmann
@since Dec 2011
Manages configuration of all resources across all plugins.
This is an agent service; its interface is made remotely accessible if this is deployed within the agent.
@author Jason Dobies
Gestor de la configuraciĆ³n de la partida
@author Santiago Faci
@version Agosto 2014
Clase que gestiona la configuraciĆ³n del juego
@author Santiago Faci
@version Agosto 2014
The ConfigurationManager is a facade in front of the security modello model. It supports CRUD operations for users/roles/privileges and user to role mappings. Any direct calls to write-based ConfigurationManager methods will throw an IllegalStateException, as they cannot be used directly in a thread-safe manner Direct calls to read-based ConfigurationManager methods can be called in a thread-safe manner. However, operations that require multiple read-based calls should be encapsulated into an action and executed via the runRead method
@author Brian Demers
Created: Aug 24, 2006, 12:23:43 AM Last Modification Date: $Date: 2006-10-19 10:11:35 -0500 (Thu, 19 Oct 2006) $
@author maldito_orco (maldito_orco@users.sourceforge.net)
@version $Revision: 17 $
Responsible for managing the differrence configurations inside a single ConfigurationContext.