Used by classes that need to retrieve a component by its complete id, or a page by its logical page name or root component class. The complete id is the FQCN of the containing page, a colon, and the nested component id. It may also just be the page name (for the root component of a page).
Used by classes that need to retrieve a component by its complete id, or a page by its logical page name or root component class. The complete id is the logical name of the containing page, a colon, and the nested component id. It may also just be the page name (for the root component of a page).
A source of remote components, which provides components on request (e.g. when a component is not found in the local nexus cluster). Filtering implementations of this interface may provide interceptor-like functionality - e.g. banning (filtering out) certain components or automatically tagging component metadata with the name of the source. These should be applied by the format-specific {@link ComponentSourceFactory}.
@since 3.0
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