Examples of ComponentService

Examples of org.apache.tuscany.sca.assembly.ComponentService

        RuntimeEndpoint endpoint = (RuntimeEndpoint)assemblyFactory.createEndpoint();

        // Create pseudo-service
        ComponentService service = assemblyFactory.createComponentService();
        JavaInterfaceFactory javaInterfaceFactory =
        JavaInterfaceContract interfaceContract = javaInterfaceFactory.createJavaInterfaceContract();
        try {
        } catch (InvalidInterfaceException e1) {
            // Nothing to do here - will not happen
        } // end try
        String serviceName = getReference().getName() + "_asyncCallback";
        // Set pseudo-service onto the component
        // if the reference has a WSDL contract reset the response endpoint to be WSDL also
        InterfaceContract referenceInterfaceContract = getComponentTypeReferenceInterfaceContract();
        if (referenceInterfaceContract instanceof WSDLInterfaceContract){
            WSDLInterfaceContract wsdlInterfaceContract = (WSDLInterfaceContract)endpoint.getGeneratedWSDLContract(interfaceContract);

        // Create a binding
        // Mike had to go via the XML but I don't remember why
        Binding binding = null;
        try {
            binding = (Binding)getBinding().clone();
        } catch (Exception ex){
        String callbackURI = "/" + component.getName() + "/" + service.getName();
        BuilderExtensionPoint builders = registry.getExtensionPoint(BuilderExtensionPoint.class);
        BindingBuilder builder = builders.getBindingBuilder(binding.getType());
        if (builder != null) {
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Examples of org.apache.tuscany.sca.assembly.ComponentService

        assertEquals(calcComponent.getAutowire(), Boolean.FALSE);
        assertEquals(calcComponent.getRequiredIntents().get(0).getName(), new QName("http://test",
        assertEquals(calcComponent.getPolicySets().get(0).getName(), new QName("http://test", "SecureReliablePolicy"));

        ComponentService calcComponentService = calcComponent.getServices().get(0);
        assertEquals(calcComponentService.getName(), "CalculatorService");
                     new QName("http://test", "confidentiality"));
        assertEquals(calcComponentService.getPolicySets().get(0).getName(), new QName("http://test", "SecureReliablePolicy"));
        // TODO test operations

        ComponentReference calcComponentReference = calcComponent.getReferences().get(0);
        assertEquals(calcComponentReference.getName(), "addService");
        assertEquals(calcComponentReference.getAutowire(), Boolean.FALSE);
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Examples of org.apache.tuscany.sca.assembly.ComponentService

        for (Component component : composite.getComponents()) {
            // Index components by name
            components.put(component.getName(), component);
            ComponentService nonCallbackService = null;
            int nonCallbackServices = 0;
            for (ComponentService componentService : component.getServices()) {
                // Index component services by component name / service name
                String uri = component.getName() + '/' + componentService.getName();
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Examples of org.apache.tuscany.sca.assembly.ComponentService

        // Connect composite services to the component services that they
        // promote
        for (Service service : composite.getServices()) {
            CompositeService compositeService = (CompositeService)service;
            ComponentService componentService = compositeService.getPromotedService();
            if (componentService != null && componentService.isUnresolved()) {
                String promotedComponentName = compositeService.getPromotedComponent().getName();
                String promotedServiceName;
                if (componentService.getName() != null) {
                    promotedServiceName = promotedComponentName + '/' + componentService.getName();
                } else {
                    promotedServiceName = promotedComponentName;
                ComponentService promotedService = componentServices.get(promotedServiceName);
                if (promotedService != null) {
                    // Point to the resolved component
                    Component promotedComponent = components.get(promotedComponentName);
                    // Point to the resolved component service
                    // Use the interface contract from the component service if
                    // none is specified on the composite service
                    if (compositeService.getInterfaceContract() == null) {
                } else {
                    warning("Promoted component service not found: " + promotedServiceName, composite);
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Examples of org.apache.tuscany.sca.assembly.ComponentService

            // Resolve targets specified on the component reference
            for (ComponentService componentService : componentReference.getTargets()) {
                // Resolve the target component and service
                String name = componentService.getName();
                ComponentService targetComponentService = componentServices.get(name);
                Component targetComponent;
                int s = name.indexOf('/');
                if (s == -1) {
                    targetComponent = components.get(name);
                } else {
                    targetComponent = components.get(name.substring(0, s));
                if (targetComponentService != null) {

                    // Check that the target component service provides
                    // a superset of the component reference interface
                    if (componentReference.getInterfaceContract() == null ||
                        interfaceContractMapper.isCompatible(componentReference.getInterfaceContract(), targetComponentService.getInterfaceContract())) {

                        Target target = new Target(targetComponent, targetComponentService);

                        // mark the reference target as resolved. Used later when we are looking to
                        // see if an sca binding is associated with a resolved target or not
                    } else {
                        warning("Incompatible interfaces on component reference and target: " + componentReference
                                    + " : "
                                    + componentService.getName(),
                } else {
                    // add all the reference bindings into the target so that they
                    // can be used for comparison when the target is resolved at runtime
                    // The bindings will be cloned back into the reference when the
                    // target is finally resolved.
                    warning("Component reference target not found, it might be a remote service: " + componentService.getName(), composite);
        } else if (componentReference.getReference() != null) {

