The executive director of a composite actor is the local director of the actor's container. The toplevel composite actor has no executive director, and getExecutiveDirector will return null. For transparent composite actors, the executive director and the local director will be the same.
The getDirector() method returns the local director if there is one. Otherwise, it returns the executive director of the CompositeActor, if there is one. Whatever it returns is called (simply) the director of the composite (it may be local or executive). This Director is responsible for the execution of all the actors contained within the composite actor.
A composite actor must have an executive director in order to communicate with the hierarchy around it. In fact, it cannot even receive data in its input ports without an executive director, since the executive director is responsible for supplying the receivers to the ports. The toplevel composite actor has no executive director and cannot have ports that transmit data, but it can still be executed as long as it has a local director. If the getDirector() method returns null, then the composite is not executable.
When a composite actor has both a director and an executive director, then the model of computation implemented by the director need not be the same as the model of computation implemented by the executive director. This is the source of the hierarchical heterogeneity in Ptolemy II. Multiple models of computation can be cleanly nested.
The ports of a CompositeActor are constrained to be IOPorts, the relations to be IORelations, and the actors to be instances of ComponentEntity that implement the Actor interface. Derived classes may impose further constraints by overriding newPort(), _addPort(), newRelation(), _addRelation(), and _addEntity(). @author Mudit Goel, Edward A. Lee, Lukito Muliadi, Steve Neuendorffer, Contributor: Daniel Crawl @version $Id:,v 1.225 2008/01/26 02:51:31 cxh Exp $ @since Ptolemy II 0.2 @Pt.ProposedRating Green (cxh) @Pt.AcceptedRating Yellow (neuendor) @see @see @see ptolemy.kernel.ComponentEntity @see @see