ct multiplication. } else { // Karatsuba multiplication in O(n^log2(3)) int bitLength=this.bitLength(); int n=(bitLength >> 1) + (bitLength & 1); // this = a + 2^n b, that = c + 2^n d LargeInteger b = this.shiftRight(n); LargeInteger a = this.minus(b.shiftLeft(n)); LargeInteger d = that.shiftRight(n); LargeInteger c = that.minus(d.shiftLeft(n)); Multiply ac = Multiply.valueOf(a, c); Multiply bd = Multiply.valueOf(b, d); Multiply abcd = Multiply.valueOf(a.plus(b), c.plus(d)); ConcurrentContext.execute(ac, bd, abcd); // a*c + ((a+b)*(c+d)-a*c-b*d) 2^n + b*d 2^2n return ac.value().plus( abcd.value().minus(ac.value().plus(bd.value())).shiftWordLeft(n)).plus( bd.value().shiftWordLeft(n << 1)); } } private static class Multiply implements Runnable { LargeInteger _left, _right, _value; static Multiply valueOf(LargeInteger left, LargeInteger right) { Multiply multiply = new Multiply(); // Or use an ObjectFactory (to allow stack allocation). multiply._left = left; multiply._right = right; return multiply; } public void run() { _value = _left.times(_right); // Recursive. } public LargeInteger value() { return _result; } };[/code] Here is a concurrent/recursive quick/merge sort using anonymous inner classes (the same method is used for
benchmark):[code] private void quickSort(final FastTable extends Comparable> table) { final int size = table.size(); if (size < 100) { table.sort(); // Direct quick sort. } else { // Splits table in two and sort both part concurrently. final FastTable extends Comparable> t1 = FastTable.newInstance(); final FastTable extends Comparable> t2 = FastTable.newInstance(); ConcurrentContext.enter(); try { ConcurrentContext.execute(new Runnable() { public void run() { t1.addAll(table.subList(0, size / 2)); quickSort(t1); // Recursive. } }); ConcurrentContext.execute(new Runnable() { public void run() { t2.addAll(table.subList(size / 2, size)); quickSort(t2); // Recursive. } }); } finally { ConcurrentContext.exit(); } // Merges results. for (int i=0, i1=0, i2=0; i < size; i++) { if (i1>= t1.size()) { table.set(i, t2.get(i2++)); } else if (i2 >= t2.size()) { table.set(i, t1.get(i1++)); } else { Comparable o1 = t1.get(i1); Comparable o2 = t2.get(i2); if (o1.compareTo(o2) < 0) { table.set(i, o1); i1++; } else { table.set(i, o2); i2++; } } } FastTable.recycle(t1); FastTable.recycle(t2); } }[/code]
{@link #getConcurrency() Concurrency} can be {@link LocalContext locally}adjusted. For example:[code] LocalContext.enter(); try { // Do not use more than half of the processors during analysis. ConcurrentContext.setConcurrency((Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors() / 2) - 1); runAnalysis(); // Use concurrent contexts internally. } finally { LocalContext.exit(); }[/code]
It should be noted that the concurrency cannot be increased above the configurable {@link #MAXIMUM_CONCURRENCY maximum concurrency}. In other words, if the maximum concurrency is
, concurrency is disabled regardless of local concurrency settings.
Jean-Marie Dautelle
@version 5.1, July 2, 2007