HttpString transferEncoding = Headers.IDENTITY;
if (transferEncodingHeader != null) {
transferEncoding = new HttpString(transferEncodingHeader);
if (transferEncodingHeader != null && !transferEncoding.equals(Headers.IDENTITY)) {
ConduitStreamSourceChannel sourceChannel = ((HttpServerConnection) exchange.getConnection()).getChannel().getSourceChannel();
sourceChannel.setConduit(new ChunkedStreamSourceConduit(sourceChannel.getConduit(), exchange, chunkedDrainListener(exchange)));
} else if (contentLengthHeader != null) {
final long contentLength;
contentLength = Long.parseLong(contentLengthHeader);
if (contentLength == 0L) {
log.trace("No content, starting next request");
// no content - immediately start the next request, returning an empty stream for this one
} else {
// fixed-length content - add a wrapper for a fixed-length stream
ConduitStreamSourceChannel sourceChannel = ((HttpServerConnection) exchange.getConnection()).getChannel().getSourceChannel();
sourceChannel.setConduit(fixedLengthStreamSourceConduitWrapper(contentLength, sourceChannel.getConduit(), exchange));
} else if (transferEncodingHeader != null) {
if (transferEncoding.equals(Headers.IDENTITY)) {
log.trace("Connection not persistent (no content length and identity transfer encoding)");
// make it not persistent
persistentConnection = false;
} else if (persistentConnection) {
//we have no content and a persistent request. This may mean we need to use the pipelining buffer to improve
if (connection.getExtraBytes() != null
&& pipeliningBuffer == null
&& connection.getUndertowOptions().get(UndertowOptions.BUFFER_PIPELINED_DATA, false)) {
pipeliningBuffer = new PipeliningBufferingStreamSinkConduit(connection.getOriginalSinkConduit(), connection.getBufferPool());
// no content - immediately start the next request, returning an empty stream for this one
} else if (exchange.isHttp11()) {
//this is a http 1.1 non-persistent connection
//we still know there is no content
} else {
ConduitStreamSourceChannel sourceChannel = ((HttpServerConnection) exchange.getConnection()).getChannel().getSourceChannel();
sourceChannel.setConduit(new FinishableStreamSourceConduit(sourceChannel.getConduit(), new ConduitListener<FinishableStreamSourceConduit>() {
public void handleEvent(FinishableStreamSourceConduit channel) {