            // Resolve targets from the corresponding reference in the
            // componentType
            for (ComponentService componentService : componentReference.getReference().getTargets()) {

                // Resolve the target component and service
                String name = componentService.getName();
                ComponentService targetComponentService = componentServices.get(name);
                Component targetComponent;
                int s = name.indexOf('/');
                if (s == -1) {
                    targetComponent = components.get(name);
                } else {
                    targetComponent = components.get(name.substring(0, s));
                if (targetComponentService != null) {

                    // Check that the target component service provides
                    // a superset of
                    // the component reference interface
                    if (componentReference.getInterfaceContract() == null ||
                        interfaceContractMapper.isCompatible(componentReference.getInterfaceContract(), targetComponentService.getInterfaceContract())) {

                        Target target = new Target(targetComponent, targetComponentService);
                        // mark the reference target as resolved. Used later when we are looking to
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Examples of org.apache.tuscany.sca.assembly.ComponentService

            List<Binding> selectedCallbackBindings = bidirectional ? new ArrayList<Binding>() : null;
            for (Target target : targets) {
                Component targetComponent = target.getComponent();
                ComponentService targetComponentService = target.getService();
                if (targetComponentService.getService() instanceof CompositeService) {
                    CompositeService compositeService = (CompositeService) targetComponentService.getService();
                    // Find the promoted component service
                    targetComponentService = CompositeConfigurationBuilderImpl.getPromotedComponentService(compositeService);
                try  {
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Examples of org.apache.tuscany.sca.assembly.ComponentService

        List<Wire> wires = composite.getWires();
        for (int i = 0, n = wires.size(); i < n; i++) {
            Wire wire = wires.get(i);
            ComponentReference resolvedReference;
            ComponentService resolvedService;
            // Resolve the source reference
            ComponentReference source = wire.getSource();
            if (source != null && source.isUnresolved()) {
                resolvedReference = componentReferences.get(source.getName());
                if (resolvedReference != null) {
                } else {
                    warning("Wire source not found: " + source.getName(), composite);
            } else {
                resolvedReference = wire.getSource();
            // Resolve the target service
            ComponentService target = wire.getTarget();
            if (target != null && target.isUnresolved()) {
                resolvedService = componentServices.get(target.getName());
                if (resolvedService != null) {
                } else {
                    warning("Wire target not found: " + source.getName(), composite);
            } else {
                resolvedService = wire.getTarget();
            // Add the target service to the list of targets of the
            // reference
            if (resolvedReference != null && resolvedService != null) {
                // Check that the target component service provides
                // a superset of
                // the component reference interface
                if (resolvedReference.getInterfaceContract() == null || interfaceContractMapper
                    .isCompatible(resolvedReference.getInterfaceContract(), resolvedService.getInterfaceContract())) {
                } else {
                    warning("Incompatible interfaces on wire source and target: " + source.getName()
                        + " : "
                        + target.getName(), composite);
        // Clear the list of wires
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Examples of org.apache.tuscany.sca.assembly.ComponentService

                                    // Wire to the actual component service
                                    // promoted by a composite service
                                    CompositeService compositeService = (CompositeService)target.getService();
                                    // Find the promoted component service
                                    ComponentService componentService = CompositeConfigurationBuilderImpl.getPromotedComponentService(compositeService);
                                    if (componentService != null) {
                                } else {
                                    // Wire to a non-composite target service
            } else {
                for (ComponentReference componentReference : component.getReferences()) {
                    // Wire the component reference to the actual
                    // non-composite component services
                    List<ComponentService> targets = componentReference.getTargets();
                    for (int i = 0, n = targets.size(); i < n; i++) {
                        ComponentService target = targets.get(i);
                        if (target.getService() instanceof CompositeService) {
                            // Wire to the actual component service
                            // promoted by a composite service
                            CompositeService compositeService = (CompositeService)target.getService();
                            ComponentService componentService = compositeService.getPromotedService();
                            if (componentService != null) {
                                targets.set(i, componentService);
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Examples of org.apache.tuscany.sca.assembly.ComponentService

            Binding binding = (Binding)endpointReference.getBinding().clone();
            if (endpointReference.getStatus() != EndpointReference.Status.RESOLVED_BINDING){
                ComponentService service = assemblyFactory.createComponentService();
            return composite;
        } catch (CloneNotSupportedException e) {
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Examples of org.apache.tuscany.sca.assembly.ComponentService

     * @param reference
     * @param reader
    protected void readTargets(Reference reference, XMLStreamReader reader) {
        String value = getString(reader, TARGET);
        ComponentService target = null;
        if (value != null) {
            for (StringTokenizer tokens = new StringTokenizer(value); tokens.hasMoreTokens();) {
                target = assemblyFactory.createComponentService();
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