public Concept[] parseConceptFile(String conceptFilePathName,
InputStream conceptFileStream) throws ResourceInitializationException {
ArrayList<Concept> conceptList = new ArrayList<Concept>();
// parse regex concept file and extract content to local objects
ConceptSetDocument conceptSetDoc;
try {
conceptSetDoc = ConceptSetDocument.Factory.parse(conceptFileStream);
} catch (Exception ex) {
throw new RegexAnnotatorConfigException(
new Object[] { conceptFilePathName }, ex);
// validate input file
ArrayList<XmlError> validationErrors = new ArrayList<XmlError>();
XmlOptions validationOptions = new XmlOptions();
boolean isValid = conceptSetDoc.validate(validationOptions);
// output the errors if the XML is invalid.
if (!isValid) {
Iterator<XmlError> iter = validationErrors.iterator();
StringBuffer errorMessages = new StringBuffer();
while (iter.hasNext()) {
errorMessages.append("\n>> ");
throw new RegexAnnotatorConfigException(
"regex_annotator_error_xml_validation", new Object[] {
conceptFilePathName, errorMessages.toString() });
// get concept file regex variables and store them all to the variables
// object
VariablesDocument.Variables variablesDoc = conceptSetDoc.getConceptSet()
RegexVariables variables = null;
if (variablesDoc != null) {
VariableDocument.Variable[] varArray = variablesDoc.getVariableArray();
if (varArray.length > 0) {
variables = new RegexVariables_impl();
for (int i = 0; i < varArray.length; i++) {
String value = varArray[i].getValue().replaceAll("\\\\", "\\\\\\\\");
variables.addVariable(varArray[i].getName(), value);
// ***************************************************
// get the concepts from the concept file document
// ***************************************************
ConceptSetDocument.ConceptSet conceptSet = conceptSetDoc.getConceptSet();
ConceptDocument.Concept[] concepts = conceptSet.getConceptArray();
for (int i = 0; i < concepts.length; i++) {
// get concept meta data
String conceptName = concepts[i].getName();
boolean processAllRules = concepts[i].getProcessAllRules();